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Old 03-12-2009, 12:30 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Riot
"Are you sober?"

I agree with virtually 100% of GOP economic policy. Why would you post such a baseless assumption?

Looks like you and Timmi have been reduced to baseless personal attack.
pot kettle
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Old 03-12-2009, 01:37 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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some misconceptions here;

people like me ragging on Obama don't do so because we are so devasted about losing Bush. most of us could barely tolerate Bush. we rag on Obama because he is light years worse than Bush.

asking the Republicans now for ideas and solutions is disingenuous. the election is over, as Obama and Pelosi remind us "We Won". so the agenda is all their's. next year we'll see what kind of message Republicans bring. Frankly I think they won't need a message because people we be running for cover from the democratic spendathon mess we're in.

drugs, google Warren Buffett and read his recent comments about Obamanomics for starters. and he is(was) an Obama supporter. then move on to Jack Welch, and the list goes on from there. never has there been such a contemptuous attitude towards business from an adminstration. no surprise really, what would anyone expect from a community organizer anyway.
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Old 03-12-2009, 07:13 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 03-12-2009, 07:23 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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and then i just found this article:

from the above, no wonder we have such a mess:

Roughly half of delinquent subprime borrowers also have a second mortgage, according to Credit Suisse Group.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 03-12-2009, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot
"Are you sober?"

I agree with virtually 100% of GOP economic policy. Why would you post such a baseless assumption?

Looks like you and Timmi have been reduced to baseless personal attack.
I haven't personally attacked you. You claim to understand Republican side, but I don't see the evidence in your posts. The BS bi-partisan idea is and wasn't EVER gonna work with Pelosi and Reid at the helm(the ones who put the stimulus bill together?) Obama signed off on it like it was no big deal...he is unclear on the concept.
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Old 03-12-2009, 11:53 AM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
I haven't personally attacked you. .
You did:

get your lazy butt off the Libtards sites and check for yourself! Oh I forgot.. you're one of the "entitled'
You claim to understand Republican side, but I don't see the
evidence in your posts
I've never said I claim to understand the Republican side. My concern right now is quite the opposite. I have been a registered Republican for over 30 years. Yet the current Republican party incarnation is unrecognizable to me.

IMO, the GOP is a mess - leaderless, rudderless, alienating and breaking apart from within. On a national public level, at the local level around me. Abandoned by many of their faithful this last Presidential election, and yup, I was one of them.

One of the biggest crisis since I've been alive, and the GOP publically is busy dissing Obama? Unlike ArlJim, I don't think the GOP is entitled to check out, whine they are outnumbered, and not participate for the next year.

This isn't about who wins the next damn election cycle, this is a time of national crisis. The GOP were elected to do their job. Do it. This is exactly the time for them to step up and get involved. If they have good ideas, they can rally the general public to them, they can show they are the party with fiscal answers and fiscal responsibility. No matter what Congress and the Senate end up voting for. But they are not doing that. It's absurd.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 03-12-2009, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot
You did:

I've never said I claim to understand the Republican side. My concern right now is quite the opposite. I have been a registered Republican for over 30 years. Yet the current Republican party incarnation is unrecognizable to me.

IMO, the GOP is a mess - leaderless, rudderless, alienating and breaking apart from within. On a national public level, at the local level around me. Abandoned by many of their faithful this last Presidential election, and yup, I was one of them.

One of the biggest crisis since I've been alive, and the GOP publically is busy dissing Obama? Unlike ArlJim, I don't think the GOP is entitled to check out, whine they are outnumbered, and not participate for the next year.

This isn't about who wins the next damn election cycle, this is a time of national crisis. The GOP were elected to do their job. Do it. This is exactly the time for them to step up and get involved. If they have good ideas, they can rally the general public to them, they can show they are the party with fiscal answers and fiscal responsibility. No matter what Congress and the Senate end up voting for. But they are not doing that. It's absurd.
Well,Riot, if you think that's an attack, please don't go outside , cuz it's a nasty world out there. Your cavalier answer to rebuff Obama and the Dems is proof you don't understand the depth of the crisis. (DO it) WTH are they to do in a almost filibuster-proof Congress....ride out like Paul Revere?

Last edited by timmgirvan : 03-12-2009 at 10:33 PM.
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Old 03-12-2009, 09:06 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot
You did:

I've never said I claim to understand the Republican side. My concern right now is quite the opposite. I have been a registered Republican for over 30 years. Yet the current Republican party incarnation is unrecognizable to me.

IMO, the GOP is a mess - leaderless, rudderless, alienating and breaking apart from within. On a national public level, at the local level around me. Abandoned by many of their faithful this last Presidential election, and yup, I was one of them.

One of the biggest crisis since I've been alive, and the GOP publically is busy dissing Obama? Unlike ArlJim, I don't think the GOP is entitled to check out, whine they are outnumbered, and not participate for the next year.

This isn't about who wins the next damn election cycle, this is a time of national crisis. The GOP were elected to do their job. Do it. This is exactly the time for them to step up and get involved. If they have good ideas, they can rally the general public to them, they can show they are the party with fiscal answers and fiscal responsibility. No matter what Congress and the Senate end up voting for. But they are not doing that. It's absurd.
Republicans were just tossed out of office in favor of a guy with a huge agenda. what is the job that you want the GOP to do right now? they don't control the legislative process, they are submitting ammendments that get shot down. you lay out your ideas/agenda, then there is an election. if you win you go forth with your ideas. you go on offense. the party that loses is looking in from the outside and is on defense.

its not that they don't want to be involved, its that they are locked out.
you seem to be placing the blame for things on Republicans for not doing enough when they do not control a single branch of government. they have ideas but nobody is listening at the moment because they don't have any kind of public mandate. are you at all familiar with how congress works? the party that has no power doesn't get to do much.

you're right, the Republicans are in a mess right now, lack of a coherent message, leadership, coming off of a pounding in the election. as they say in sports, they're in rebuilding year. i guess i'm not shocked that people right at this moment aren't all tuned in to them to hear their ideas. now that may change in a year or so but only if they come up with an articulate leader. (and by that i don't mean Huckleberry)
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Old 03-13-2009, 10:35 AM
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Well, Riot, if you think that's an attack, please don't go outside , cuz it's a nasty world out there.
Oh, that didn't affect me. It's a comment on your inability to argue a subject objectively.

Your cavalier answer to rebuff Obama and the Dems is proof you don't understand the depth of the crisis.
What does the depth of the crisis have to do with how the GOP works with the Dems? Isn't that more a function of the GOP lack of leadership and lack of cohesiveness and clear message from the GOP in the Senate and Congress?

And exactly because this is an unprecedented crisis, it's a chance for the GOP to act outside the usual lines of political decisiveness, outside the box, when Obama extends the invitation for input.

(DO it) WTH are they to do in a almost filibuster-proof Congress....ride out like Paul Revere?
No, they are supposed to present as the party with better answers, with strong suggestions, with a cohesive group of leaders meeting with Obama then holding the press conference saying, "Here's what we have recommended to the Pres".

Yes, they are outvoted, but they need to show the public that their sleeves are rolled up and they are working on solving this crisis, too - and are willing to work with Obama.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts

Last edited by Riot : 03-13-2009 at 10:45 AM. Reason: And ...
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Old 03-13-2009, 10:51 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot

No, they are supposed to present as the party with better answers, with strong suggestions, with a cohesive group of leaders meeting with Obama then holding the press conference saying, "Here's what we have recommended to the Pres".

Yes, they are outvoted, but they need to show the public that their sleeves are rolled up and they are working on solving this crisis, too - and are willing to work with Obama.

I agree that they should be doing what you said above instead of this childish bickering that is going on in Congress (and Dems are just as bad... constantly attacking the republicans in congress also). Its childish from both parties.

I'd like to see the Republicans working with Obama, but how are they supposed to work with him to get things done when his extremely liberal agenda is going against everything Republicans stand for? He hasnt seemed open to conservative ideas at all either, contrary to what he lead us to believe before the inaguration. I really had hope..

It goes both ways, for the Repubs to be able to work with Obama.. he needs to be more open to working with them, not just sitting down with them, listening to thier ideas and saying "well, we won...".
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 03-15-2009, 09:47 PM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
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its laughable, republican, democrat. liberal, conservative. what a load of crap. people are too blind to recognize that either side will screw the people and point at the other guy. now the republicans excuse is a liberal agenda...what a farce. so far hes doing the same thing the last guy did, thats funny i thought he(bush)was supposed to be a conservative? earmarks, oh there were none of those the last 8 years. besides what do they amount to a few billion, meanwhile we've pissed away a almost a trillion on that iraq crap and another trillion on obamas boondoogle, thats just peachy. now were being called to the carpet by china and folks are worried about liberal or conservative, when both sides are loaded with idealogical morons. 90% of the sh!t they squabble about is nobody elses business, but both sides want to decide whats best for me and everyone else. to the conservatives...look out those stem cell terrorist might get the liberals...give me a chainsaw i got some trees that got to go. meanwhile get your head out of the other guys a$$ hole and start doing something right then maybe i might believe either one of you.
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Old 03-15-2009, 11:40 PM
chucklestheclown chucklestheclown is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
I agree that they should be doing what you said above instead of this childish bickering that is going on in Congress (and Dems are just as bad... constantly attacking the republicans in congress also). Its childish from both parties.

I'd like to see the Republicans working with Obama, but how are they supposed to work with him to get things done when his extremely liberal agenda is going against everything Republicans stand for? He hasnt seemed open to conservative ideas at all either, contrary to what he lead us to believe before the inaguration. I really had hope..

It goes both ways, for the Repubs to be able to work with Obama.. he needs to be more open to working with them, not just sitting down with them, listening to thier ideas and saying "well, we won...".
Why are people on horse boards so conservative? Obama is not "liberal" at all. He is a politician.
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Old 03-16-2009, 06:04 AM
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
And a job you're doing fine sir.

I have this mental picture of you hunched, drooling over your keyboard, several days worth of empty pizza boxes and diet mountain dew cans scattered around you, just waiting for either the next leftist response on DT - or the next story you can copy-paste as a thread starter so that you can dive in and show us how fucl<ed we all are now that Bush is gone.

It's gonna be a rough next couple of years for you. Not that that isn't some change I can believe in.
Give him a break about the pizza boxes...we're just preparing since that's all we'll be able to afford thanks to Obama.
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Old 03-16-2009, 06:14 AM
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Cannon's loaded with . He's all excited about 4 straight winning days on Wall Street ... he'll be fine.

I love how the Anti-Obama guys all want to make believe how bad and desperate things will become.

My favorite one so far is the guy who told me "you want change? You'll be in the streets sucking cock for change if that coon gets elected."
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Old 03-16-2009, 06:29 AM
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
Cannon's loaded with . He's all excited about 4 straight winning days on Wall Street ... he'll be fine.

I love how the Anti-Obama guys all want to make believe how bad and desperate things will become.

My favorite one so far is the guy who told me "you want change? You'll be in the streets sucking cock for change if that coon gets elected."
So the guy was right about something...
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Old 03-16-2009, 06:36 AM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
So the guy was right about something...
If it wasn't for those Govt water guys out at your farm, you'd be wearing an Obama XXL T shirt right now
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Old 03-16-2009, 09:35 AM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by chucklestheclown
Why are people on horse boards so conservative? Obama is not "liberal" at all. He is a politician.
smartest thing i've read. just like they tried to call bush a conservative, the guy was conservative on brainpower, thats about it.
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Old 03-16-2009, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
If it wasn't for those Govt water guys out at your farm, you'd be wearing an Obama XXL T shirt right now
These douchbags are Republicans. This is hardly the most enlightened section of the state. And XXXL would be necessary in any event.
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Old 03-16-2009, 01:37 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
These douchbags are Republicans. This is hardly the most enlightened section of the state. And XXXL would be necessary in any event.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt
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Old 03-16-2009, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt
unfortunately I'm closer to XXXXL than XXL. Going to help jackhammer some rocks! Maybe I'll lose a couple.
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