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Old 11-05-2008, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
What Republican could have beaten Obama
given 8 years of Bush and the amount of money
Obama had?
Seriously, I think McCain and anybody not Palin would have made a darn close run of it.

The interesting poll number for me - and a huge help to McCain's losing - are the numbers of Republicans who stayed home and chose to not vote for anybody.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by estreetposse
Go step in dogshit...right wing freak!!!

Mr(Ms.?) estreet, in case you haven't noticed, we don't care for that kind of personal attack around here. This is a civil forum
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
It's always nice to see racism rear it's ugly head after an election. You Fonda boys are a trip.
Please don't tell me you're being serious.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
DaHoss...I hope I don't tick you off but you took the words right out of my, we agree on something! There will always be racists but the amazing thing is that Obama carried 43% of the white vote...more than Kerry, Gore and Clinton in one election (Clinton also carried 43% in reelection) no Democrat got more of the white vote since Carter (47%). I'm proud of America...folks rose above racial issues...truly an historic moment...30 years from now grandchildren will ask about this election and as long as folks write history books, this will be remembered!
Could it be because America isn't racist as a whole anymore and hasn't been for quite some time? DUH!
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Scav
More so your comparision to post Katrina.
Why are you assuming that people in NOLA post Katrina were all black? See ... this is the point.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
They're called white apologists.
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Old 11-05-2008, 09:49 PM
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I'm thinking that I should stop posting after a night out.


Dear Hossy,

I you.

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Old 11-05-2008, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike
Mr(Ms.?) estreet, in case you haven't noticed, we don't care for that kind of personal attack around here. This is a civil forum

otay-buckwheat (2).jpg

Originally Posted by fpsoxfan
I just wish people who owned dogs would be more concientous about picking **** up off their lawns. Other than that, I like dogs.
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Old 11-05-2008, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Could it be because America isn't racist as a whole anymore and hasn't been for quite some time? DUH!

Frankly DUH, I tire of your arrogant attempts to belittle me and my point of view. I never said that America was racist as a whole just that we still have a ways to go to eliminate racism. Same with sexism and...obviously as the results of referendums in three states show...homophobia! I mean really...a referendum banning same-sex couples from adopting...
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Old 11-05-2008, 10:28 PM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Frankly DUH, I tire of your arrogant attempts to belittle me and my point of view. I never said that America was racist as a whole just that we still have a ways to go to eliminate racism. Same with sexism and...obviously as the results of referendums in three states show...homophobia! I mean really...a referendum banning same-sex couples from adopting...
I hope you really don't think that racism or sexism will ever be eliminated, because while I wish it was, it will never be.
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Old 11-05-2008, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Scav
I hope you really don't think that racism or sexism will ever be eliminated, because while I wish it was, it will never be.
"Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?"

Please don't take my right to vote away from me.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 11-05-2008, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Scav
I hope you really don't think that racism or sexism will ever be eliminated, because while I wish it was, it will never be., never completely eliminated but someday reduced to the point that it isn't harmful either to our culture or individuals. There will always be a few folks who know only hatred, who must feel superior to someone due to the misery of their own existance. To completely eliminate hatred would require a perfect society...the world, the universe was never meant to be perfect!
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot
"Doesn't McCain know that almost all woman hate other woman?"

Please don't take my right to vote away from me.
Relax, this has nothing to do with rights. What I was trying to say is why would McCain choose a woman when he she know that woman hate other woman. This is a fact, perfect example, other day, I am out with my friends, and the girls we hang with, the waitress starts to talk nice to a friend of mine, and the girls we are with start 'hating' on her the 2nd she leaves. All because of a simple conversation about his shirt and hat.

Woman mark their territory and fiercly protect it, animal instincts. They are like this with their kids, their husbands until the husbands pisses them off too many times, and their accomplishments. You guys might not realize you do it, but you do it. We even call the one girl we hang with, "Queen Hater" because she hates ANY girl that we talk to. FACT.

For a woman to become president, which will happen in my lifetime, she will have to be eased into the limelight and probably be in it for years. It won't be an Obama type movement where he went from nobody to President in 10 years.
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Scav
Relax, this has nothing to do with rights. What I was trying to say is why would McCain choose a woman when he she know that woman hate other woman. This is a fact, perfect example, other day, I am out with my friends, and the girls we hang with, the waitress starts to talk nice to a friend of mine, and the girls we are with start 'hating' on her the 2nd she leaves. All because of a simple conversation about his shirt and hat.

Woman mark their territory and fiercly protect it, animal instincts. They are like this with their kids, their husbands until the husbands pisses them off too many times, and their accomplishments. You guys might not realize you do it, but you do it. We even call the one girl we hang with, "Queen Hater" because she hates ANY girl that we talk to. FACT.

For a woman to become president, which will happen in my lifetime, she will have to be eased into the limelight and probably be in it for years. It won't be an Obama type movement where he went from nobody to President in 10 years.
Pretty good...considering that you're on pain pills!
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Old 11-06-2008, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Scav
Relax, this has nothing to do with rights. What I was trying to say is why would McCain choose a woman when he she know that woman hate other woman. This is a fact, perfect example, other day, I am out with my friends, and the girls we hang with, the waitress starts to talk nice to a friend of mine, and the girls we are with start 'hating' on her the 2nd she leaves. All because of a simple conversation about his shirt and hat.

Woman mark their territory and fiercly protect it, animal instincts. They are like this with their kids, their husbands until the husbands pisses them off too many times, and their accomplishments. You guys might not realize you do it, but you do it. We even call the one girl we hang with, "Queen Hater" because she hates ANY girl that we talk to. FACT.

For a woman to become president, which will happen in my lifetime, she will have to be eased into the limelight and probably be in it for years. It won't be an Obama type movement where he went from nobody to President in 10 years.
...When Obama is done...if Hillary is still around she'll be waiting
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Old 11-06-2008, 05:37 AM
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Originally Posted by letswastemoney
...When Obama is done...if Hillary is still around she'll be waiting
Hillary might be offered something in an Obama admin(I doubt it). If she is offered something substantial she could take it and already be there if something happens to Obama. Biden will take over as President, but wouldn't he then pick his VP, which cloud well be Clinton?. Then Biden has an anuerism and she's in.

Or she could stay away from the Obama admin, and run 4 years from now against President Biden in the 2012 election

Are there any special rules if Obama is slain before inauguration day? Does Biden just step in? I assume he does safter the inauguration, I just wasn't sure what would happen if Obama does not make it into 2009
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Mike
fpsoxfan, I think they have been tightening up on the welfare system, I may be wrong.
Many people like to throw welfare out as the big problem, I don't think it ias bad as the SSI, mental disability system. Many, many able bodied young Americans are getting set up for SSI for the rest of their lives. Able bodied, and no more mentally ill than the average burnout. I know mental illness, I've worked with the mentally ill all of my life. There certainly are a lot of people who are mentally disabled and can't really keep a job in society. But, what I'm seeing is a very large % of the newer SSI recipients not mentally ill in the traditional sense(before the drug companies had a new pill for every emotional imperfection), they are low functioning, undisciplined, unmotivated and,dare I say it, lazy. And here where I live, they're all white.
What ever happened to shame?
i respectfully hate to tell you, you're wrong. i have to deal with welfare recipients everyday. the madden thing is they, feel they are entitled to it!
we had a woman yesterday, that we cut her electric for non-payment. (CONP) about 3 weeks ago (and she's a regular). the bill + reconnection + deposit was almost $1000. she walks up the street to dept. of social services. DSS pays the ENTIRE bill. now 3 weeks later this woman is arguing to the point of being thrown out of city hall, that she is ENTITLED to get the deposit, 50 some odd $ + interest back! which she never paid one penny of. "no that goes back to the state". i could tell you 5-10 of these stories (or worse) everyday. i cut electric off yesterday on both sides of a double house while both sides were being (rental prop.) evicted. both sets of people sat in lawn chairs in the driveway drinking beer, smoking cigs and watching they're stuff set out on the street!
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot
Seriously, I think McCain and anybody not Palin would have made a darn close run of it.

The interesting poll number for me - and a huge help to McCain's losing - are the numbers of Republicans who stayed home and chose to not vote for anybody.

It is just speculation and/or opinion but I'm not sure that McCain and anyone could have beaten the Democratic candidate....I'm a long time Republican and I respect John McCain...that being said I had serious concerns with he being the Republican nominee....I seriously doubt that the number of Republicans that stayed home really had much to do with Palin being on the Ticket....imho Palin is not the reason the republicans lost....Bush's unpopularity, and McCains age and support of Bush policies had imho way more to do with the outcome.
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Scav
Relax, this has nothing to do with rights. What I was trying to say is why would McCain choose a woman when he she know that woman hate other woman. This is a fact, perfect example, other day, I am out with my friends, and the girls we hang with, the waitress starts to talk nice to a friend of mine, and the girls we are with start 'hating' on her the 2nd she leaves. All because of a simple conversation about his shirt and hat.

Woman mark their territory and fiercly protect it, animal instincts. They are like this with their kids, their husbands until the husbands pisses them off too many times, and their accomplishments. You guys might not realize you do it, but you do it. We even call the one girl we hang with, "Queen Hater" because she hates ANY girl that we talk to. FACT.

For a woman to become president, which will happen in my lifetime, she will have to be eased into the limelight and probably be in it for years. It won't be an Obama type movement where he went from nobody to President in 10 years.

There is a fair amount of this post that could be construed as "Sexism" generalize that all/most women are the same as those that you have experienced is potentially a prime example of sexism.... (even if you are correct in you assertion )
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Old 11-06-2008, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by ddthetide
i respectfully hate to tell you, you're wrong. i have to deal with welfare recipients everyday. the madden thing is they, feel they are entitled to it!
we had a woman yesterday, that we cut her electric for non-payment. (CONP) about 3 weeks ago (and she's a regular). the bill + reconnection + deposit was almost $1000. she walks up the street to dept. of social services. DSS pays the ENTIRE bill. now 3 weeks later this woman is arguing to the point of being thrown out of city hall, that she is ENTITLED to get the deposit, 50 some odd $ + interest back! which she never paid one penny of. "no that goes back to the state". i could tell you 5-10 of these stories (or worse) everyday. i cut electric off yesterday on both sides of a double house while both sides were being (rental prop.) evicted. both sets of people sat in lawn chairs in the driveway drinking beer, smoking cigs and watching they're stuff set out on the street!

Who shows up for most of the welfare recipients you see, men or women? From what I see, at the bottom of the socio-economic scale, men don't take part in the meetings, or any community service requirements that their might be for low income/disability services

What I've always said about a ton of welfare/faked disability recipients is, "They've always got plenty of money for cigarettes and a cell phone"
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