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Old 02-03-2007, 11:23 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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invasor is the real deal. he has been, his classic showed that.
the dramatics today were unnecessary, and we've seen better from him-and that field was a bunch of mules. but to imply he isn't that good because of how the race turned out today is incorrect imo.
and i agree with sightseek, thanks shadwell!!

it's his first race of the year, not fully up to snuff. he won, as he should have. on to bigger and better.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:24 PM
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That horse lost all of his momentum when he clipped. At that point Jara had to ask that horse to run. From the point when Invasor lost his momentum, to the point he ran past the leader his turn of foot was tremendous. I dont care what they came home in, how bad the field was, how good the set up was. You know when a horse gets stopped like that it takes more than an average performance to win.

As far as how many lengths he lost, who knows. Its not a math equation, weve all watched enough races to know losing momentum like that and clipping is going to cost you to lose lenghts. Not only that, but after he regained his stride he was still stopped in behind horses.

Had that horse been in the middle of the track he would have won by whatever Jara wanted. 10, 15, 20, whatever margin. You pick it
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:24 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Scav
I just watched the race and not about to read all this hilariousness BUT

1) Jara should be taken out back and shot in the melon, that is the LAST thing he was suppose to do, real smart to clip heels and tear a ligament or something

2) Pretty F'n impressive, BUT he did run up a golden rail, at least it was earlier on, not sure because I got HANDED today and stopped wagering and started drinking
at the very least, keiran should put him over his knee.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:25 PM
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Don't know if the link was put up for the race yet and I'm not going back to look so here.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:25 PM
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Kieran said Fernando did a great job getting the horse out of a bad spot.

God, I wish Kieran was my dad when I was younger
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:27 PM
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Good race call by the way. Maybe that guy should replace Denman for the BC, b/c he spit the bit on BC day....Please bring Durkin back.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:27 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by The Bid
Kieran said Fernando did a great job getting the horse out of a bad spot.

God, I wish Kieran was my dad when I was younger
but he also did say that inside was the wrong way to go...nice of him not to publically tongue lash his jock.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
Invasor crawled home to a final time that was 2.3 seconds faster than the other race.
Well, the other race was an N1X Allowance for newly turned 3yo's.....and the 108/1 winner of that race was 8-0-0-2 lifetime on fast tracks, his career top Beyer was just a 72.

Obviously, Invasor's race came home so tremendously slow for the Grade 1 Older Male level, because the early pace was very fast. However, Invasor benifited from that fast much or more so than any other horse in the race.

And while he overcame major leauge trouble---he did it in a collapsing race....and his "heroic late surge to victory" came through really slow late fractions for that type of race.

It was a great sight to watch....and he's obviously a very good horse....but, when circumstances are considered, that was far from a truly great performance.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:29 PM
jay122797 jay122797 is offline
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arljim's got it right re: the fractions...and just about everything else. KD cud have taken the rail b4 Invasor made his move on the inside...and after losing ground was gaining at the end after swinging outside. Great ride by Jara, horrible by Desormeaux.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:31 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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great ride by jara? just because the horse won, does not mean he gave a great ride.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:32 PM
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Thats the kind of ride you get at Charlestown. Everything about the race was good except the ride.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:36 PM
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Once again, the sheer negativity, which Byk has discussed rears its ugly head in this thread. Trying to take something away from a horse is pretty much par for the course for many on here....But last I looked this horse has nothing left to prove. Was his Pim Special no good, or the Breeders Cup Classic, or the Whitney....Would you like him to fly from the gate with wings. His race was impressive today. Period.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:40 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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i think the only real negativity has been about the ride. hard to judge the race because of how everything transpired.
he should have won, he did, and of course no one wanted to see him waste too much effort doing so..only concern would be if he suffered any kind of injury after the bobble.
but premium tap didn't get hurt when his rocket scientist jock tried to get him in deep trouble, invasor is in good shape so hopefully all is well.

man but he looked good in the post parade! can't wait for the rematch between him and discreet cat.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:47 PM
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I kind saw the diminshing of his performance and "times" debates as shots at the horse and race....Any race can be picked apart, but if you are unbiased and watch that race, its hard not to think its impressive....But maybe I'm taking those posts the wrong way....I'm just used to the general negativity towards performances.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:49 PM
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Thats horseracing. Everyone sees things differently, everyone likes different horses, sees different things in races and PPs. Thats what makes it so great. Everyone has their own opinion, mine is that was an exceptional performance.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:55 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
I kind saw the diminshing of his performance and "times" debates as shots at the horse and race....Any race can be picked apart, but if you are unbiased and watch that race, its hard not to think its impressive....But maybe I'm taking those posts the wrong way....I'm just used to the general negativity towards performances.
ah, i see...

i thought his coming back on after clipping barcolas heels was great, altho i did make the comment that you look that much better when everyone else is retreating. but he IS better than those others. they should have been retreating.
yeah, not a world class field...but on the other hand, he could be in the stall next to bernardini! and this was just to get him going, dubai is the big one...

i know discreet cat is entered in more than one race. if invasor goes over and trains well, i wouldn't be surprised to see DC avoid him...keep his winning streak intact.
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Old 02-04-2007, 12:10 AM
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
I kind saw the diminshing of his performance and "times" debates as shots at the horse and race. the focus should only be 100% on the trouble he had on the turn, when the race was collapsing in front of him....and all the very favorable things that went his way must be ignored?
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Old 02-04-2007, 12:15 AM
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS the focus should only be 100% on the trouble he had on the turn, when the race was collapsing in front of him....and all the very favorable things that went his way must be ignored?
Did any of his races impress you? Or did he have a perfect trip in all of those also? Did they all collapse? Did he not clip heels or check and rebreak again?....the focus doesn't need to be on the trouble at all. I doubt he was wound that tight for this anyway. I don't think the winners check stipulates that you have to run1:47 to get the winners share.

And frankly I was making a general statement about the board and performances which has been made before.
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Old 02-04-2007, 12:19 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
Well, the other race was an N1X Allowance for newly turned 3yo's.....and the 108/1 winner of that race was 8-0-0-2 lifetime on fast tracks, his career top Beyer was just a 72.

Obviously, Invasor's race came home so tremendously slow for the Grade 1 Older Male level, because the early pace was very fast. However, Invasor benifited from that fast much or more so than any other horse in the race.

And while he overcame major leauge trouble---he did it in a collapsing race....and his "heroic late surge to victory" came through really slow late fractions for that type of race.

It was a great sight to watch....and he's obviously a very good horse....but, when circumstances are considered, that was far from a truly great performance.
So it was a great sight to watch, and he overcame major league trouble, but not a great performance. OK.

No one was expecting a race for the ages here. Invasor just showed yet another dimension to his will to win.
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Old 02-04-2007, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by randallscott35
Did any of his races impress you? Or did he have a perfect trip in all of those also?
IMO, his last two races were more impressive.

In the Whitney....Jara unwisely moved very pre-maturely, into hot fractions, to take it to Flower Alley....he somehow still had enough left late, to turn back a dream trip Sun King. It was a tremendous he was clearly much better than everyone else in the field that day.

In the BC Classic....he got his trip and setup...but he beat a very tough field.

He did everything he had to do today---however, it was no historically great many are acting.

I appologize for knocking Sun King....for his no doubt "great" performance in teh Whitney.
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