Makes some interesting points
Drug usage is not dramatically greater in the black community. But young black males are racially profiled, more likely to be stopped and frisked (something New York Mayor Bloomberg defends), more likely to be arrested if stopped, more likely to be charged if arrested, more likely to be jailed if charged. In schools, zero tolerance — once again enforced disproportionately against people of color — results in expulsions, creating a virtual pipeline to prison.
The results are devastating. Young fathers are jailed. Children grow up in broken homes, in severe poverty, since those convicted never really leave prison. They face discrimination in employment, in housing, in the right to vote, in educational opportunities, in food stamps and public support. As Alexander argues, the U.S. hasn’t ended the racial caste system, it has redesigned it.
How ironic is it that his namesake's children will grow up in a broken home with both the father and the mother jailed? Not because they were on drugs or uneducated, just plain criminals.
Furthermore isn't the Reverend's love child growing up in California in a broken home?
Good points from a man whose family and himself were able to follow the path many African Americans take, despite their educations and lack of growing up in poverty.
Somehow if President Obama did have a son, I believe he'd look a lot more like Jesse Jackson Jr. than Trayvon Martin.