Originally Posted by dellinger63
In this country one can aspire to and get to that 5% if one works hard and more importantly works smartly.
You'll know the country is FUBAR'd when foreigners stop coming here to start careers/businesses.
I suppose the belief that the US is somehow 'fixed' serves as an opiate to excuse one's own shortcomings and or laziness, something our anti-Semite President has admitted to being.
They are brought in by the 5% to do the jobs of the other 95% at serf wages. If you stopped living in the 1970's there Magnum PI it would be blatantly obvious. That giant sucking sound is money leaving this country and going to China and India. Interesting interview with Jack Nickalus on RealSports. His golf course design business has dried up in the US but is booming in India and China. If that isn't a shot over the bow that our way of life as we know it is getting transferred to these countries while that 5% lines their pockets with the difference than nothing does. You keep aspiring to that 5% and let me know how that works out for you while ALL our jobs are affected chasing the last few bucks remaining. While our customers are losing their jobs or their customers, etc, etc. Pretty blatantly obvious.