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Old 03-06-2011, 02:43 AM
ranger5830 ranger5830 is offline
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Two thoughts:

First, you have to be about the biggest idiot in the world to make a $100,000+ show wager in an 11-horse field, especially on a horse who was completely unproven at the distance, and indeed showed distance limitations in the goodwood.

Second, it's unbelievable to me that the same bunch of stewards that unjustifiably DQ'ed The Wicked North for virtually no infraction in this same race in '94 could allow this result to stand, when Game on Dude clearly starts to come out immediately after Chantal hits him left-handed. It appeared to me that the momentum lost certainly could have cost TC 4th place, which would warrant a DQ.
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Old 03-06-2011, 06:57 AM
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When they 1st straighten into the stretch, do you see all that room between her and the fence? Do you really think she was that wide on the turn? Nope. She's trying to float them. At the very last instance of that float job, she lets him come out just too much, and Joel has to bump Setsuko. Victor also wants to make TC tight, but he's doing it in a fair manor. What he really did is show you exactly how much she's trying to float out. Victor keeps Setsuko the same distance from the rail. Well, as you can see, TC has no choice, but to run into Setsuko. He's being floated out into someone who refuses to move out (Victor doesn't have to move out just because this bitch decides to float Candy out.) So, Candy is forced into Setsuko. That 1st bump pushes Setsuko out towards the grandstand. It cost him some momentum (getting pushed sideways is not helpful.) Folks, you can stop the video right there. That next collision between TC and her horse is a 50/50, or 60/40. They got so infatuated with that collision that they lost track of the fact that she was earlier responsible for forcing TC into Setsuko. That's a foul. She 100% caused that foul. Both Victor and Chantal were trying to make it tough on T Candy. Victor did it by race riding (not giving ground when she floated T Candy out.) Chantal did it by fouling T Candy (she swerves out a lot just as they're about to straighten into the stretch.) Again that left handed whip. She came out too much right there. It forces TC into Setsuko. That's a foul. A foul they ignored, because they got interested in the more ugly bumping 3 or 4 seconds later.
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:11 AM
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I know this isn't the NFL where the play on the field stands until the replay provides absolutely clear cut evidence of reversal. I know their judgement was based on thinking that TC actually hit GOD hind quarters and initiated the contact. Judging from the differences in opinion here would it justified taking GOD down when the evidence apparently wasn't so clear cut?
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:06 AM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS View Post
You had a tough beat there Scav - not only the fouling - but if any jockey around now could carry a tired horse home in a dirt route - Victor Espinoza would be the one I'd want. And Chantal - not so much.
The non DQ cost me the late P3 ($3) and late DD ($10). Agree it was tough but it is what you get when you wager out there. Althought I'll say that I think Phil said it best that after watching it a million times, there is really no right answer and I guess the safe call is to not touch it.

And quite honestly, Setsuko didn't really deserve to get put up with his hanging tendencies, he was loaded for bear on the final turn and just didn't want to pass a horse that got knocked around twice, had incompentency on his back, and was close to a pretty fast pace. He'll never win.

At least the R3/R4 DD at Parx was the overlay of the century, 1/5 over 5/1 pays $32, that helped the day along pretty well.

(now this is some redboarding!)
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:19 AM
alysheba4 alysheba4 is offline
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Originally Posted by randallscott35 View Post
TC is who we thought he was.

Correct no call. Dreadful race.
'''''damn good performance from game on.....
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Old 03-06-2011, 09:53 AM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
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I can't wait to see what underlaid prices Turbulent Descent and Zazu are in the Oaks future wager next week. That race was an eyesore.
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Old 03-06-2011, 10:51 AM
blackthroatedwind blackthroatedwind is offline
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Originally Posted by NTamm1215 View Post
I can't wait to see what underlaid prices Turbulent Descent and Zazu are in the Oaks future wager next week. That race was an eyesore.
I'm just waiting to see if It's Tricky cracks the Top 10.
Just more nebulous nonsense from BBB
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:08 AM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
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Originally Posted by blackthroatedwind View Post
I'm just waiting to see if It's Tricky cracks the Top 10.
No chance. The California 3YOs are superior, it's just people like you and I who are missing out in not embracing them.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by blackthroatedwind View Post
I'm just waiting to see if It's Tricky cracks the Top 10.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:35 AM
Borntorun Borntorun is offline
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I've been following Setsuko since his G1 place at SA over Lookin at Lucky last year and felt good about him getting the distance so I bet $2 on him to win and $3 to show along with a $1 exacta saver of 5 w/1,6. I was extremely disappointed they did not take Game on Dude down but want to thank all for their input. To read the variuos opinions help ease the pain of a really tough beat.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:41 AM
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if a 70-1 shot would have took the favorite wide and the fav starts playing bumper cars with everyone

the 70-1 would have been taken down even if he did nothing wrong
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:43 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by AeWingnut View Post
if a 70-1 shot would have took the favorite wide and the fav starts playing bumper cars with everyone

the 70-1 would have been taken down even if he did nothing wrong
Yes. The game is destined to run new players off. Who usually bets 70-1 shots? Crackheads and/or new bettors. You'll keep the crackheads and lose most of the new bettors save a few that are crackheads.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:46 AM
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I cannot fathom how people can possibly watch the replay as many times as they showed it and think GOD did not bear out BADLY into TC and cause that chain reaction.

Did you only watch the part of the race where contact was first made, and not the several seconds prior to that?????????????


I think the human race is getting dumber by the day, and yesterday was a big day.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Coach Pants
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I didn't watch the race. Santa Anita's "dirt" course sucks balls. All of the races are auto-tosses.
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Old 03-06-2011, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Yes. The game is destined to run new players off. Who usually bets 70-1 shots? Crackheads and/or new bettors. You'll keep the crackheads and lose most of the new bettors save a few that are crackheads.
so if you bet 70-1 shots you are on crack

or the whole thing is just another popularity contest
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:05 PM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
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Originally Posted by Indian Charlie View Post
I cannot fathom how people can possibly watch the replay as many times as they showed it and think GOD did not bear out BADLY into TC and cause that chain reaction.

Did you only watch the part of the race where contact was first made, and not the several seconds prior to that?????????????


I think the human race is getting dumber by the day, and yesterday was a big day.
I actually thought the explanation the stewards gave Trevor to give out was quite sensible. If you watch the head-on, because the pan shot is useless, it is noticeable that Twirling Candy leans in and hits Game on Dude. Now, the question becomes whether Game on Dude was coming out at the exact same time.

The stewards took an interesting view and I wonder how much Chantal pleading her case helped them take this approach. I imagine she was persuasive and said Twirling Candy initiated the contact.
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:14 PM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by NTamm1215 View Post
I actually thought the explanation the stewards gave Trevor to give out was quite sensible. If you watch the head-on, because the pan shot is useless, it is noticeable that Twirling Candy leans in and hits Game on Dude. Now, the question becomes whether Game on Dude was coming out at the exact same time.

The stewards took an interesting view and I wonder how much Chantal pleading her case helped them take this approach. I imagine she was persuasive and said Twirling Candy initiated the contact.
Such detail. This would make an incredible porno with a script revision.
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:18 PM
NTamm1215 NTamm1215 is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Such detail. This would make an incredible porno with a script revision.
Having Chantal talking to you about twirling candy would have some kind of effect. No wonder the only vote to DQ was from the female steward.
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by NTamm1215 View Post
Having Chantal talking to you about twirling candy would have some kind of effect. No wonder the only vote to DQ was from the female steward.
Chantal called the stewards back after she watched the replay


you get to tell them what they are seeing?

how do you know the female steward wouldn't love for Chantal to whisper sweet nothings into her ear ?
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Old 03-06-2011, 12:58 PM
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Mostly to annoy Indian Charlie ... here's my take on it.

First contact: (a strong brush or slight bump between TC and Setsuko)

Fault: mutual (Setsuko is getting in slightly under a strong right handed whip - Twirling Candy is a tiring horse and having trouble staying straight despite Rosario's best efforts)

Prior to second contact:

Chantal is going left handed and is going to look to come out and do some herding - Twirling Candy is coming in a bit.

Second contact:

Fault: mutual between TC and Game On Dude. The latter is coming out to herd - the former is coming in a slight bit. Because Game On Dude's hind gets bumped - it will appear like he mugged TC.

Basically - No one can be placed behind Twirling Candy. He was involved in mutual contact with two seperate horses. He was not fouled.

The only question is - did the chain reaction bump Setsuko took through no fault of his own cost him a placing?

If you believe it did - Game On Dude and Twirling Candy should both be DQ'd. Since Setsuko finished ahead of TC - you'd only be able to DQ Game on Dude and place him 2nd.

Would I have DQ'd the winner? No. Would I have expected a DQ of the winner? At most tracks - yes.

If you're willing to DQ the winner - you would also have to have been willing to move Setsuko up from 3rd to 1st had Twirling Candy not quit.
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