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Old 05-20-2010, 06:05 PM
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Default Standing ovation
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Old 05-20-2010, 06:06 PM
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Old 05-20-2010, 06:11 PM
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obscene.......what about ALL the immigrants that did it the RIGHT way!

just who is in charge of our country???
"Change can be good, but constant change shows no direction"
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Old 05-20-2010, 08:30 PM
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Of course the people who were standing ignored the fact that the law that he knocked mirrors the very one they created. A buffoon who presides over a laughingly corrupt govt that imposes a far more draconian immigration standard than the AZ law is someone who should have not been allowed in the building, let alone lauded. Liberals and bleeding hearts can cry all they want about the law but the fact remains that in AZ virtually every illegal alien is Mexican. If 99.8% of illegals in the state are Mexicans then how exactly is it profiling to "target" Mexicans who have broken the law? It is simply common sense.
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Old 05-20-2010, 08:35 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell View Post
Of course the people who were standing ignored the fact that the law that he knocked mirrors the very one they created. A buffoon who presides over a laughingly corrupt govt that imposes a far more draconian immigration standard than the AZ law is someone who should have not been allowed in the building, let alone lauded. Liberals and bleeding hearts can cry all they want about the law but the fact remains that in AZ virtually every illegal alien is Mexican. If 99.8% of illegals in the state are Mexicans then how exactly is it profiling to "target" Mexicans who have broken the law? It is simply common sense.
Welcome back
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Old 05-21-2010, 06:34 AM
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Why don't Pelosi and Biden just change the flag to a hammer and sickle while they're standing up there and just be done with it?

Applauding the viewpoint of the president of Mexico, who's people are invading our country that doesn't justify all the condescension and arrogance we get from the Democratic party, I don't know what does.

It will be amusing in November when the Republican Tsunami sweeps many of the liberals out of office, because they will be on talk shows hanging their heads saying "I don't understand why this happened..."
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Old 05-21-2010, 06:40 AM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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[quote=joeydb;649641]Why don't Pelosi and Biden just change the flag to a hammer and sickle while they're standing up there and just be done with it?

Applauding the viewpoint of the president of Mexico, who's people are invading our country that doesn't justify all the condescension and arrogance we get from the Democratic party, I don't know what does.

It will be amusing in November when the Republican Tsunami sweeps many of the liberals out of office, because they will be on talk shows hanging their heads saying "I don't understand why this happened..."[/QUOTE]

Because it happens every time there's a majority plus a sitting President. You can't take credit for an uprising when it happens all the time.
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Old 05-21-2010, 07:19 AM
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can't believe the last time I was pulled over I was asked for three papers, license, registration and insurance.

Do they even care about Americans working? Odd on a day when the worst jobless claim in 3 mos. (no new census workers) was put in the books this is their priority? N. Korea is found to have sunk a S. Korean ship and not a peep. Don't interfere with la fiesta. Viva la Mexico!
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 05-21-2010, 07:22 AM
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While it's true that the minority party often gains seats in the midterm elections when the president and congress are controlled by the majority party, the degree to which this change is likely to occur will surpass any precedent.

I was commenting more on the overruling of public sentiment on passing the healthcare debacle which the majority of Americans oppose, and now applauding the words of a foreign president against our country and one of our states, when the overwhelming majority of Americans support that law.

The Democrats are out of touch, and that's what will burn them in November, over and above the trend which you have correctly pointed out.
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Old 05-21-2010, 08:14 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
While it's true that the minority party often gains seats in the midterm elections when the president and congress are controlled by the majority party, the degree to which this change is likely to occur will surpass any precedent.

I was commenting more on the overruling of public sentiment on passing the healthcare debacle which the majority of Americans oppose, and now applauding the words of a foreign president against our country and one of our states, when the overwhelming majority of Americans support that law.

The Democrats are out of touch, and that's what will burn them in November, over and above the trend which you have correctly pointed out.
November isnt too far off. This country needs more people like the Governor of Arizona, who isnt going to wait for Washington to take action on the worthless illegals. Funny how Hannity said O'Dumbass was an embarrassment to Americans for applauding Calderon when he was attacking the new Arizona law.
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Old 05-21-2010, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
While it's true that the minority party often gains seats in the midterm elections when the president and congress are controlled by the majority party, the degree to which this change is likely to occur will surpass any precedent.

I was commenting more on the overruling of public sentiment on passing the healthcare debacle which the majority of Americans oppose, and now applauding the words of a foreign president against our country and one of our states, when the overwhelming majority of Americans support that law.

The Democrats are out of touch, and that's what will burn them in November, over and above the trend which you have correctly pointed out.
i just wish the people in charge of planning the republican fall campaign shared your arrogance. they just placed their entire focus on a single house seat in a district that voted for mccain in 2008. and lost it.

if there was a tsunami coming, wouldn't we have found out about it last tuesday?

the wet dream scenario you have for november doesn't appear to have any basis in reality. republicans will pick up seats. that's true. they've had 2 disastrous election cycles so there are more democratic incumbents. and incumbents will pay the price for a bad economy.

healthcare votes will cost 2-3 freshmen dems their seats. and as much as immigration energizes the republican base, it does the same for hispanics.

how big republican gains will be has a lot more to do with what happens between now and november than what happened in 2009.
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Old 05-21-2010, 11:23 AM
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I think the law allows unequal treatment of citizens (based too much on race.) I don't want someone like Andre Ethier getting stopped just because he's half Latino. Whatever measures used to stop Illegal Immgration needs to be very forceful. We need to punish those who hire them. Even if the illegals have fake papers to show, employers should be fined if it's found that THEY HAVE AN ILLEGAL WORKING FOR THEM. That means you better be pretty damn sure that your employee is a citizen. Matter of fact, why take a chance? Guess who's gunna get hired? Those with the best English skills. Those who people are pretty damn sure are citizens. That's not racial profiling. It's letting Americans be responsible for who they employ. Illegals aren't gunna be responsible. You need to put the pain on those who have the most to lose.

And later has this conversation with Wolf Blitzer:

BLITZER: So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, they can just walk in?

CALDERON: No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedent. And they coming into Mexico. Actually...

BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?

CALDERON: Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?

And if they explain...

BLITZER: At the border, I understand, when they come in.


BLITZER: But once they're in...

CALDERON: But not -- but not in -- if -- once they are inside the -- inside the country, what the Mexican police do is, of course, enforce the law. But by any means, immigration is a crime anymore in Mexico.

BLITZER: Immigration is not a crime, you're saying?

CALDERON: It's not a crime.

BLITZER: So in other words, if somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America, through the southern border of Mexico, they wind up in Mexico, they can go get a job...


BLITZER: They can work.

CALDERON: If -- if somebody do that without permission, we send back -- we send back them.

BLITZER: You find them and you send them back?

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Old 05-21-2010, 12:31 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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LOL @ the mexican president double standard.

I really dont understand the fuss about this law. especially since racial profilling is strictly forbidden in the law.

I also find it hilarious that good ol' Janet and Eric can publically critisize the law when and then turn around and admit they havent even read the darn law. typically liberal bs.

I have a much different view of illegal Mexicans in arizona than most all republicans do. I'm all for amnesty. But if the state wants to actually inforce the laws, I can see no problem with that either.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 05-21-2010, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post
i just wish the people in charge of planning the republican fall campaign shared your arrogance. they just placed their entire focus on a single house seat in a district that voted for mccain in 2008. and lost it.

if there was a tsunami coming, wouldn't we have found out about it last tuesday?

the wet dream scenario you have for november doesn't appear to have any basis in reality. republicans will pick up seats. that's true. they've had 2 disastrous election cycles so there are more democratic incumbents. and incumbents will pay the price for a bad economy.

healthcare votes will cost 2-3 freshmen dems their seats. and as much as immigration energizes the republican base, it does the same for hispanics.

how big republican gains will be has a lot more to do with what happens between now and november than what happened in 2009.

Guess what? The momentum is not anti-incumbent. It's anti-liberal, anti-taxes, anti-debt. The Dems are going to get pounded. Not 2-3 freshman seats. Big losses. You can bet on it.
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
I think the law allows unequal treatment of citizens (based too much on race.) I don't want someone like Andre Ethier getting stopped just because he's half Latino. Whatever measures used to stop Illegal Immgration needs to be very forceful. We need to punish those who hire them. Even if the illegals have fake papers to show, employers should be fined if it's found that THEY HAVE AN ILLEGAL WORKING FOR THEM. That means you better be pretty damn sure that your employee is a citizen. Matter of fact, why take a chance? Guess who's gunna get hired? Those with the best English skills. Those who people are pretty damn sure are citizens. That's not racial profiling. It's letting Americans be responsible for who they employ. Illegals aren't gunna be responsible. You need to put the pain on those who have the most to lose.

And later has this conversation with Wolf Blitzer:

BLITZER: So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, they can just walk in?

CALDERON: No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedent. And they coming into Mexico. Actually...

BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?

CALDERON: Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?

And if they explain...

BLITZER: At the border, I understand, when they come in.


BLITZER: But once they're in...

CALDERON: But not -- but not in -- if -- once they are inside the -- inside the country, what the Mexican police do is, of course, enforce the law. But by any means, immigration is a crime anymore in Mexico.

BLITZER: Immigration is not a crime, you're saying?

CALDERON: It's not a crime.

BLITZER: So in other words, if somebody sneaks in from Nicaragua or some other country in Central America, through the southern border of Mexico, they wind up in Mexico, they can go get a job...


BLITZER: They can work.

CALDERON: If -- if somebody do that without permission, we send back -- we send back them.

BLITZER: You find them and you send them back?

The amount of racial profiling that would occur if your employer scenario was enacted would dwarf the supposed racial profiling that this law supposedly causes. For if you want to enforce draconian penalties for employers for hiring illegals, many will simply stop hiring anyone that remotely looks or talks like the stereotypical illegal. Not to mention that your typical business owner does not have any formal training in determining the authenticity of immigration documents. Having had plenty of experience in dealing with both legal and illegal documents, the ones that are being used nowdays all look good. It used to be fairly easy to seperate the bad ones from the good ones but even then unless the document was laughlingly fake (like spelling errors or signatures in crayon) legally we are not allowed to deny someone a job based on their documents.
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Old 05-21-2010, 02:49 PM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
Guess what? The momentum is not anti-incumbent. It's anti-liberal, anti-taxes, anti-debt. The Dems are going to get pounded. Not 2-3 freshman seats. Big losses. You can bet on it.
i wasn't suggesting a 2-3 seat loss overall. that would be a liberal wet dream on par with your conservative wet dream. i was talking about 2-3 freshman seats in competitive districts where dems got elected on obama's coattail that'll probably go republican as a result of a vote cast in favor of healthcare. my point was that healthcare will be a non-issue outside of that small impact.

and so far as your take on the country's mood, what can i say? from your mouth to the republican congressional campaign committee's ear. i couldn't possibly hope for anything more.

they, unfortunately, probably noticed the pennsylvania special election tuesday where a dem was again elected in john murtha's anti-abortion, pro-gun district. the one that voted for john mccain in 2008.

if you live in a vacuum only getting news from sources that reinforce your opinion, you'll believe all the echoes must be reality. i won't try to convince you otherwise.

the election will be whatever it is. but your certainty over a result that's still almost 6 months off as well as the detailed reasons for that "red tsunami" is the kind of arrogance that costs seats.
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Old 05-21-2010, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post

they, unfortunately, probably noticed the pennsylvania special election tuesday where a dem was again elected in john murtha's anti-abortion, pro-gun district. the one that voted for john mccain in 2008.
yes a Dem who campaigned as an antiabortion, progun, anti healthcare bill, anti tax and trade Dem. Those kind of dems arent so bad if they actually govern as they campaigned. Of couse we all know how that goes...

At least the people of PA were smart enough to put Arlen out of our misery. Maybe Andy Reid will give him a job fetching donuts?
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Old 05-21-2010, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell View Post
yes a Dem who campaigned as an antiabortion, progun, anti healthcare bill, anti tax and trade Dem. Those kind of dems arent so bad if they actually govern as they campaigned. Of couse we all know how that goes...

At least the people of PA were smart enough to put Arlen out of our misery. Maybe Andy Reid will give him a job fetching donuts?
and sestak's a stronger candidate in november. i'm not predicting a slam dunk win because i don't own the same crystal ball joey has but i thought the senate primary was another positive for the dems in a swing state.

and there are plenty of anti-abortion, pro-gun dems, chuck. even anti-healthcare bill ones.

you're the party of strict ideological discipline. no one runs around yelling "dino" other than scuds.
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Old 05-21-2010, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post
and sestak's a stronger candidate in november. i'm not predicting a slam dunk win because i don't own the same crystal ball joey has but i thought the senate primary was another positive for the dems in a swing state.

and there are plenty of anti-abortion, pro-gun dems, chuck. even anti-healthcare bill ones.

you're the party of strict ideological discipline. no one runs around yelling "dino" other than scuds.

Yours is the party of intellectual dishonesty and defeatism
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Old 05-21-2010, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell View Post

Yours is the party of intellectual dishonesty and defeatism
Defeatism? Debatable.

The other part, however, was good for a huge lol here. Thanks, Chuck, I needed it on a busy day. The word Republican is essentially a synonym for intellectual dishonesty any way you cut guys basically invented the term through habitual practice of it.
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