Ho Hum Saratoga 150th ?
I'm not sure what I was expecting when Saratoga started...the best racing of the year, most exciting racing of the year ??...but, to me, it's been a letdown. I'm not even sure why, but for me personally, it's not been one of the more memorable Saratoga meetings. Alpha just winning the Woodward was the final straw. I haven't been able to watch as much as I'd like cuz my job got in the way, so maybe I missed all the highlights, but geez....the Saratoga pizzazz I normally feel was just....missing...I even made a little money for a change this year, so that's not the reason....anybody else feel the same way?
The weather, while generally good, often had a way of being bad at the wrong times...like today for instance, allowing Alpha to win the Woodward ? I'm not complaining, mind you...just sorta disappointed Let the hating begin....who knows - it might make me feel better knowing I was wrong
Everything happens at the right time or it doesn't happen at all... |