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Old 04-26-2011, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post

The thought of a bunch of Nelson Mandela types trying to kick a$s is too funny. Especially when it's over Obamacare. You gonna fight green? Is Obama going to try and throw something w/o looking like a sissy this time?
Dell ... you might re-read what Scuds wrote before you agree with it. He was addressing YOU, and those like YOU who are against healthcare for all being affordable in this country.

And you agreed with it?
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
Pain n' suffering, due to untreated (or poorly treated) health problems, should never be rationalized as being just. It won't fly. It's an embarrassment for this country. You are an embarrassment for this country. You are more sick than I will ever be. We are the only industrialized country in the world without socialized healthcare. The answer to that embarrassment is not to go live in those other countries. It's to stay here, and beat your selfish ass. It is time for this fight. It is time to beat you embarrassing selfish bastards.
And I agree with Scuds. Not the wording, exactly, but ...
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
You can debate me, you can call me names but don't bastardize my words, you don't know me and you can pander to the opinions of others all you want but in the end assuming you can see into someone soul is the definition of arrogance. Perhaps you should take a long look in the mirror yourself.

Ror !! You should check your condescending attitude at the log -in.

Your wordsmithing is so lame...get over yourself please!
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Don't make up outright lies about my views, Geeker.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Ror !! You should check your condescending attitude at the log -in.

Your wordsmithing is so lame...get over yourself please!
Because I disagree with your world view, instead of debating the substance, you personally attack me...and you call me "condescending"...your posts are the essence of that! Get over your own self! If you knew anything about me, you'd know how ridiculous your accusations are...I could personally care less but your posts are nothing more than pandering...phony and without insight or merit.
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
Because I disagree with your world view, instead of debating the substance, you personally attack me...and you call me "condescending"...your posts are the essence of that! Get over your own self! If you knew anything about me, you'd know how ridiculous your accusations are...I could personally care less but your posts are nothing more than pandering...phony and without insight or merit.
Yeah that is what you are doing "debating the substance". Take your lame act elsewhere - it's transparent to all.

Oh I guess except to you.
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Yeah that is what you are doing "debating the substance". Take your lame act elsewhere - it's transparent to all.
You're weird. You don't even participate in the debate, you only jump in to change the words of other posters to make it falsely appear they are attacking you. Then when they rightly deny they have attacked you (because they have not), then you get angry and use your own created attack on yourself as an excuse to let loose at them?

And you call them names?

Ya got yourself some major issues, there, don't ya?
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
You're weird. You don't even participate in the debate, you only jump in to change the words of other posters to make it falsely appear they are attacking you. Then when they rightly deny they have attacked you (because they have not), then you get angry and use your own created attack on yourself as an excuse to let loose at them?

And you call them names?

Ya got yourself some major issues, there, don't ya?

I'll consider the source

Please put me on your IGGY !
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
Yeah that is what you are doing "debating the substance". Take your lame act elsewhere - it's transparent to all.

Oh I guess except to you.
Not to worry, I only responded because you falsified my post...been there, answered that...done with ya!
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
I'll consider the source

Please put me on your IGGY !
Naw. Sorry. I won't be your "mean oppressor" in spite of your begging for victimhood.

But you are free to continue beating yourself up (even if you have to pretend other posters are doing it when they are not).

I'll just continue to sit back and watch your weird self-implosion.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Naw. Sorry. I won't be your "mean oppressor" in spite of your begging for victimhood.

But you are free to continue beating yourself up (even if you have to pretend other posters are doing it when they are not).

I'll just continue to sit back and watch your weird self-implosion.

Yup you got it all figured out

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Old 04-26-2011, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Dell ... you might re-read what Scuds wrote before you agree with it. He was addressing YOU, and those like YOU who are against healthcare for all being affordable in this country.

And you agreed with it?
I am not against healthcare being affordable for all. I realize healthcare is very expensive especially specialty care and unless you take from some to give others it can never be affordable to all. Medicare/Cade is a run away train as is Social Security. We don't need and can't afford another one at this time. Why not a mansion tax to provide shelter to the homeless?

And if you re-read his post he is sick of that view and ready to kick some ass hence my post being he is a Mandela on your quiz.
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Old 04-26-2011, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
And if you re-read his post he is sick of that view and ready to kick some ass hence my post being he is a Mandela on your quiz.
Well, considering this administration finally, after 60 years, got the first nationwide healthcare reform passed, albeit basic, in spite of stiff opposition from those that spent years proposing the very same thing, and outright lies about content, I think "ass has already been kicked" on this one

As far as Medicare being a runaway train, I'd think you'd then be quite happy about the billions of waste that is eliminated within Medicare over 10 years due to the PPACA.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
As far as Medicare being a runaway train, I'd think you'd then be quite happy about the billions of waste that is eliminated within Medicare over 10 years due to the PPACA.
and I think you'll be amazed at how much waste (in the form of needless visits, tests, therapy) will be created with the PPACA should it be somehow found constitutional.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 04-26-2011, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
and I think you'll be amazed at how much waste (in the form of needless visits, tests, therapy) will be created with the PPACA should it be somehow found constitutional.
Why in the world would you think needless visits would be generated? How? Why?

It's pretty well proven axiom that eliminating people from going to the ER for such things as colds, intermittant diabetic/heart care, etc - and instead going regularly to their family physician or regular doctor, because they now have health insurance - absolutely decreases "needless" visits, and vastly improves health care, while decreasing the cost for everyone.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-26-2011, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Why in the world would you think needless visits would be generated? How? Why?.
You realize not all Dr's/Clinics are 100% honest. 'Patients' armed with an insurance card can go in with a back problem, the clinic dr. can do a barrage of tests including MRI's daily therapy etc and the patient leaves with prescription, the clinic/dr make a fortune and we all get f'd. Similar to seniors on medicare selling their prescriptions for everything from viagra to vicodine. All it takes is one bad dr. for every 100 good ones.

I've been to the ER many times and not once have I seen someone come in for a cold or bad back for that matter. There already are county hospitals and clinics in place and in this country at least you get what you pay for.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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Old 04-26-2011, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
You realize not all Dr's/Clinics are 100% honest. 'Patients' armed with an insurance card can go in with a back problem, the clinic dr. can do a barrage of tests including MRI's daily therapy etc and the patient leaves with prescription, the clinic/dr make a fortune and we all get f'd.
That's exactly how it is now. So why in the world would you think it would increase? How will the PPACA increase the amount of fraud? People still have to pay a copay if they want to see a doctor.

Are you accusing currently uninsured people of being frauds in waiting?

You are saying that increasing the number of people with health insurance will increase the incidence of fraud? That's absurd.

I've been to the ER many times and not once have I seen someone come in for a cold or bad back for that matter.
Seriously? You are actually going to use that as an argument? Okay - How many times have you been to an ER, and how many times have you been informed personally by the charge nurse of the ailments of the current patient census?

I really don't care, because I spent 10 years as a paramedic in the NW suburban hosp. system, and in the NW portion of Chicago, and I have personally brought more non-emergent patients to the ER than you've ever had even imaginary ER trips - I'll guarantee that up front.

So sorry Dell - yes, people without insurance come in constantly to ER's for non-emergent problems when that is one's only option, because you don't have health insurance. Not exactly a big secret within the medical world. Don't take my word for it. In fact, it's commonly known, and clearly identified as one of the largest contributors to everyone's health care costs - yours, too - and decreased quality of health care for the constantly sick.

There already are county hospitals and clinics in place and in this country at least you get what you pay for.
Uh, yeah, that's exactly the problem - this is the United States of America, and our citizens are ill and dying because they can't afford health care. We do not have the best health care in the world. We have an outrageous infant mortality rate. These folks are getting exactly what they pay for. That's why the majority in this country wants that fixed.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 04-28-2011, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post

The thought of a bunch of Nelson Mandela types trying to kick a$s is too funny. Especially when it's over Obamacare. You gonna fight green? Is Obama going to try and throw something w/o looking like a sissy this time?
1) Latins are gunna breed at a higher rate than selfish white Republicans.

2) Selfish Pat Buchanan types are gunna die off.

3) Through the internet etc., young people will be better informed about the fact that we are the only industrialized country in the world without socialized medicine. Many people don't know this, because Republicans make it seem like it's a radical thing to do. It is not. The way you want to do it is the radical way to go. Republicans flourish when ignorance reigns. They do poorly when people are fully informed (which is actually pretty rare.) Justin Beiber just informed how many future American voters? They are being deprived of something that people in Canada have ( the security of knowing they won't be bankrupted by catastrophic medical bills.) Del, the internet is not the Republicans' friend.
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Old 04-28-2011, 01:53 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
I am not against healthcare being affordable for all. I realize healthcare is very expensive especially specialty care and unless you take from some to give others it can never be affordable to all. Medicare/Cade is a run away train as is Social Security. We don't need and can't afford another one at this time. Why not a mansion tax to provide shelter to the homeless?

And if you re-read his post he is sick of that view and ready to kick some ass hence my post being he is a Mandela on your quiz.
We are already paying much more for our healthcare than other countries do (and we're getting less care than they get.) Really, what your doing (by linking medical care to financial status) is showing disrespect for some human life, and you can't be surprised that many of our citizens turn out to violently show a lack of concern for human life.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 04-28-2011 at 02:10 AM.
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Old 04-28-2011, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
That's exactly how it is now. So why in the world would you think it would increase? How will the PPACA increase the amount of fraud? People still have to pay a copay if they want to see a doctor.

Are you accusing currently uninsured people of being frauds in waiting?

You are saying that increasing the number of people with health insurance will increase the incidence of fraud? That's absurd..
No fraud will continue at the same rate it is currently. As I stated in another post, 10% in the Medicare world. It's the 40 million new patients that will increase fraud, many who are 'subsidized' thus have shall we say 'less' interest in cost. Life isn't always fair as demonstrated by the fact 42% of households pay no income tax. Deal with it.

IMO The government needs to stay in the governing business and stay out of healthcare all together. We have the most expensive system because we are the most advanced. This is evidenced by a myriad of world leaders including the King of Saudi Arabia who could have chosen any caregiver on the planet yet chose the USA and its miserable health care system. Don’t try and fix what’s not broken.
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” Thomas Jefferson
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