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Old 11-09-2012, 07:25 AM
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joeydb joeydb is offline
Santa Anita
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Southeastern PA
Posts: 3,044
Default "Thank You, America"

This email is going around and summarizes the situation pretty well:

Thank you, America. Thank you for re-electing Barack Obama.

Thank you for solidifying Obamacare. Thank you for ensuring
that my health insurance rates will rise to the point where my employer
drops my coverage. Thank you for future higher prescription drug prices,
for lower quality care, for long lines to see my doctor, and for allowing
a board of 15 people to determine my fate. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure our media will be taking
a coffee break for the next four years instead of holding our elected officials
accountable (unless they are Republicans, of course). Thank you for making
sure we'll never find out about how we lost a brave border agent who was
shot by a gun from a government gun-running operation. Thank you for making
sure we won't find out about why our president lied about the circumstances
surrounding the death of an ambassador. Thank you for seeing to it that
we won't find out that the government's response to Sandy was worse than
its response to Katrina. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure we'll continue to
have an education system that teaches children that you are bad while ignoring
the genius of your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution; that
teaches children about birth control and gender equality but steers clear
of God; that teaches children to rely on the government for the things
they need instead of on themselves. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that we will continue
to run up huge deficits. Thank you for ensuring the continued abuse of
the Fed, which will be free to print more money, eventually making it worth
less than the paper it's printed on. Thank you for piling that debt on
my children, so they'll have to work for your government and China's,
rather than for themselves and their families. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure our military strength
will be greatly reduced, in men and in supplies and equipment. Thank you
for cementing poor relationships with our allies while coddling our enemies.
Thank you for ensuring Iran gets a nuclear weapon, which it will not be
afraid to use, probably resulting in another deadly global conflict down
the road. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that proposed regulations
on oil drilling and coal mining will be implemented, which will cause gas
and electricity prices to spike. Thank you for ensuring that we won't
be able to build new power plants and refineries. And thank you especially
because these things will cause our everyday necessities, like food and
transportation, to cost us more than ever before. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for ensuring that our religious institutions
will be dictated to by your government, that they will have to provide
services such as contraception and abortion even though doing so defies
their most basic beliefs. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for making sure we will continue to
further divide ourselves into groups and see ourselves only by our race,
gender, age, sexual orientation and income, instead of seeing each other
as Americans. Thank you, America.

Thank you, America, for the judges who will soon be sitting
behind the benches in our courts, who will render decisions based on ideological
social beliefs while ignoring the Constitution they've sworn to uphold.
Thank you, America.

Yes, thank you, America, for all of these wonderful gifts
you've given us by re-electing Barack Obama.

Of course, if I was bitter, I would have used another word
besides thank in front of you.
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