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Old 10-05-2012, 04:28 PM
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This is like that trick we do to little hold your hand sideways, you hide that thumb, but take the thumb from your other hand and slide it back n forth across the top of your hand so it looks like its detached...misleading & deceiving, just like this administration!!!!!
"I don't feel like that I am any better than anybody else" - Paul Newman
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Old 10-05-2012, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Crown@club View Post
This is like that trick we do to little hold your hand sideways, you hide that thumb, but take the thumb from your other hand and slide it back n forth across the top of your hand so it looks like its detached...misleading & deceiving, just like this administration!!!!!
You are admitting that you really think this administration has falsified figures?
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-05-2012, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Crown@club View Post
This is like that trick we do to little hold your hand sideways, you hide that thumb, but take the thumb from your other hand and slide it back n forth across the top of your hand so it looks like its detached...misleading & deceiving, just like this administration!!!!!

But when you're an adult and promise other adults you will halve the deficit or you will be a one term president you should honor that promise and admit you're a complete failure (increasing the deficit) and step down.

But when you're a man with a racist pastor you attribute to bringing you to Christ and then flush him down the toilet because of personal gain you are a two-faced creep!

Or just a plain ole moron of Al Sharpton ilk.
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Old 10-05-2012, 07:52 PM
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Congrats on a sputtering economy and lower median income after 4 years at the helm.
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Old 10-06-2012, 12:53 AM
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Yeah, allegedly down to 7.8% woo hoo!!

What are the odds that Obama's "master plan" involved having elevated unemployment from the Bush years, and over 8% for 43 straight months before coming down slightly?

Isn't it more logical that if Obama's plans were doing any good, that there would have, at some point, been a gradual but steady downward trend in unemployment?

Jack Welch's comments on "cooking the books" don't sound too far-fetched.
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
Isn't it more logical that if Obama's plans were doing any good, that there would have, at some point, been a gradual but steady downward trend in unemployment?
That's what has happened, no? 10.1 down to 7.8?

Obama's gradual downward trend virtually exactly matches Reagans' numbers for his first term in 1984

That's why it is so endless hilarious to me, to see the current right wing go ballistic over stuff that is ... exactly like previous Republican presidents have gone through.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:31 PM
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More bad news for Republicans, good news for America

1) BLS just announces Unemployment down to 7.8%

2) CBO just announces last week that Obama budget-tightening is working, federal budget deficit has gone down for the third year in a row.

2009 10.1 % of GDP
2010 9.0 % of GDP
2011 8.7 % of GDP
2012 7.0 % GDP

We want it about 3-4% of GDP, so a ways to go, but it's definitely in right direction. Congrats Obama.

3) Federal spending tightened right down to 1.2 trillion a year (lowest since Reagan) Congrats Obama.

4) Last week another 91 providers were busted for Medicare fraud, to the tune of $430 million in false billings.

That's a total of $882 million in savings from Medicare fraud this year alone, uncovered due to provisions in Obamacare that make it easier to find and prosecute. Dang - congrats Obama, again.

It amazes me the lies about finances and economy that float around this presidency, spread by RWNJ. The truth is rather palatable and pleasant. Yeah, and nobody is saying it's perfect - it's definitely headed the right way, and denying that is simply hallucinatory.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 10-08-2012, 09:06 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Let’s review:

* The 114,000 jobs created in September is below the average created this year, which was 146,000.
* The 114,000 jobs created in September is below the average created last year, which was 153,000.
* The U-6 unemployment number, which reflects the entire labor situation, was basically unchanged at 14.7 percent.
* If labor participation was where Obama had inherited it from George W. Bush, the unemployment rate would be closer to 11 percent.
* Part-time people employment jumped from 582,000 to 8,613,000, the most since October 2011, and the largest one month jump since February 2009. That means the quality of jobs people are finding is dropping.
* And a comparison: During the Ronald Reagan recovery the country average around 275,000 new jobs a month.


* A 7.8 percent today ties Bush’s worst unemployment month.
* Although previous job growth revised up by 126,000, job growth in private sector was revised down by 4,000.
* August 2010: 58.5 percent of working age Americans had jobs.
* August 2012: 58.3 percent of working age Americans had jobs.
* 38,000 manufacturing jobs lost since August
* Black unemployment January 2009: 12.6 percent … Sept 2012: 13.4 percent.

If bringing the unemployment rate back to the 7.8 percent (with fewer people working at lousier jobs) is what a stimulus plan, three rounds of quantitative easing and endless spending gets us, this presidency can be safely categorized as one of the worst investments in history.

Your constant drumbeating is ponderous (you may need to look it up).

Nobody is buying it.
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Old 10-06-2012, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Crown@club View Post
This is like that trick we do to little hold your hand sideways, you hide that thumb, but take the thumb from your other hand and slide it back n forth across the top of your hand so it looks like its detached...misleading & deceiving, just like this administration!!!!!

Based upon its most recent Household Survey, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that the unemployment rate in the United States decreased from 8.1% to 7.8% in September. This apparent improvement in our labor markets is deceptive for the following reasons:

1.Two-thirds of the new jobs claimed by the Report (582,000 jobs) are part time jobs.

2.Of the claimed 582,000 new part time jobs, only 268,000 are real. The remaining 314,000 part time jobs are the result of a "seasonal adjustment" by the BLS.

3.The BLS reported dramatic increases in seasonally adjusted part time employment in September of 2011 (483,000 jobs) and September of 2010 (579,000 jobs) only to report significant decreases in such jobs in each of the following Octobers (419,000 jobs in 2010 and 480,000 jobs in 2011) with continuing decreases in November and December. It is therefore reasonable to expect that the increase in part time jobs this year and the resulting improvement in the unemployment rate is also temporary.

4.The U-6 unemployment rate, which is the broadest measure of unemployment, in that it includes among the unemployed those persons who are working part time but would rather be working full time, was unchanged in September at 14.7%.
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