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Old 02-20-2010, 12:16 PM
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Default Nopie: One Year Later

A year ago many of you followed the saga of my successful attempt to rescue an injured race horse in Nebraska (Links to DT threads HERE and HERE). I wanted to update you on Nopie's current condition and the effect he has had on my life. Here's Nopie a year ago:

Nopie has recovered nicely from his severe suspensory injury, and although it has completely heeled he does have a piece of calcified bone within the ligament that will prevent him from ever being able to jump (although he can still buck around in his pen with no problems ). Nopie spent just over nine months confined to a small 10'x10' paddock while his ankle healed and he was the model patient. His spirit was strong and he spent his time making friends and stealing the hearts of the volunteers at GEVA, the equine retirement facility that has been his home (see this LINK for a story about his time at GEVA).

Shortly after the holidays, Nopie moved down from the barn into his own larger paddock amongst the horses of GEVA, there he's made friends with his neighboring horses (Govie and Oro) and he made one enemy - Shark, the stallion in the adjacent paddock, thought the gelding Nopie was flirting with his mares so he bit Nopie on the nose which has left a scar. Other than that Nopie is the picture of health. He still has an amazing personality, loves carrots and attention, and seems to make friends with everyone. When the rains in California finally let up, Nopie will be re-schooled to be a pleasure horse and then I will find him a new home where he will be cared for and loved like every retired race horse should be as they live out their remaining days.

This experience has changed me as well. Before Nopie, I was your typical "race tracker", I bet the horses, owned one of my own and hoped to win with her, but didn't ever think, "where do the horses go when I don't see them at the track and they stop showing up in my stable mail?" I never knew there were so many groups dedicated to helping off track thoroughbreds (OTTB) find homes where they'll be cared for. I became more supportive of groups in California like GEVA, CANTER, The Second Race, and others. I have donated thousands of dollars to these groups (money I probably would have gambled away) and helped them raise funds so that they can continue doing everything they can to help give our heroes a home when they retire. When I retire (still many years away) I have no doubt that I will provide a home to many retired horses and spend my final day surrounded by my heroes. Horses have such amazing personalities and I am constantly in awe of how gentle and loving these thousand pound animals can be with people. Few things relax me like time spent at the barn feeding carrots to the horses and spending time with them. I'm sure I'll own another racehorse again, but I can tell you that I will always be one of those owners that accepts responsibility for a horse they own and I'll insure that any horse I own has a home when their racing days are over - that's something that I am committed to.

Nopie turns five on Tuesday (he was foaled on February 23, 2005) and I'm happy I was able to help him get to live to see it. If you have the interest and the means to do so, a donation to GEVA (Click HERE) in his name will surely result in him getting extra treats on his big day. Thank you all for the support you showed me a year ago, without this site I'm not sure I could have pulled off Nopie's rescue. My biggest thanks, once again, goes out to Scav - Tom was there with me the entire way, making things happen and insuring that we got Nopie back to California after his disastrous final race at Fonner Park. I thank you Tom, and no doubt Nopie thanks you, too!
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Old 02-20-2010, 01:07 PM
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Old 02-20-2010, 01:25 PM
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my miss storm cat my miss storm cat is offline
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A lovely read.

Wish him a happy birthday and give him a hug... and am sending one to you and to Scav too because you guys are just amazing.

Please keep updating us.
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Old 02-20-2010, 01:36 PM
Merlinsky Merlinsky is offline
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My day was really dragging til I read this. Great to hear. Give him a birthday carrot from me!
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Old 02-20-2010, 01:44 PM
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Very nice, indeed.
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Old 02-20-2010, 04:40 PM
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My day is going well ...will make a donation today to GEVA

On edit at 4:55
contribution made...

Transaction ID: 056615327A545643D Placed on Feb 20, 2010 Payment For Quantity/Price In honor of Nopie's birthday
$50.00 USDSubtotal:$50.00 USDSales Tax:$0.00 USDTotal Amount:$50.00 USD
....stay lady stay...stay while the night is still ahead...

Last edited by Payson Dave : 02-20-2010 at 05:00 PM.
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Old 02-20-2010, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Payson Dave
My day is going well ...will make a donation today to GEVA

On edit at 4:55
contribution made...

Transaction ID: 056615327A545643D Placed on Feb 20, 2010 Payment For Quantity/Price In honor of Nopie's birthday
$50.00 USDSubtotal:$50.00 USDSales Tax:$0.00 USDTotal Amount:$50.00 USD

Thank you Dave!
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
- Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping
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Old 02-20-2010, 05:50 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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I was thinking of you and nopie just a few days ago, wondering how he was. Glad to hear he's doing well.
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Old 02-20-2010, 08:46 PM
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What a great story So glad you shared it
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:08 PM
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DC - thank you so much for the update. I just finished reading Beyond the Homestretch and Nopie came to mind. I am so happy that he is well and on the mend. I hope he has a wonderful birthday and you continue to be in awe of our equine heroes; I know I will.
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Old 02-21-2010, 12:20 AM
westcoastinvader westcoastinvader is offline
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Originally Posted by DerbyCat
Thank you Dave!
My wife's typing away at the other computer as we listen to jazz in front of the fireplace in the TGIF Friday's themed sports room off the garage with thoroughbred, music and other memorabilia covering the walls.

I said, "hon, Derby Cat wants us to donate to GEVA." Let's do it.

She said, "huh?......Derby Cat wants us to donate to Jesus??"

(I'm pouring nice celebratory wine....)

GEVA donation on it's way.....

Last edited by westcoastinvader : 02-21-2010 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 02-21-2010, 12:29 AM
westcoastinvader westcoastinvader is offline
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Originally Posted by Payson Dave
My day is going well ...will make a donation today to GEVA

On edit at 4:55
contribution made...

Transaction ID: 056615327A545643D Placed on Feb 20, 2010 Payment For Quantity/Price In honor of Nopie's birthday
$50.00 USDSubtotal:$50.00 USDSales Tax:$0.00 USDTotal Amount:$50.00 USD

Transaction ID: 5DG181744C527251D

An email with your order summary has been sent to.... a/k/a Westcoastinvader

Feb 20, 2010 Payment To GEVA inc. Completed ... -$xxx.00 USD

That donation is complements of loading up on the Baze-Hollendorfer chalk in the 8th at Golden Gate Fields.

(hey, it's not "redboarding" if you admit you went heavily at something at less than 2-1, right?.....I mean, who around here touts a favorite?....:-)....)
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Old 02-21-2010, 02:15 AM
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Originally Posted by westcoastinvader
My wife's typing away at the other computer as we listen to jazz in front of the fireplace in the TGIF Friday's themed sports room off the garage with thoroughbred, music and other memorabilia covering the walls.

I said, "hon, Derby Cat wants us to donate to GEVA." Let's do it.

She said, "huh?......Derby Cat wants us to donate to Jesus??"

(I'm pouring nice celebratory wine....)

GEVA donation on it's way.....

Thanks Robert! Tell your wonderful wife I said thanks and hello. Want to meet up at GGF sometime soon?
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
- Friedrich Nietzsche on Handicapping
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:12 AM
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:26 AM
Patrick333 Patrick333 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot
What a great story So glad you shared it
Ditto from me.
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:57 PM
westcoastinvader westcoastinvader is offline
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Originally Posted by DerbyCat
Thanks Robert! Tell your wonderful wife I said thanks and hello. Want to meet up at GGF sometime soon?

Of course!

We can take this to PM's of course.

But "a horse is a horse, of course of course...."

(How old does one have to be these days to have a chance of remembering Wilbur and Mr. Ed?)

My wife has a photography class in Berkeley next Saturday, and then the next Saturday we're flying to Auburn to check out the school of engineering for my youngest kid.

My original plan was to drop my wife off in Berkeley next Saturday, then maybe head to The City via BART to have a nice day of drinking and socializing then to BART back to Berkeley and let her drive home.

If you happen to have plans to be at Golden Gate Fields next Saturday, let me know and maybe I can alter plans. Other than totaling my truck at 8,000 feet near Kirkwood Ski Resort the last weekend of January, it's been a pretty "lucky" year thus far and my bankroll is currently flush with designated gambling lettuce.

I had a night at the blackjack tables in Reno on December 30 that is one of those that gamblers dream about. Fortunately I had the drunken presence of mind into the late night hours to take the elevator up to the room and leave at least a couple four digit profit deposits with my sleeping wife for safekeeping. "Fortunately," because when I finally retired for "the night" at about 7:30 AM on the 31st my pockets were empty of gambling cash on the last ride up. But, I did enjoy lots of "free" alcohol until the sun came up. I took gambling off for New Year's Eve and concentrated on making certain my "forgiving of my vices" wife knew I really appreciated her. We ate and drank and danced well this past New Year's Eve......

The luck has carried into 2010. I've only had one losing day thus far, and even had a single solid bet on the first player to score a TD in the Super Bowl at 10-1. And I had a solid bet on Indianapolis - 1/2 in the 1st quarter. Both bets clicked. I have yet to cash those in. I'll send small bet tickets to Nevada to get a check in the mail, but when they get a bit larger I prefer to cash and collect in person.

My wife isn't too thrilled about driving back over the Sierra anytime soon to collect in person. I didn't have the truck in 4WD when we hit black ice and flipped it and almost went down the mountain embankment near Caples Lake on Highway 88.

We were both unscathed and pulled our way up out of the truck on it's side and we emerged and leaped off like miraculously fine NASCAR drivers after a big crash. The good samaritans who had come to our immediate aid on the road side were astonished.

Come to think of it, I was lucky that day, too!

Last edited by westcoastinvader : 02-21-2010 at 09:13 PM.
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Old 02-22-2010, 06:36 PM
cal828 cal828 is offline
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Bless you girl and your parents too. Somebody raised you right.
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Old 02-23-2010, 01:28 PM
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I sent a small donation the other day and recieved a very nice thank you in an email. I wish I could have sent more.
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Old 05-10-2011, 09:27 PM
jezebel jezebel is offline
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Hope the OP doesn't mind, but I just got an update from the Second Race that Nopie is ready for adoption. Beautiful picture of him on their webpage, hope this link works. What a happy boy!!/pages/The...e/102652729384
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Old 05-10-2011, 09:46 PM
Merlinsky Merlinsky is offline
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Originally Posted by jezebel View Post
Hope the OP doesn't mind, but I just got an update from the Second Race that Nopie is ready for adoption. Beautiful picture of him on their webpage, hope this link works. What a happy boy!!/pages/The...e/102652729384
It's not linking to any recent thing of Nopie for me, just a list of pages for other stuff, but when I googled I found this thing that's from a year or so ago and kind of adorable. Read the paragraph written in the voice of Nopie. Sounds like a real character.
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