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Old 09-13-2006, 04:51 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
You can't compare the airport to your house. The airport is a public place.
But the planes aren't ... they're reserved for people who purchased tickets ... and who wish to travel peaceably.

The airlines themselves once provided security for their own planes ... but now government agents do it for them.

There's nothing "public" about getting on a plane.
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Old 09-13-2006, 04:55 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
... the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" will someday have to narrow if we are all to live togther on one planet!
Sorry ... but that's nonsense ...

... as long as I'm content with what I have .. why should I care what others have?

Nothing provides general contentment like the wealth generated by the efficiency of free-market capitalist economies.
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Old 09-13-2006, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Sorry ... but that's nonsense ...

... as long as I'm content with what I have .. why should I care what others have?

Nothing provides general contentment like the wealth generated by the efficiency of free-market capitalist economies.
When you have nothing you tend to care! This revisiting of trickle-down won't cut it. I actually like Bill Gates, seems like a good guy who donates billions to charity and certainly has created jobs...but who needs a hundred billion dollars? Answer...the poor folks who exist in the "other America". Sorry but we will never have peace until everybody gets some degree of hope. And that goes for the "third world" as well...when we actually give a damn about a starving child in some country that doesn't promote our "national interest" and when we care about AIDS destroying entire cultures, then maybe the world will feel differently about us!
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Old 09-13-2006, 10:59 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Answer...the poor folks who exist in the "other America". Sorry but we will never have peace until everybody gets some degree of hope.
I hesitate to tell you this ... because you're not gonna believe it but ...

... there are no "poor" people in the United States today ... excepting a small percentage of the small percentage who have disabling physical or mental handicaps.

No one is poor who has indoor plumbing, sanitary water, electricity, wholesome food, adequate shelter, warm clothing, access to impartial justice, access to advanced medical care, access to education, access to libraries, police protection, fire protection, and the right to vote ... all of which virtually 100% of Americans have.

Not to mention such luxuries as refrigerators, radios, telephones, and televisions which nearly all Americans have ... and bicycles, automobiles, and computers which overwhelming percentages have. Over 70% ... and rising ... of all Americans own the dwelling unit in which they live ... something unprecedented in human history.

You may know where there's an "other" America ... but it doesn't currently exist on the North American continent.
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Old 09-13-2006, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I hesitate to tell you this ... because you're not gonna believe it but ...

... there are no "poor" people in the United States today ... excepting a small percentage of the small percentage who have disabling physical or mental handicaps.

No one is poor who has indoor plumbing, sanitary water, electricity, wholesome food, adequate shelter, warm clothing, access to impartial justice, access to advanced medical care, access to education, access to libraries, police protection, fire protection, and the right to vote ... all of which virtually 100% of Americans have.

Not to mention such luxuries as refrigerators, radios, telephones, and televisions which nearly all Americans have ... and bicycles, automobiles, and computers which overwhelming percentages have. Over 70% ... and rising ... of all Americans own the dwelling unit in which they live ... something unprecedented in human history.

You may know where there's an "other" America ... but it doesn't currently exist on the North American continent.
Don't get out much do you? Ever notice the people sleeping in boxes on the street or the ones who crash in empty buildings to stay warm? They aren't all drug addicts! Ever traveled much in rural West Virginia and the other Appalachian states...get off the highways and hit the dirt roads, you'll find folks living in shacks with no electric or heat except from the wood stove in the corner. Vote? Many can't read or for what? Check out the subways, the large city sewer'll be surprised what you'll find...there are people living there and they have nothing, zero, zip, nada aside from the clothes on their back and a few things they can carry...sorry my man, your emperor has no clothes!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 09-14-2006, 01:13 AM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Don't get out much do you? Ever notice the people sleeping in boxes on the street or the ones who crash in empty buildings to stay warm? They aren't all drug addicts! Ever traveled much in rural West Virginia and the other Appalachian states...get off the highways and hit the dirt roads, you'll find folks living in shacks with no electric or heat except from the wood stove in the corner. Vote? Many can't read or for what? Check out the subways, the large city sewer'll be surprised what you'll find...there are people living there and they have nothing, zero, zip, nada aside from the clothes on their back and a few things they can carry...sorry my man, your emperor has no clothes!
My opinion is somewhere in the middle. I think that there are jobs for anyone that wants to work. I see signs all over town saying "Now Hiring" and "Help Wanted" and that type of thing. Granted many of these jobs are not great jobs. Many of them only pay $8.00 and $9.00 an hour. For someone to really support themselves on that kind of income, they really need two jobs if they live in an expensive city like Los Angeles. I know a guy who is a doorman at a high-rise condominium. He makes about $9 an hour. He has another job too. I think his other job is as a security guard or something like that. This guy is not the brightest guy in the world. He's not really capable of having a better job. Anyway, he works 80 hours a week. I guess between the two jobs he makes about $35,000 a year. This guy is around 50 years old. He doesn't have a college education. He works a lot of hours and he doesn't make much money but he doesn't have it so bad. He rents an apartment, he has a car, he has a television, he has a VCR, he goes on a little vacation every year. This is a guy whose IQ is probably 90 and he is not well educated. Yet his standard of living is still probably higher than 90% of the people in the world. I think he even has a cell phone.

Anyway, the point is that there are plenty of jobs out there for people that want to work. They may not be great jobs but an $8 an hour job is better than nothing.

Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 09-14-2006 at 01:17 AM.
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Old 09-14-2006, 10:35 AM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Ever notice the people sleeping in boxes on the street or the ones who crash in empty buildings to stay warm? They aren't all drug addicts!
You're correct ...

... most of them are winos.
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Old 09-14-2006, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
My opinion is somewhere in the middle. I think that there are jobs for anyone that wants to work. I see signs all over town saying "Now Hiring" and "Help Wanted" and that type of thing. Granted many of these jobs are not great jobs. Many of them only pay $8.00 and $9.00 an hour. For someone to really support themselves on that kind of income, they really need two jobs if they live in an expensive city like Los Angeles. I know a guy who is a doorman at a high-rise condominium. He makes about $9 an hour. He has another job too. I think his other job is as a security guard or something like that. This guy is not the brightest guy in the world. He's not really capable of having a better job. Anyway, he works 80 hours a week. I guess between the two jobs he makes about $35,000 a year. This guy is around 50 years old. He doesn't have a college education. He works a lot of hours and he doesn't make much money but he doesn't have it so bad. He rents an apartment, he has a car, he has a television, he has a VCR, he goes on a little vacation every year. This is a guy whose IQ is probably 90 and he is not well educated. Yet his standard of living is still probably higher than 90% of the people in the world. I think he even has a cell phone.

Anyway, the point is that there are plenty of jobs out there for people that want to work. They may not be great jobs but an $8 an hour job is better than nothing.
Well, I've been looking for a job for 77 days as of today, still looking! I have a Master's Degree, 35 years of experience in my field and my IQ...well, it's above 90. I could work at McD's or Walmart but I'd actually lose money by doing so. My point is that saying there is a job for everybody that wants one is far too simplistic an answer...if you are a single parent with 3 kids, you will pay more for child care than you can make at many jobs, if you don't drive or have a car and can't use mass transit, you are restricted to walking distance, if you have a criminal record (and we incarcerate so many folks in this country), getting any job can be difficult. Many folks have few if any marketable skills, they can't socialize well etc etc. Point is that every situation is different as is every's fine to say, "just get a job" but there are so many difficulties involved.
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Old 09-14-2006, 02:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
First I want to repsond to Oracle's post. I agree with Oracle 100%. I agree with everything he said. He actually took the words right out my mouth.

In response to Jessica's post, I think the most important part of the whole article were these quotes, "Such efforts to segregate or diminish dissent are hardly new to American politics. The ACLU has sued several Presidents over attempts to silence opposition, as in 1997, when President Clinton tried to prevent protesters from lining his inaugural parade route."

This has been going on for years. This is nothing new. I'm not necessarily in favor of it. It just depends on the circumstances of the event.

I volunteered for a candidate running for Mayor of Los Angeles several years ago. His opponent was giving a speech in a small room at a local health clinic. I went there and was considering protesting. The people putting on the event figured out that I was not a supporter of this candidate. If I would have started yelling or protesting during his speech, it would have been very disruptive. They made me promise that I would behave myself. If I didn't promise that I would behave myself, I would have been asked to leave. I had no problem with this. The truth of the matter is it would have been completely inappropriate for me to disrupt his speech. They didn't even need to make me promise to behave. When I saw the setting, I could see how disruptive and inappropriate it would have been for me to yell or anything like that. I would never have the nerve to do something like that.

With regard to your having no problem with being searched at the airport, then that means that you agree that we don't need to follow the Constitution to a "T". The airport is a public place. Technically they should not search you if they don't have probable cause. We all know that it is very important for them to search everyone at the airport in the times we live in, regardles of the wording of the Constitution. I'm glad you agree with me about that.

With regard to the two women who were arrested, how can you say that they didn't do anything wrong? You weren't there. You don't know what happened. I don't either. The article doesn't give any details. Authorities say the women refused to obey reasonable security restrictions. The women disagree. I don't know all the facts but from the small amount of information that I have, I would tend to believe the authorities. If the authorities were arrresting everyone with dissenting opinions, how come those two women were the only ones arrested? I'm sure they were mouthing off or something. I don't know what the exact laws are but I do know that it's not very smart to mouth off to cops. If you start swearing at a cop or calling him names, there is probably a good chance that you will be arrested. I'm not even talking about political rallies. I'm talking about any situation when you deal with police. If they give you some type of order and you disobey it or you mouth off to them, there is a good chance you will arrested. There is also a good chance that the charges will be dropped.
Well, the charges of the two women were dropped. Use some common sense. If the charges were dropped, then did they really do anything wrong. Again, you didn't read the article. They were school teachers. They couldn't have afforded to be arrested, because if the charges weren't dropped, they would have lost their jobs. Also, I don't think that people should be arrested just for mouthing off to a police officer because some law enforcement officers are very rude to these people first, especially some of the ones that you see on COPS on TV.

I don't dislike Bush, and I think that he has made some good decisions regarding everything that has happened. It is very hard to be a war time president. I know that he is only doing what he thinks is right. However, what he might be taking what he thinks is right a little too far.

Again, flying isn't a right but a privilege, and I don't have a problem with being searched at the airport. Stuff like that is completely necessary, but some of the other things that the government is doing isn't. It's not like we're Nazi Germany, but we are on a downhill slope, and it needs to stop before it gets worse. I have also cited numerous articles that prove that the government is infringing on certain citizen's rights in certain aspects. You just tend to look past those points and ignore them completely.

Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.

Also, here is the part of the article that said Bush has been a lot harsher on protesters than on previous presidents. This information was collected from political scientists.

"In my mind, it all started with Nixon. He was the first presidential candidate to really make an effort to control their image and disrupt public interruption at events," said Cary Covington, a political science professor at the University of Iowa.

But political experts say the 2004 Bush campaign rewrote the playbook for organizing campaign rallies.

At the Republican National Convention in New York City and at other campaign stops, security segregated protesters in designated "free speech zones" set up at a significant distance from each rally. To get into events headlined by Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney, supporters were required to obtain tickets through GOP channels or sign loyalty oaths.

Political experts agree Bush 2004 went to greater lengths than Kerry officials — or any past campaign — to choreograph a seamless, partisan rally free of the embarrassing moments that attract media attention.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-14-2006 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 09-14-2006, 02:56 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Free speech is a right for all Americans ...

... but proximate access to the President isn't.

Anyone can call Bush a fascist, a baby killer, the new Hitler, and a chimpanzee with impunity ... but they don't have a "right" to get real close to him while they're doing it.

The Secret Service has an important and difficult job to do ... and can't afford to be wrong ... not even once.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:02 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Well, I've been looking for a job for 77 days as of today, still looking! I have a Master's Degree, 35 years of experience in my field and my IQ...well, it's above 90. I could work at McD's or Walmart but I'd actually lose money by doing so. My point is that saying there is a job for everybody that wants one is far too simplistic an answer...
I ... and just about everyone I've ever known in the business world ... have been in that position on a few occasions ... and every time ... things worked out ... for myself and everyone else I've known ... for the better.

This is still the United States of America ... and at present ... in the second half of 2006 ... it is more prosperous ... and offers more opportunity ... than any country at any time in history.

Keep showing up ... and using your noodle ... and pursuing what you enjoy ... you'll be surprised at how quickly and decisively things can turn around.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I ... and just about everyone I've ever known in the business world ... have been in that position on a few occasions ... and every time ... things worked out ... for myself and everyone else I've known ... for the better.

This is still the United States of America ... and at present ... in the second half of 2006 ... it is more prosperous ... and offers more opportunity ... than any country at any time in history.

Keep showing up ... and using your noodle ... and pursuing what you enjoy ... you'll be surprised at how quickly and decisively things can turn around.
Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.

Thankyou BB! I have proof! So I REALLY was right! I have found the proof that I needed from that tells us that the goverment is playing with it's citizens. Try ignoring this are arguing that it is just a mere coincidence that this would be brought up in a Republican website! Thank you so much for allowing me to broaden my horizens!

"Look for the dominant issues leading up to the November election to be the war, taxes, education and the economy. No one at the White House wants to say it publicly, but gas prices continue to fall, and the president might wonder why, when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was on the front page, but now that prices have dropped 80 cents or more in some places, one doesn't see as much attention given to it."

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-14-2006 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.

Thankyou BB! I have proof! So I REALLY was right! I have found the proof that I needed from that tells us that the goverment is playing with it's citizens. Try ignoring this are arguing that it is just a mere coincidence that this would be brought up in a Republican website! Thank you so much for allowing me to broaden my horizens!

"Look for the dominant issues leading up to the November election to be the war, taxes, education and the economy. No one at the White House wants to say it publicly, but gas prices continue to fall, and the president might wonder why, when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was on the front page, but now that prices have dropped 80 cents or more in some places, one doesn't see as much attention given to it."
KR: I'm sorry, but that paragraph doesn't prove a thing...much less the Administrations' playing the public!
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:16 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.

Thankyou BB! I have proof! So I REALLY was right! I have found the proof that I needed from that tells us that the goverment is playing with it's citizens. Try ignoring this are arguing that it is just a mere coincidence that this would be brought up in a Republican website! Thank you so much for allowing me to broaden my horizens!

"Look for the dominant issues leading up to the November election to be the war, taxes, education and the economy. No one at the White House wants to say it publicly, but gas prices continue to fall, and the president might wonder why, when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was on the front page, but now that prices have dropped 80 cents or more in some places, one doesn't see as much attention given to it."
I don't know where you got your first quote ... but your second one from Cal Thomas ... has him questioning the hypocrisy of the leftist media who headline rising gasoline prices ... but ignore falling ones.

In any case ... I don't understand the connection between your post and my response to Somerfrost.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:41 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
Let me ask you a question. Government investigations found that the oil companies were not doing anything wrong in regards to gas prices. Have you noticed that gas prices are going down in your area right now? Now, has any major thing happened as to why gas prices have been going down? I know that they found the new oil reserve in Texas, but that won't be operatable for many years. I know the real reason that gas prices are going down. It is all common sense. Elections are coming up in November. The government is playing with us. I guarantee that gas prices will go back up right after the elections are over with. When the gas prices do go back up after the elections, there will be your proof that the government is playing and toying with it's citizens in certain aspects.

Thankyou BB! I have proof! So I REALLY was right! I have found the proof that I needed from that tells us that the goverment is playing with it's citizens. Try ignoring this are arguing that it is just a mere coincidence that this would be brought up in a Republican website! Thank you so much for allowing me to broaden my horizens!

"Look for the dominant issues leading up to the November election to be the war, taxes, education and the economy. No one at the White House wants to say it publicly, but gas prices continue to fall, and the president might wonder why, when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was on the front page, but now that prices have dropped 80 cents or more in some places, one doesn't see as much attention given to it."
Jessica, I can tell you why gasoline prices are going down. It's no great mystery. You're going to feel pretty silly when I tell you the answer. Gas prices are coming down because the price of oil has been coming way down. Our government has no control over the price of oil. It is a commodity that trades all over the world. Our govenrment does not set the price of oil. There is a futures market for oil and every other commodity. The price of oil has been going straight up, but it's just like anything else. It's like any other commodity. It's also like the stock market and the real estate market. It goes up and it goes down. Oil recently got up to an all-time high of $77 a barrel. Now it is finally starting to come down. It has dropped down to $63 a barrel. That's a 20% drop. That's why gasoline prices are coming way down. When the price of oil comes down, the price of gasoline will drop. It's that simple.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Jessica, I can tell you why gasoline prices are going down. It's no great mystery. You're going to feel pretty silly when I tell you the answer. Gas prices are coming down because the price of oil has been coming way down. Our government has no control over the price of oil. It is a commodity that trades all over the world. Our govenrment does not set the price of oil. There is a futures market for oil and every other commodity. The price of oil has been going straight up, but it's just like anything else. It's like any other commodity. It's also like the stock market and the real estate market. It goes up and it goes down. Oil recently got up to an all-time high of $77 a barrel. Now it is finally starting to come down. It has dropped down to $63 a barrel. That's a 20% drop. That's why gasoline prices are coming way down. When the price of oil comes down, the price of gasoline will drop. It's that simple.
Thank you, Rupert. I was wondering when the logic was going to come... I work in Investments and you are completely correct.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:53 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
I don't know where you got your first quote ... but your second one from Cal Thomas ... has him questioning the hypocrisy of the leftist media who headline rising gasoline prices ... but ignore falling ones.

In any case ... I don't understand the connection between your post and my response to Somerfrost.
Jessica misuderstood the quote. She thought that Thomas was insinuating that the White House was respnsible for the drop in oil prices. That's not what he was saying. He was saying that the white House is frustrated that when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was all over the papers. Now that it's $2.70 a gallon, that's not metioned in the papers. So they're frustrated that they are sort of blamed when the price goes up, but they don't get any credit when the price goes down. The truth of the matter is that oil is a commodity that is traded all over the world. Our governmnet has no control over oil prices at all.
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Old 09-14-2006, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Jessica misuderstood the quote. She thought that Thomas was insinuating that the White House was respnsible for the drop in oil prices. That's not what he was saying. He was saying that the white House is frustrated that when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was all over the papers. Now that it's $2.70 a gallon, that's not metioned in the papers. So they're frustrated that they are sort of blamed when the price goes up, but they don't get any credit when the price goes down. The truth of the matter is that oil is a commodity that is traded all over the world. Our governmnet has no control over oil prices at all.
SOME people expect our government to use our own oil reserves so that we can have cheaper gasoline for a short time.
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Old 09-14-2006, 04:01 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Thank you, Rupert. I was wondering when the logic was going to come... I work in Investments and you are completely correct.
I'm in finance too. Not only have I traded my own account for 20 years, I do some work for a hedge-fund and manage money for some friends too.

Jessica obviously does not have much knowledge about financial markets.
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Old 09-14-2006, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin
Jessica misuderstood the quote. She thought that Thomas was insinuating that the White House was respnsible for the drop in oil prices. That's not what he was saying. He was saying that the white House is frustrated that when gasoline was $3.50 a gallon, it was all over the papers. Now that it's $2.70 a gallon, that's not metioned in the papers. So they're frustrated that they are sort of blamed when the price goes up, but they don't get any credit when the price goes down. The truth of the matter is that oil is a commodity that is traded all over the world. Our governmnet has no control over oil prices at all.
What you say is true with an asterisk. What you should say is that our government has no DIRECT control over oil prices. Just like our government has no DIRECT control over long term interest rates. If you are implying that our government has NO influence on worldwide crude prices, that would be incorrect.
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