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Old 02-27-2007, 10:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
Actually, I was just making light of Al Gore's weight gain and one-time beard (not Tipper), ie things you do when cold weather ("ice age") is approaching. lol
OOps, my bad. Apology thrown your way. Sorry.
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Old 02-28-2007, 06:56 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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gore is a hypocrite in every sense of the word. we should expect him to use more energy since he lives in a bigger house?! that justifies him not practicing what he preaches? if he was as 'green' as he claims, he wouldn't sleep at night in his big mansion-he'd live in an eco-friendly house! ah, not so easy to practice what one preaches.

how ironic, that bush lives in a house that uses 1/4 the electricity of most houses.

reminds me of the time one of the younger kennedys was on a talk show, railing about the use of SUVs...of course let's not talk about his flights in his private jet, which consumes more fuel in a trip than many humans use in a year! 'that has nothing to do with it' he sniffed. um, yeah, it does.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-28-2007, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
Come on Del, don't start discrediting yourself now. You had a point on the Gore thing, at least topically.

If you really want to dive into the Pelosi thing, you're going to come out looking like a right-wing shill.

There is absolutely nothing to that story at all.

Don't ruin the mini-roll you've started on the Gore thing by bringing in some partisan bullshit that has was disproved by the following day.

OK maybe the Pelosi thing was out of hand so insert Barbara Streisand and her RV that follows her in case she has to go to the bathroom because of her phobia to pubic restrooms. AP released the following today:

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider said: "Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it's convenient to attack the messenger."

Kreider said Gore purchases enough energy from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs.

Gore, who owns homes in Carthage, Tenn., and in the Washington area, has said he leads a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." To balance out other carbon emissions, the Gores invest money in projects to reduce energy consumption, Kreider said.

All I ask is SHOW ME THE MONEY! the key word is 'invest'. Bet when it comes down to it we will probably be shown Big Al bought some ADM stock. Yippee that will save us all!

By the way I saw an interview with Darryl Hannah and she lives green and has done so for a decade so maybe Big Al could yield the floor to her. Of course there's no chance in hell that's ever going to happen.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 02-28-2007, 07:58 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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i think i saw a show advertised with ed begley jr, about his green lifestyle. have never seen the show tho.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-28-2007, 09:00 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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The way they were gushing over this "great" man and all of his leadership on this issue at the Oscars, you'd think he was living in a hut, grazing on pine needles and living like Ghandi.
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Old 02-28-2007, 09:10 AM
KY_Sasquash KY_Sasquash is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig188
gore is a hypocrite in every sense of the word. we should expect him to use more energy since he lives in a bigger house?! that justifies him not practicing what he preaches? if he was as 'green' as he claims, he wouldn't sleep at night in his big mansion-he'd live in an eco-friendly house! ah, not so easy to practice what one preaches.

how ironic, that bush lives in a house that uses 1/4 the electricity of most houses.

reminds me of the time one of the younger kennedys was on a talk show, railing about the use of SUVs...of course let's not talk about his flights in his private jet, which consumes more fuel in a trip than many humans use in a year! 'that has nothing to do with it' he sniffed. um, yeah, it does.
couldn't agree more. all these actors take up these causes to save the world and then don't live by those standards. classic example of "do as i say, not as i do"
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:01 AM
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Look guys, Gore is forking out his own $$ to pay off his carbon use with carbon offsets. None of you seem to have any interest in addressing that, because it undercuts your screams of hypocrite. But right-wingers expect their own politicicans to be crooks and the Dems to be Gahndi, when in fact they're both just human. Gore is trying. And he's trying in a way that is also possible for the rest of us to attempt, too.

Carbon offsets are a marvelous way for people to start to combat global warming without having to go move to a hut. He's trying to show that you can live a carbon-neutral life and still HAVE A LIFE. How many Americans do you think would move to huts if Gore did? Come on. They'd say how nice it is that he's doing that and go back to turning their A/C down to 65 in August. Better to see someone doing something that frankly, we all could do (buy offsets, get our power supplied by green sources, etc.) You're not going to convince Americans they aren't entitled to big houses. How big are all your houses? I live in a 700 sq foot apartment. How about the rest of you? If I manage in 700 sq feet with no yard, why can't everyone? You're all hypocrites, yelling at me for defending Gore while you're using up more land than you need!

See how stupid that sounds? No, Gore doesn't need four houses. No one does (keep that in mind, rich folks, if/when your tax handouts get taken back). But better to run them on green power than not to. And better to encourage people to run on green power than not to. He's not perfect. No one was, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ.

The other thing I find entertaining is the screaming that Gore's a hypocrite because he's still, heaven forbid, using electricty, taking trips, etc. I think people use that as an excuse to absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility towards our planet ("I don't want to believe Gore drives a hybrid, therefore I don't have to do anything myself"). Typical modern American attitude- it's someone else's responsibility, not mine. So if someone doesn't live up to an impossibly high standard, then why should anyone bother? How ridiculous is that?

Here's the thing with carbon offsets, like tree planting- trees are marvelous storehouses for carbon. Wood is mostly carbon- when trees grow, they basically take carbon from the atmosphere and store it in themselves. Coal and oil do the same thing, but we're not really capable of creating those in anything less than several millenia. When trees, coal, oil, etc. is burned it releases that carbon into the atmosphere, which is not good. Look at trees as toxic waste storage facilities- except ones that are environmentally sound, provide habitat for animals and are pretty to boot.

As for the house bit- it takes more resources to tear down a house and build a new one than it does to attempt to make the existing one more green. Better to revamp an old house than tear it down and build new, from an envirnomental standpoint. Look, huge props to Bush for having a house heated by geothermal technology. But it doesn't take away from Gore greening his current homes without demolishing them. Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?

Eat less meat- it takes 500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef
Plant something on your lawn in place of grass
Let food warm up to room temperature before microwaving it
Keep enough water in the tea kettle for only as much as you're making (don't heat up a whole kettle for one cup).
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Look guys, Gore is forking out his own $$ to pay off his carbon use with carbon offsets. None of you seem to have any interest in addressing that, because it undercuts your screams of hypocrite. But right-wingers expect their own politicicans to be crooks and the Dems to be Gahndi, when in fact they're both just human. Gore is trying. And he's trying in a way that is also possible for the rest of us to attempt, too.

Carbon offsets are a marvelous way for people to start to combat global warming without having to go move to a hut. He's trying to show that you can live a carbon-neutral life and still HAVE A LIFE. How many Americans do you think would move to huts if Gore did? Come on. They'd say how nice it is that he's doing that and go back to turning their A/C down to 65 in August. Better to see someone doing something that frankly, we all could do (buy offsets, get our power supplied by green sources, etc.) You're not going to convince Americans they aren't entitled to big houses. How big are all your houses? I live in a 700 sq foot apartment. How about the rest of you? If I manage in 700 sq feet with no yard, why can't everyone? You're all hypocrites, yelling at me for defending Gore while you're using up more land than you need!

See how stupid that sounds? No, Gore doesn't need four houses. No one does (keep that in mind, rich folks, if/when your tax handouts get taken back). But better to run them on green power than not to. And better to encourage people to run on green power than not to. He's not perfect. No one was, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ.

The other thing I find entertaining is the screaming that Gore's a hypocrite because he's still, heaven forbid, using electricty, taking trips, etc. I think people use that as an excuse to absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility towards our planet ("I don't want to believe Gore drives a hybrid, therefore I don't have to do anything myself"). Typical modern American attitude- it's someone else's responsibility, not mine. So if someone doesn't live up to an impossibly high standard, then why should anyone bother? How ridiculous is that?

Here's the thing with carbon offsets, like tree planting- trees are marvelous storehouses for carbon. Wood is mostly carbon- when trees grow, they basically take carbon from the atmosphere and store it in themselves. Coal and oil do the same thing, but we're not really capable of creating those in anything less than several millenia. When trees, coal, oil, etc. is burned it releases that carbon into the atmosphere, which is not good. Look at trees as toxic waste storage facilities- except ones that are environmentally sound, provide habitat for animals and are pretty to boot.

As for the house bit- it takes more resources to tear down a house and build a new one than it does to attempt to make the existing one more green. Better to revamp an old house than tear it down and build new, from an envirnomental standpoint. Look, huge props to Bush for having a house heated by geothermal technology. But it doesn't take away from Gore greening his current homes without demolishing them. Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?

Eat less meat- it takes 500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef
Plant something on your lawn in place of grass
Let food warm up to room temperature before microwaving it
Keep enough water in the tea kettle for only as much as you're making (don't heat up a whole kettle for one cup).
Oh my God, I just died a little bit inside right there.

That was better than falafel. Well done.
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Old 02-28-2007, 11:17 AM
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I frankly don't believe Gore, never did. All I'm asking is for some proof he is putting up his own $$$$. Guess the 'inventor of the internet' still is ringing in my ears!!!
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 02-28-2007, 12:27 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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So Gore gave a Powerpoint presentation, has it filmed and wins and oscar, and that's enough to prove that he cares and is doing such great things. To me he is the same as most people, they care but don't do so much about the issue because there is not much they can do. Its just that he is being praised like he was some big inspiration when he hasn't even taken easy steps he could be doing to reduce his "environmental footprint". The purchasing of credits to offset the huge waste that goes on at his house does not impress. Oh yeah, he changed his bulbs to flourescent, I guess we should notify the Nobel Prize for Humanity people because surely he is in line for something like that after having changed his bulbs.

Of course this is all after he sat in on some hearings when he was in government and as a result ended up inventing the internet.

To me he epitomizes what I would call the phony do-gooders. The real heroes and leaders don't thrust themselves so willingly into the limelight and in front of every camera. Usually its up to other people, real documentarians, to discover these true heroes and tell their stories because they are too busy or not interested in receiving all the praise and accolades.
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Old 02-28-2007, 02:56 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
Think of it this way. His bill is 20x the average bill. Of course it is, he has a 20 room house. I'm sure that "non-partisan" group conveniently left out how they calculated their average, using every single energy user, including those in studio and one-bedroom apartments all over the country. I would fully expect that someone with a house 20x bigger than my apartment would use 20x more energy than me. That's not news to anyone.
How the heck does the number of rooms in your house have anything to do with electricity consumption? I recently moved from a 2 room apartment to a 6 room house and my electricity consumption is exactly the same. Just because I have six rooms doesn't mean I have every light turned on in all of them. Yeah, having a bigger house is going to take more natural gas so his average of $1080 a month for natural gas isn't that staggering. The electricity numbers though truly are staggering. I'd love to see what wastes of electricity he has going in that house.
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Old 02-28-2007, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
How the heck does the number of rooms in your house have anything to do with electricity consumption? I recently moved from a 2 room apartment to a 6 room house and my electricity consumption is exactly the same. Just because I have six rooms doesn't mean I have every light turned on in all of them. Yeah, having a bigger house is going to take more natural gas so his average of $1080 a month for natural gas isn't that staggering. The electricity numbers though truly are staggering. I'd love to see what wastes of electricity he has going in that house.
Well when I think about my electric bill, it certainly fits. The more you have to heat a house, the more electricity you use. It's not like you just turn on the natural gas and that's the only thing involved. When I use air conditioning and heat in my apartment, the electricity skyrockets from the use of the equipment needed to deliver that cool/heat.

I'm not implying he's perfect or that he couldn't use less -- I'm just saying that there are a lot of electrical things that are going to go into keeping a home like that (which he and Tipper work out of) running on a daily basis.
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Old 02-28-2007, 03:57 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Look guys, Gore is forking out his own $$ to pay off his carbon use with carbon offsets. None of you seem to have any interest in addressing that, because it undercuts your screams of hypocrite. so, because he buys energy that someone else saved, it's ok that he uses up so much? But right-wingers expect their own politicicans to be crooks and the Dems to be Gahndi, when in fact they're both just human. Gore is trying. how is he trying? can he show that he's cut back from past years? somehow i doubt it. And he's trying in a way that is also possible for the rest of us to attempt, too.

Carbon offsets are a marvelous way for people to start to combat global warming without having to go move to a hut. He's trying to show that you can live a carbon-neutral life and still HAVE A LIFE. How many Americans do you think would move to huts if Gore did? Come on. They'd say how nice it is that he's doing that and go back to turning their A/C down to 65 in August. Better to see someone doing something that frankly, we all could do (buy offsets, get our power supplied by green sources, etc.) You're not going to convince Americans they aren't entitled to big houses. How big are all your houses? I live in a 700 sq foot apartment. How about the rest of you? If I manage in 700 sq feet with no yard, why can't everyone? You're all hypocrites, yelling at me for defending Gore while you're using up more land than you need!

See how stupid that sounds? No, Gore doesn't need four houses. No one does (keep that in mind, rich folks, if/when your tax handouts get taken back). But better to run them on green power than not to. And better to encourage people to run on green power than not to. He's not perfect. No one was, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ.

The other thing I find entertaining is the screaming that Gore's a hypocrite because he's still, heaven forbid, using electricty, taking trips, etc. no one is saying he shouldn't use power--but it would be nice if he made an effort. i mean, is he really making one? or just telling the rest of us how to do so?? I think people use that as an excuse to absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility towards our planet ("I don't want to believe Gore drives a hybrid, therefore I don't have to do anything myself"). i'd imagine that most of us make efforts, maybe that's why we're appalled that one of the biggest preachers about it is exposed as not doing what he's saying WE should do Typical modern American attitude- it's someone else's responsibility, not mine. maybe that's the problem, gore wants a lot of folks to do so--but maybe not himself So if someone doesn't live up to an impossibly high standard, then why should anyone bother? gore isn't being held to an impossibly high standard, he's certainly failing to live up to his own tho! How ridiculous is that?

Here's the thing with carbon offsets, like tree planting- trees are marvelous storehouses for carbon. Wood is mostly carbon- when trees grow, they basically take carbon from the atmosphere and store it in themselves. Coal and oil do the same thing, but we're not really capable of creating those in anything less than several millenia. When trees, coal, oil, etc. is burned it releases that carbon into the atmosphere, which is not good. Look at trees as toxic waste storage facilities- except ones that are environmentally sound, provide habitat for animals and are pretty to boot.

As for the house bit- it takes more resources to tear down a house and build a new one than it does to attempt to make the existing one more green. Better to revamp an old house than tear it down and build new, from an envirnomental standpoint. Look, huge props to Bush for having a house heated by geothermal technology. But it doesn't take away from Gore greening his current homes without demolishing them. Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?

Eat less meat- it takes 500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef
Plant something on your lawn in place of grass
Let food warm up to room temperature before microwaving it
Keep enough water in the tea kettle for only as much as you're making (don't heat up a whole kettle for one cup).

Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-28-2007, 03:58 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Look guys, Gore is forking out his own $$ to pay off his carbon use with carbon offsets. None of you seem to have any interest in addressing that, because it undercuts your screams of hypocrite. so, because he buys energy that someone else saved, it's ok that he uses up so much? But right-wingers expect their own politicicans to be crooks and the Dems to be Gahndi, when in fact they're both just human. Gore is trying. how is he trying? can he show that he's cut back from past years? somehow i doubt it. And he's trying in a way that is also possible for the rest of us to attempt, too.

Carbon offsets are a marvelous way for people to start to combat global warming without having to go move to a hut. He's trying to show that you can live a carbon-neutral life and still HAVE A LIFE. How many Americans do you think would move to huts if Gore did? Come on. They'd say how nice it is that he's doing that and go back to turning their A/C down to 65 in August. Better to see someone doing something that frankly, we all could do (buy offsets, get our power supplied by green sources, etc.) You're not going to convince Americans they aren't entitled to big houses. How big are all your houses? I live in a 700 sq foot apartment. How about the rest of you? If I manage in 700 sq feet with no yard, why can't everyone? You're all hypocrites, yelling at me for defending Gore while you're using up more land than you need!

See how stupid that sounds? No, Gore doesn't need four houses. No one does (keep that in mind, rich folks, if/when your tax handouts get taken back). But better to run them on green power than not to. And better to encourage people to run on green power than not to. He's not perfect. No one was, with the possible exception of Jesus Christ.

The other thing I find entertaining is the screaming that Gore's a hypocrite because he's still, heaven forbid, using electricty, taking trips, etc. no one is saying he shouldn't use power--but it would be nice if he made an effort. i mean, is he really making one? or just telling the rest of us how to do so?? I think people use that as an excuse to absolve themselves of any sort of responsibility towards our planet ("I don't want to believe Gore drives a hybrid, therefore I don't have to do anything myself"). i'd imagine that most of us make efforts, maybe that's why we're appalled that one of the biggest preachers about it is exposed as not doing what he's saying WE should do Typical modern American attitude- it's someone else's responsibility, not mine. maybe that's the problem, gore wants a lot of folks to do so--but maybe not himself So if someone doesn't live up to an impossibly high standard, then why should anyone bother? gore isn't being held to an impossibly high standard, he's certainly failing to live up to his own tho! How ridiculous is that?

Here's the thing with carbon offsets, like tree planting- trees are marvelous storehouses for carbon. Wood is mostly carbon- when trees grow, they basically take carbon from the atmosphere and store it in themselves. Coal and oil do the same thing, but we're not really capable of creating those in anything less than several millenia. When trees, coal, oil, etc. is burned it releases that carbon into the atmosphere, which is not good. Look at trees as toxic waste storage facilities- except ones that are environmentally sound, provide habitat for animals and are pretty to boot.

As for the house bit- it takes more resources to tear down a house and build a new one than it does to attempt to make the existing one more green. Better to revamp an old house than tear it down and build new, from an envirnomental standpoint. Look, huge props to Bush for having a house heated by geothermal technology. But it doesn't take away from Gore greening his current homes without demolishing them. Reduce, reuse, recycle, right?

Eat less meat- it takes 500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef
Plant something on your lawn in place of grass
Let food warm up to room temperature before microwaving it
Keep enough water in the tea kettle for only as much as you're making (don't heat up a whole kettle for one cup).

all the bold is from me, not genuine....just seemed easier that way for my to reply....
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 06-26-2015, 07:55 AM
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dell...I'm going to miss you tremendously.

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Old 06-26-2015, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post

dell...I'm going to miss you tremendously.

Didn't know him personally but ditto.
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Old 06-26-2015, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post

dell...I'm going to miss you tremendously.

Already do.
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Old 06-26-2015, 02:01 PM
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GenuineRisk GenuineRisk is offline
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I like to think Dell's now ruffling angel feathers, and loving every minute of it.

Bush was still in the WH when this thread started. Talk about a deep cut.
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray
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