National Organization of Women v. National Football League
As pointed out on a thread in the Sports section, I find it amazing and a bit disingenuous that the National Organization of Women would target the NFL for its lack of punishment regarding the Ray Rice battery while at the same time completely ignoring the court system. You know the agency ultimately responsible for punishment that saw fit to release Rice without serving a single day in prison? Had the court done its job Rice would have been sitting in a jail cell without the option of playing football.
What’s truly unfortunate is NOW missed an ideal opportunity to make the case that all over the country abusers like Rice are all too often released leaving their victims with nothing but a piece of paper as some sort of assurance the abuser won’t return for X amount of days. Had NOW been able to focus on the real culprit, the justice system, for fumbling the football, real change might have occurred. A restraining order issued by the court is worth less than the paper it is printed on. Jail time not only serves the purpose of being a real punishment but also acts as the ultimate restraining order protecting not only the victim but in many occasions the friends and family of the victim. How ironic and sickening is it that the court system saw fit to hand down a sentence of 23 months for fighting dogs yet ruled a professional athlete fighting a woman deserved no time? |