Originally Posted by Danzig
ok, i'm sure when this was written it was supposed to show that these women were determined to work, and that they were somehow 'tougher' than their colleagues.
unless you are absolutely needed at work, stay the hell home! and i'm talking doctor or nurse, or fire or police type stuff. otherwise, it's not worth the risk.
It's hard to say in a city with mass transit. It depends on how many employees have to drive in, how the city did clearing the roads and whether mass transit was running. I don't know how DC is set up or how far Congresscritters have to travel to the office, but NYC was back up pretty quick on Monday. Schools were open, even way the heck out in Queens where the roads hadn't been cleared as well.
Heck, we went out to eat at a local place on Friday, figuring everything would be shut down on Saturday... but most of the restaurants on our street were still open through the whole storm! (So we went out to dinner again to support them. Huge sacrifice on our part, as I'm sure you can imagine.

But yeah, in more rural or suburban areas, I totally get it. Stay home!