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Old 09-07-2006, 12:02 PM
Pointg5 Pointg5 is offline
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
you dont know anything man, thats just a little snippet of my life. I have a job, I dont have a car but since you wanna say how your worth 6 figures. Theres a BMW 7 series and mercedes ml 430 on the driveway that I can drive if and when I choose to drive. The money ive been losing isnt daddy's money its my money from my own savings, paycheck, and stock.

If you are not happy that Sadaam Hussein is out of power, then I dont know what to say to you
Where did I say I was worth over six figures? I never said I was, maybe I am, maybe not, I don't give out all of my personal info and my woes. I'll tell you this, I am 33, College Educated, been in a difficult profession for over 10 years, I have had a job of some form, since I was 11 years old...
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:06 PM
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well im 25 and crazy
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
**** you too
You are 25 years old. Little kids go to grade school and say " My Daddy and Mommy have so and so". Those days should have been long gone.
Trying to argue that you are at a higher station in life by citing cars in the driveway of your parents home, where you still live at age 25, isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.
I'm telling you the same thing that i have been telling you for over 3 years now. Grow up. Start taking responsibility for your own station in life and start being a man. Its long past time for those things to occur.
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
well im 25 and crazy
How the heck do you get around if you can't drive?
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
How the heck do you get around if you can't drive?
He takes the bus and gets driven around by his family. Thats why I find the citing of the cars in his driveway that he doesnt even own so ironic.
Been talking to him for three years now Stud. Its like banging your head against a concrete wall. Wall never budges, and your head hurts.
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by oracle80
Stud, you wanna know what stupid is?
Stupid someone who watched that interview and honestly believes that Bush didn't know the exact plans of the plot he referred to down to the last detail.
Really stupid is someone not understanding how intelligence works and thinking that Bush could just make more than a vague reference to that plot, in a manner exactly as he did it.
I remember the info about Bush and Gore, they also showed SAT scores and Bush had much, much higher scores.
Its kind of amazing that anyone could think hes dumb.
Stupid is thinking Bush could tell the truth if his life depended on it. I assume the interview cited in the following article is the one to which everyone is referring:

And I think you have Gore and Kerry confused on the SAT scores. But hey, no worries; Bush can't keep bin Laden and Hussein straight... FYI, here's the respective scores for Bush and Gore:

Bush: Verbal: 566, Math: 640 (out of 800)
Gore: Verbal: 625, Math: 730 (out of 800)

... and I beat them both in Verbal, and Bush in Math. What does that say? (absolutely nothing, really. Fat lot of good it's done me. )
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Old 09-07-2006, 12:59 PM
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Which of course is not to call you stupid, Oracle, as I don't think you are (and wouldn't even if tortured. ) I'm just a sucker for continuing a repetitive bit.
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Old 09-07-2006, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Stupid is thinking Bush could tell the truth if his life depended on it. I assume the interview cited in the following article is the one to which everyone is referring:

And I think you have Gore and Kerry confused on the SAT scores. But hey, no worries; Bush can't keep bin Laden and Hussein straight... FYI, here's the respective scores for Bush and Gore:

Bush: Verbal: 566, Math: 640 (out of 800)
Gore: Verbal: 625, Math: 730 (out of 800)

... and I beat them both in Verbal, and Bush in Math. What does that say? (absolutely nothing, really. Fat lot of good it's done me. )
interesting. Despite being so smart the heck did Gore manage to lose his home state? Only major party candidate for Prez ever to do that.
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Old 09-07-2006, 01:15 PM
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im still scratching my head over that one, to me its the equivlalent of Bush losing in Texas.
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Old 09-07-2006, 03:03 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk

Who says rich white guys don't benefit from affirmative action?
I know Bush wasn't a great student but I'm not sure he was as bad as they made him sound in that article. The author of the article clearly had an agenda and I don't think he had anything close to Bush's complete transcripts. I think they only had his grades from his freshman year. When I heard Bush's GPA reported on the news several years ago, my recollection is that his grades weren't too bad. I remember they said he had a higher GPA than Gore.

The guy who was a really poor student was John McCain. He graduated at the bottom of his class in college. I believe he attended the Naval Acadmey at Annapolis.

Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 09-07-2006 at 03:06 PM.
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Old 09-07-2006, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I know Bush wasn't a great student but I'm not sure he was as bad as they made him sound in that article. The author of the article clearly had an agenda and I don't think he had anything close to Bush's complete transcripts. I think they only had his grades from his freshman year. When I heard Bush's GPA reported on the news several years ago, my recollection is that his grades weren't too bad. I remember they said he had a higher GPA than Gore.

The guy who was a really poor student was John McCain. He graduated at the bottom of his class in college. I believe he attended the Naval Acadmey at Annapolis.
I figure it really doesn't matter what grades 60 year old people got. By that age, it doesn't matter, whatever their profession.
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Old 09-07-2006, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
interesting. Despite being so smart the heck did Gore manage to lose his home state? Only major party candidate for Prez ever to do that.
Oh, STS, one could write a tome on what Gore did wrong in his campaign. A veritable tome, I tell ya! He would have been well served not to take his home state for granted and actually campaigned there a little harder...

But I think there has also been a definite anti-intellectual bent in the nation for the past couple decades, (which is not good for our long-term dominance) and I think a lot of American voters don't want to vote for who they see as the smartest guy in the room-- they want to vote for the guy they think is like them. And I'm not sure how we, as a nation, address that. For all of our "kids need to do well in school" we sure don't make being an academic achiever socially acceptable, do we? Better to be the athlete or the drunk party guy if you want to have friends. What do you guys think? How do we address the anti-smarts thing the country seems to have going on?
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Old 09-07-2006, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
I know Bush wasn't a great student but I'm not sure he was as bad as they made him sound in that article. The author of the article clearly had an agenda and I don't think he had anything close to Bush's complete transcripts. I think they only had his grades from his freshman year. When I heard Bush's GPA reported on the news several years ago, my recollection is that his grades weren't too bad. I remember they said he had a higher GPA than Gore.

The guy who was a really poor student was John McCain. He graduated at the bottom of his class in college. I believe he attended the Naval Acadmey at Annapolis.
Oh, Rupert, I think he was certainly an average student, not a bad one. I think the point the article was trying to make was not that he was stupid, but that average students don't get into Yale and Harvard Business School without connections, specifically, in the case of Yale, the legacy thing. The article's point was that one could say Bush, and other rich kids of rich Ivy League parents, benefit from a form of affirmative action (the legacy thing) which is why it's interesting to hear them come out against affirmative action as a policy.

(For the record, I don't think affirmative action based on race is the answer. I think that screws over a lot of poor white people who are getting stepped on by the wealthy as much as anybody. How about affirmative action based on income/assets?)

And yeah, even ten years out of college, who the f*ck cares where you went or what your grades were... doesn't matter by then...
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Old 09-07-2006, 05:49 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Genuine Risk,
If you get a chance, you might want to pick up James Lovelock's newly released book. It's a best seller in Britain and was released in the US last month.
Lovelock is the scientist that discovered the causes for problems in the ozone layer, provided data to Rachel Carson, and has views that are disrespected...until they come to be reality.
His take is that discussing "politics" doesn't matter much. Time is short, and irreversible.
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Old 09-07-2006, 06:12 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Oh, STS, one could write a tome on what Gore did wrong in his campaign. A veritable tome, I tell ya! He would have been well served not to take his home state for granted and actually campaigned there a little harder...

But I think there has also been a definite anti-intellectual bent in the nation for the past couple decades, (which is not good for our long-term dominance) and I think a lot of American voters don't want to vote for who they see as the smartest guy in the room-- they want to vote for the guy they think is like them. And I'm not sure how we, as a nation, address that. For all of our "kids need to do well in school" we sure don't make being an academic achiever socially acceptable, do we? Better to be the athlete or the drunk party guy if you want to have friends. What do you guys think? How do we address the anti-smarts thing the country seems to have going on?
The smartest guy I knew in HS, last time I heard was selling shoes. It's what you DO with your intelligence that matters. There needs to be a balance between scholarship and real-world sense. Education costs a fortune these days and, in reality, does not guarantee success in business or personal life
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Old 09-07-2006, 06:25 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
The smartest guy I knew in HS, last time I heard was selling shoes. It's what you DO with your intelligence that matters. There needs to be a balance between scholarship and real-world sense. Education costs a fortune these days and, in reality, does not guarantee success in business or personal life
Tim G,
I'm with you on that.
Here's a quote from Marcus Aurelius...
"Your life is what your thoughts make it."

See also: Proverbs 23:7

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Old 09-07-2006, 07:21 PM
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education does not equal intelligence. i am very well educated, that does not make me smart. if bush and cheney are not bright, what does that say about the opposition party that they have been running circles around for six years?
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
education does not equal intelligence. i am very well educated, that does not make me smart. if bush and cheney are not bright, what does that say about the opposition party that they have been running circles around for six years?
Right, and I don't think anyone would say Americans are naturally stupid-- look at all the guys who only know about politics what Fox news feeds them but can give you the batting order for their favorite team's last twenty games. It's not a lack of natural intelligence; it's a lack of intellectual curiousity, and I think that goes back to our country's current disdain for intellectual achievement. And I think to some extent, it contributes to Bush's past success. Americans aren't interested in pursuing intellectual topics and so they're happier getting a simpler message, which the Republicans are much, much better at framing. Did any of you read the full story behind Kerry's "I was for the war before I was against it" thing about his Iraq votes? When taken in context, his two votes make complete sense, but he couldn't articulate it simply and the opposition was happy to jump on it and make him "flip-flopper," which is simple and easy for people to grasp (never mind that Bush has done his share of flip-flopping).

I also, honestly, blame the media. Most media outlets are owned by big corporations, and if anyone thinks these corporations don't have a vital interest in keeping the Republicans and their system of corporate welfare in power, they're kidding themselves. TIME Magazine had a ton of stuff prior to the 2004 election that they refused to release because they "didn't want to influence the outcome." What? Isn't giving the American people all the facts, both good and bad the JOB of a news magazine?

And the Republicans are better at dictating the arguments. No question there. They're masters of it.
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Old 09-07-2006, 09:58 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Gore: Verbal: 625, Math: 730 (out of 800)
Wahahahahahahaha !!!!

What is your source for those numbers ... little AlGoreJr himself?

Hey ... this genius flunked out of divinity school ... yeah, flunked out ... of divinity school ...

... yeah ... it's a certainty that he got 1355 on the SAT's.

Wahahahahahahaha !!!!

Last edited by Bold Brooklynite : 09-07-2006 at 10:13 PM.
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Old 09-07-2006, 10:03 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
I also, honestly, blame the media. Most media outlets are owned by big corporations, and if anyone thinks these corporations don't have a vital interest in keeping the Republicans and their system of corporate welfare in power, they're kidding themselves.
You're really hot with the jokes tonight ... you're on fire.

Yeah ... CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, BBC, and Al Jazeeira ... are all Republican outlets.

Keep 'em coming ... I'm rollin' on the floor laughing my ankles off!
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