Originally Posted by Dahoss
I don't even really know where to begin with the ride (I use that term loosely) Jackie Davis gave her today in the 5th at Aqueduct. You have to watch the head on to really appreciate it. I was reluctant to even post this because I can't imagine she is going to get the kind of pace set up like she got today and without that set up, she really can't compete at this level.
But, I'll follow her and see where she shows up next.
This f*ing horse. She has been the victim of numerous TERRIBLE rides, has moved into races too early, has been wide, received negative setups, it's just endless. Today took the cake. When Jackie dove to the rail you knew what was coming and there's really no doubt in my mind she would have won if she stayed outside. Unfortunately, you're absolutely right about her needing a big setup and now everybody and his brother are going to be waiting for her to return.