Originally Posted by Coach Pants
It's also about ending gun shows where average americans make their living. But f.uck those people and their livelihood.
Tell you what, Hoss. When the government solves the debt problem, the jobs problem, the health care problem, the infrastructure problem, the spies in our government problem, the nuclear weapons problem, the border problem, etc. then I'll talk about giving up my rights that the founders made possible.
All of your reasoning is not important. If you don't like guns don't buy one. A gun ban in a country with an open border to our neighbor that has some of the most evil drug cartels on earth is ridiculous.
They are playing with your emotions and it is clouding your reasoning. The majority of these shooters didn't have registered guns. They were using them illegally. A gun ban is not going to take the semi-autos out of the criminals hand.
No pie chart, statistic, or liberal talking point will change that fact. Think a criminal won't take advantage of the citizens if he has a cache of semi-autos and he knows you have a pea shooter? PPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFT
My reasoning isn't important...but your first argument is about people losing jobs (maybe) because a ban on semi automatic rifles (might) end gun shows? Come on, you're just giving me the conservative talking points, while talking around my points.
I realize a ban won't stop crime with semi automatic weapons. But I'm still waiting for someone...anyone to give me a reasonable explanation why they need a semi automatic weapon.
Sorry, I doubt our founding fathers could see this far into the future and thought people would have access to these kinds of guns. They realized they were imperfect, which is why we have amendments. (I stole that from the movie With Honors.)