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Old 02-19-2009, 10:26 PM
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Madoff and now Stanford.....the SEC should be penalized the 58Bill these guys was 'Under their watch" and they had plenty of warning!
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Old 02-20-2009, 06:03 AM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
"entitlement" replaced responsibility.....
Me....just give me a Tek-9 and requisite ammo ....still thinking about the handgun....
we have been thinking hard about arming ourselves. mrs d's idea actually.
we've lived in our neighborhood 6 years. several of the old people that lived behind us have died and the properties have been sold. the people that bought them can't rent them for the outragous amounts they thought they would get. they've turned them into section 8 rentals and we've had trash move into the neighborhood the last couple years. Now we have a dangerous criminal.

i turned off this guys electric (that's my job) and he threatens to "blow my head off". it was pretty creepy this time because it's in my backyard. the guy goes to the office and threatens the girls too. police show up at the office then pay a visit to his home. the guy has a rap sheet 3 pages long, most drugs, weapons and assult. he's done jail time but no prison time. we don't Think he knows where we live.
now i can't park in front of my house at lunch or bring the truck home when i'm on call. we have extra police patrols now.(we rarely used to see patrol car) the police have had trouble with this guy and are looking for a good excuse to lock him up.

we shouldn't have to live this way. needless to say we are looking to move and to taking lessons and buy hand guns.
"Always keep your heads up and act like champions."
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Old 02-20-2009, 06:56 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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i think some people either missed my point above, or don't care. the amount of people killed by guns each year in this country is a lot smaller than i think most believe. you see violent crimes splashed all over the news, and everyone thinks it's a common problem. a far bigger problem would be automobiles, or alcohol-or a combination of both. by far, the #1 killer of our teenagers, our greatest resource-car accidents. but people are so enthralled by what weapon some guy wants to own? yes, there is a criminal element out there, and yes, they can be quite deadly-and i think that's the key to why people get so hysterical on this issue. it's randomness, and we all want control over our lives-as well as the lives of others. allowing people to choose what currently legal weapon they own takes some of that control away, and perhaps injects some randomness in your life. half of people who die each year die of either a form of cancer, or from heart disease. so, we eat the right things, take the right pills, see the right doctor, and hopefully die in our beds of old age. the life expectancy in this country is the high 70's still, isn't it? but a bullet can take all that away. like i said above, over half of all deaths by guns were suicides. there's also the stat that most murder victims know their killer-usually a domestic dispute.

my father was a policeman in washington d.c. for 20 years, from 1964 to 1984. i think everyone would be hard pressed to find a bigger cesspool of humanity. he always worked outside, never attempting to move past the rank of sergeant as he didn't want stuck in admin or behind a desk. he saw riots (and was in SOD-special operations division, the riot squad) such as after martin luther king jr was assassinated, and of course all the vietnam war protests..he actually was once flipped off by shirley maclaine. he had sundays and mondays off, and usually worked from 4pm to midnight, or the graveyard shift. in other words, worked during the hours when crime most often occurred. for years he was known as the stolen car king, as he could remember tag #'s any rate, you guys have watched the cop shows, the movies, you've read the papers and watched the news. you know about dramatic chases, bank robberies, and shootouts. from all the info you have garnered-how many times do you suppose my father fired his service revolver in those 20 years? i'll come back later and see if anyone has bothered to guess.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-20-2009, 07:00 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by ddthetide
we have been thinking hard about arming ourselves. mrs d's idea actually.
we've lived in our neighborhood 6 years. several of the old people that lived behind us have died and the properties have been sold. the people that bought them can't rent them for the outragous amounts they thought they would get. they've turned them into section 8 rentals and we've had trash move into the neighborhood the last couple years. Now we have a dangerous criminal.

i turned off this guys electric (that's my job) and he threatens to "blow my head off". it was pretty creepy this time because it's in my backyard. the guy goes to the office and threatens the girls too. police show up at the office then pay a visit to his home. the guy has a rap sheet 3 pages long, most drugs, weapons and assult. he's done jail time but no prison time. we don't Think he knows where we live.
now i can't park in front of my house at lunch or bring the truck home when i'm on call. we have extra police patrols now.(we rarely used to see patrol car) the police have had trouble with this guy and are looking for a good excuse to lock him up.

we shouldn't have to live this way. needless to say we are looking to move and to taking lessons and buy hand guns.
a big dog is also a deterrent.
if you do get a gun, make sure both of you know exactly how it operates, and go practice. personally, i prefer a longarm to a handgun. handguns don't have a lot of accuracy. if you have kids, take them with you to the range. teach them as well-not so much to shoot, but to respect the gun and stay away from it.

also, get motion detecting lights for your backyard, front door.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:05 AM
mclem0822 mclem0822 is offline
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Originally Posted by golfer
That was a very sad story, and my heart goes out to that lady.
I'm an armed Security Officer, I wear a gun every day that I work. I've been trained to shoot, and thankfully after almost 5 years on the job haven't had to pull my weapon. I do not have a personal gun at home or even a concealed permit, just my own personal choice. That's what this is about, your own personal choice, whether to carry a gun or not. I believe in the 2nd Ammendment, certainly in this case and alot of others, a gun may have saved some lives. This lady or someone else in in there pop's a cap in this nutball maybe her parent's are alive today! However, on the other hand this scumbag is one of many citizens, who do not need to have a gun in their hands. I believe STRONGLY in backround checks, waiting periods of 3 days at least, and any other measures attempt to not let guns get into the hands of the wrong individuals. In terms of Assault Weapons, I feel other than gun ranges, and police and or millitary, these guns should be banned from everywhere else. I Bush was an idiot for letting the ban lapse a fews years back, and from what I've read statistics show more of these guns are hitting the streets, and that is not a good thing.
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:24 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig
i think some people either missed my point above, or don't care. the amount of people killed by guns each year in this country is a lot smaller than i think most believe. you see violent crimes splashed all over the news, and everyone thinks it's a common problem. a far bigger problem would be automobiles, or alcohol-or a combination of both. by far, the #1 killer of our teenagers, our greatest resource-car accidents. but people are so enthralled by what weapon some guy wants to own? yes, there is a criminal element out there, and yes, they can be quite deadly-and i think that's the key to why people get so hysterical on this issue. it's randomness, and we all want control over our lives-as well as the lives of others. allowing people to choose what currently legal weapon they own takes some of that control away, and perhaps injects some randomness in your life. half of people who die each year die of either a form of cancer, or from heart disease. so, we eat the right things, take the right pills, see the right doctor, and hopefully die in our beds of old age. the life expectancy in this country is the high 70's still, isn't it? but a bullet can take all that away. like i said above, over half of all deaths by guns were suicides. there's also the stat that most murder victims know their killer-usually a domestic dispute.

my father was a policeman in washington d.c. for 20 years, from 1964 to 1984. i think everyone would be hard pressed to find a bigger cesspool of humanity. he always worked outside, never attempting to move past the rank of sergeant as he didn't want stuck in admin or behind a desk. he saw riots (and was in SOD-special operations division, the riot squad) such as after martin luther king jr was assassinated, and of course all the vietnam war protests..he actually was once flipped off by shirley maclaine. he had sundays and mondays off, and usually worked from 4pm to midnight, or the graveyard shift. in other words, worked during the hours when crime most often occurred. for years he was known as the stolen car king, as he could remember tag #'s any rate, you guys have watched the cop shows, the movies, you've read the papers and watched the news. you know about dramatic chases, bank robberies, and shootouts. from all the info you have garnered-how many times do you suppose my father fired his service revolver in those 20 years? i'll come back later and see if anyone has bothered to guess.
2 times?
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:27 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by mclem0822
That was a very sad story, and my heart goes out to that lady.
I'm an armed Security Officer, I wear a gun every day that I work. I've been trained to shoot, and thankfully after almost 5 years on the job haven't had to pull my weapon. I do not have a personal gun at home or even a concealed permit, just my own personal choice. That's what this is about, your own personal choice, whether to carry a gun or not. I believe in the 2nd Ammendment, certainly in this case and alot of others, a gun may have saved some lives. This lady or someone else in in there pop's a cap in this nutball maybe her parent's are alive today! However, on the other hand this scumbag is one of many citizens, who do not need to have a gun in their hands. I believe STRONGLY in backround checks, waiting periods of 3 days at least, and any other measures attempt to not let guns get into the hands of the wrong individuals. In terms of Assault Weapons, I feel other than gun ranges, and police and or millitary, these guns should be banned from everywhere else. I Bush was an idiot for letting the ban lapse a fews years back, and from what I've read statistics show more of these guns are hitting the streets, and that is not a good thing.
i agree with all that as well. as for owning assault weapons...i don't own any, don't want any-but that doesn't mean other people feel the same. owning an assault weapon doesn't automatically infer criminality on the owner. there is at least one guy i've seen on t.v. who owns a tank. what the hell does he want that for?! why does he have it? best answer i can think of is because he can. different people like to have and collect different things. i have a dog. some other guy might own a tiger or a mountain lion. for what?! i don't know. but it doesn't mean he has malicious intent.
thing is, everyone who is a law abiding citizen who buys these weapons does it the right way. background checks, everything on file. so, any gun bans will affect who? law abiding citizens. it sure won't keep a criminal from buying a gun, as he isn't interested in doing anything the right way. he already has a criminal mind, you think he's going to sweat owning an illegal weapon?
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-20-2009, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by SOREHOOF
If only someone could give me a legitimate definition of "assault weapon". She is correct about the reason for the Right to Bear Arms. Guns don't kill people, People kill people. I take full responsibility for my actions, and as an American I expect everyone else to take responsibility for their actions. I'm so sick of people making excuses and playing the blame game. If you really think our Govt. is looking out for your best interests here at home then great. This country was founded on individual freedom. Why worry about conceal carry permits? The people who have them are VERY unlikely to do you or your loved ones any harm. How about we round up some criminals for a change instead of harassing innocent law abiding citizens.
Is this supposed to be some sort of an attempt at a logical argument, or is it just a bunch of nonsensical NRA bumper sticker slogans strung together in paragraph form?
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:25 AM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Is this supposed to be some sort of an attempt at a logical argument, or is it just a bunch of nonsensical NRA bumper sticker slogans strung together in paragraph form?
sigh...thank you
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Old 02-20-2009, 11:44 AM
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I'm a gun rights supporter but don't think anyone outside of law enforcement or military should be able to own assault or fully auto weapons. I can also go with low capacity magazines as no one needs to be firing 15 bullets at a time either. I don't have kids and still have my guns (all handguns) locked in a safe which is locked in a cabinet. I no longer live in a high crime area like I did when I was in Evanston IL. If I did have kids around I'd do away with them though as they'd be 'apples off the tree' and they'd find a way to the keys and into the safe. Also if I was as big as GBbob I could probably make due with pure intimidation. Still not sure about the carry/conceal laws but firmly believe one should be able to defend their home with guns if they choose. I understand the argument if they take assault weapons away semi-autos are next and pistols after that. But with some assurances from the anti-gun crowd many would agree with strictor gun policies. I'd also agree to 'chipping' my guns with GPS devices in the event they were stolen. This probably won't make either side happy.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63
I'm a gun rights supporter but don't think anyone outside of law enforcement or military should be able to own assault or fully auto weapons. I can also go with low capacity magazines as no one needs to be firing 15 bullets at a time either. I don't have kids and still have my guns (all handguns) locked in a safe which is locked in a cabinet. I no longer live in a high crime area like I did when I was in Evanston IL. If I did have kids around I'd do away with them though as they'd be 'apples off the tree' and they'd find a way to the keys and into the safe. Also if I was as big as GBbob I could probably make due with pure intimidation. Still not sure about the carry/conceal laws but firmly believe one should be able to defend their home with guns if they choose. I understand the argument if they take assault weapons away semi-autos are next and pistols after that. But with some assurances from the anti-gun crowd many would agree with strictor gun policies. I'd also agree to 'chipping' my guns with GPS devices in the event they were stolen. This probably won't make either side happy.
Realistically, I would want an assault weapon in defense against a "home invasion", and handguns as a last line of defense. Life(my familys) is precious
to me...if someone crosses that line....
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Realistically, I would want an assault weapon in defense against a "home invasion", and handguns as a last line of defense. Life(my familys) is precious
to me...if someone crosses that line....
Unless you live in a huge open home strategically an assault rifle makes no sense. A 9mm or 45semi auto are much more effective as one can aquire the target and aim far quicker. Unless you plan to spray your home with bullets hoping no one innocent either in or out of the house is in the path. For that type of defense a short barreled shotgun would be better suited. Also think a handgun equipped with a laser site could be effective w/o firing a shot
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:14 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Realistically, I would want an assault weapon in defense against a "home invasion", and handguns as a last line of defense. Life(my familys) is precious
to me...if someone crosses that line....

just get a rocket launcher.... those do the trick!!!

I agree with Dell... People should have the right to bear arms but why are automatics and assault weapons needed? Only the military needs them...

police dont need them either, people who abuse power do not need AK 47's in their hands.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:14 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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handguns are very inaccurate, and only work well for very short range firing. shotguns are far more intimidating, and far easier to hit someone with the right shotshells and choke.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:16 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
just get a rocket launcher.... those do the trick!!!

I agree with Dell... People should have the right to bear arms but why are automatics and assault weapons needed? Only the military needs them...

police dont need them either, people who abuse power do not need AK 47's in their hands.

it's not a matter of need. owning an assault weapon or automatic weapon doesn't suddenly mean a person is predisposed to violence or criminality. i don't need my f-250 pickup for that matter. a 150 would do the trick. and police should have anything they need to do the job.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:19 PM
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No rocket launchers..wanna keep the walls up......shotguns would probably do the trick....laser-sight is a good thing too.

Arming ourselves against criminals is the idea....not against police or public
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:19 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig
it's not a matter of need. owning an assault weapon or automatic weapon doesn't suddenly mean a person is predisposed to violence or criminality. i don't need my f-250 pickup for that matter. a 150 would do the trick. and police should have anything they need to do the job.

okay then....

What do you use an assault rifle for besides kill people? You sure as heck dont go hunting with one?

Nobody should have them but the military.

And fucl< the police!!! They cant even use tasers correctly... dont give them assault weapons!! In a lot of European countries cops dont even carry GUNS at all!!

FBI and SWAT are different.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:22 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
No rocket launchers..wanna keep the walls up......shotguns would probably do the trick....laser-sight is a good thing too.

Arming ourselves against criminals is the idea....not against police or public

I was joking about the rocket launcher... eventhough they are pretty cool.

Get like 3 pitbulls and a handgun. Nobody would dare come at you.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
just get a rocket launcher.... those do the trick!!!

I agree with Dell... People should have the right to bear arms but why are automatics and assault weapons needed? Only the military needs them...

police dont need them either, people who abuse power do not need AK 47's in their hands.

They do in big cities where the bad guys have them ie the LA bank robbers wearing body armour. Not saying every cop or car needs them but they should be available for that needed occassion. First time I ever saw cops with fully auto rifles was vegas airport. Then Belmont Gold Cup Day and again Belmont (Belmont Day) then the LI RR so seems pretty common place in the big apple. Very intimidating!!
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 02-20-2009, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
okay then....

What do you use an assault rifle for besides kill people? You sure as heck dont go hunting with one?

Nobody should have them but the military.

And fucl< the police!!! They cant even use tasers correctly... dont give them assault weapons!! In a lot of European countries cops dont even carry GUNS at all!!

FBI and SWAT are different.
...and we see how well Britain is doing with a weaponless force....they run from the Muslim gangs. Tsk..Tsk
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