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Old 04-16-2014, 04:21 PM
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Default You are paying for it
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Old 04-17-2014, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Oh it's far worse. WalMart employs a total of 1.4 million and of those, 525,000 are full-time hourly workers. I don't think the company's VP's, attorneys and even over the road truck drivers qualify for assistance but then again nothing would surprise me.

Thus that $6.2 billion divided up between the 525K hourly employees comes to $11,809.52 per employee.

Next time the greeter says 'welcome to WalMart' tell them 'you're welcome'.

Great post and great study!
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Old 04-17-2014, 08:35 AM
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BTW We are ignoring the fact WalMart pays its hourly full-time employees somewhere between $12.25 and $12.83/hr. but why let facts get in the way of a 'movement'

Do people still realize it is not against the law to get a 2nd job?
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Old 04-17-2014, 11:25 AM
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WalMart's annual income statement speaks volumes.....

Using 2013 numbers

Total Sales: $469.16 billion. If we use Wisconsin as the example (as done in the original article cited) the sales tax comes to $23.45 billion

Salaries, wages etc. $88.87 billion. In WI the lowest State Income tax rate is 4.4% or $3.9 billion in State taxes, another $5.5 billion in FICA taxes and even if we use 15% as a median Fed Tax % it adds another $13.3 billion

Income Tax Paid by WalMart $7.98 billion

The WalMart Foundation handed out $1 billion to charity

All those billions add up to a grand total of $55.13 billion

Oh and let's not forget the newly discovered GM rule in that 77K workers represented 1 million ancillary jobs. Applying it to WalMart's 1.4 million workforce comes out to 18.18 million jobs, all paying State, FICA and Federal taxes.
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Old 04-17-2014, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
the best pays squat, workers get assistance, which walmart benefits from because their workers shop at walmart (but walmart employees discounts don't apply to groceries).
a win win for walmart.

i hope you saw the article i posted about what walmart would have to do to its pricing if it paid a living wage...1.4% increase. a whole penny higher on mac and cheese!!
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Old 04-17-2014, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
the best pays squat, workers get assistance, which walmart benefits from because their workers shop at walmart (but walmart employees discounts don't apply to groceries).
a win win for walmart.

i hope you saw the article i posted about what walmart would have to do to its pricing if it paid a living wage...1.4% increase. a whole penny higher on mac and cheese!!
But Zig there are 24 hours in a day, plenty of time for someone to have 3 jobs.. Note that 40 years ago when CEO's were paid 10x Average employee rather than 10000 times we were not in this situation. Some folks do not realize we ALL lose when wealth is concentrated like it is today. We are near 1927 levels of wealth concentration. Look what happened then.
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Old 04-17-2014, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Oh and let's not forget the newly discovered GM rule in that 77K workers represented 1 million ancillary jobs. Applying it to WalMart's 1.4 million workforce comes out to 18.18 million jobs, all paying State, FICA and Federal taxes.
No. Because large amounts of WalMart product is manufactured in Asia.

My stepfamily, as I think you know, is Cambodian. When I visited, in 2002, my cousin was earning $1 a day in a factory. In order for her to be able to take a family trip with us to Angkor Wat, I had to bribe the factory foreman $4 per day so that he wouldn't fire her for the four days she was gone.

That was almost 12 years ago. In 2014, she's lucky she wasn't one of the workers manufacturing product for Wal Mart who were shot by police:
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Old 04-17-2014, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
But Zig there are 24 hours in a day, plenty of time for someone to have 3 jobs.. Note that 40 years ago when CEO's were paid 10x Average employee rather than 10000 times we were not in this situation.
40 years ago I was 10, my brothers were 8 and 5. My Dad worked two jobs while my mom worked part time. My brother and I went to private school paid for by my parents, we walked, my mom made our lunches and nothing was subsidized. My parents, at least until my dad left 2 years later and then my mom must have been amazing people.
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Old 04-17-2014, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
40 years ago I was 10, my brothers were 8 and 5. My Dad worked two jobs while my mom worked part time. My brother and I went to private school paid for by my parents, we walked, my mom made our lunches and nothing was subsidized. My parents, at least until my dad left 2 years later and then my mom must have been amazing people.
Sorry to hear your story however unrelated to my point about our country being at levels of wealth concentration that pushed us into the Great Depression.
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Old 04-17-2014, 02:42 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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With all due respect - the concentration of wealth and the minimum wage are completely irrespective of each other. Corporations are able to farm out what used to be decent paying work overseas at a fraction of the cost which boosts profits exponentially and by extension performance and thus bonuses.

This is in no way an excuse for their actions; it's just a fact of life. We now have a glut of uneducated, unmotivated younger adults that at one time could have learned a quazi-skilled trade that would have afforded them a career - nothing glitzy, but a career that would allow them to raise children, and keep a modest roof over their heads until they were pension-elgible and were able to retire.

Plenty of welders, construction & assembly line workers, et al. Earned a living without handouts from the govt.

Those jobs are gone and they ain't coming back.

The quality jobs that are left these days require a level of intelligence, skill, and training and motivation that most of these folks screaming for handouts can't or don't want to achieve.

So just blame it all on the employers of minimum-wage workers - easy targets at least.

Just because some libtard want to believe some ridiculous line of bullspit about how raising the price of a box of mac and cheese by a nickel will magically solve all of these problems, doesn't make it so.

The problems that plague this economy run so deep that we may well never get back to what we previously defined a "prosperous middle class" - But if there are solutions, the path to them will come from addressing the root cause, not some media-charged straw man that incites division.
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Old 04-17-2014, 03:40 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Sorry to hear your story however unrelated to my point about our country being at levels of wealth concentration that pushed us into the Great Depression.
When WalMart is contributing $50 some billion in tax revenues in addition to almost $90 billion in wages and salaries, per year though how unfairly distributed it may be, we are far from the Great Depression or even a run of the mill depression but go ahead and believe the unskilled, un-under educated fuel the economy. Just as $1 in food stamps changes into $1.30 for the economy.

Then again just take a wad of money and every hour move it to another pocket if it makes you feel good.
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Old 04-17-2014, 04:36 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
With all due respect - the concentration of wealth and the minimum wage are completely irrespective of each other. Corporations are able to farm out what used to be decent paying work overseas at a fraction of the cost which boosts profits exponentially and by extension performance and thus bonuses.

This is in no way an excuse for their actions; it's just a fact of life. We now have a glut of uneducated, unmotivated younger adults that at one time could have learned a quazi-skilled trade that would have afforded them a career - nothing glitzy, but a career that would allow them to raise children, and keep a modest roof over their heads until they were pension-elgible and were able to retire.

Plenty of welders, construction & assembly line workers, et al. Earned a living without handouts from the govt.

Those jobs are gone and they ain't coming back.

The quality jobs that are left these days require a level of intelligence, skill, and training and motivation that most of these folks screaming for handouts can't or don't want to achieve.

So just blame it all on the employers of minimum-wage workers - easy targets at least.

Just because some libtard want to believe some ridiculous line of bullspit about how raising the price of a box of mac and cheese by a nickel will magically solve all of these problems, doesn't make it so.

The problems that plague this economy run so deep that we may well never get back to what we previously defined a "prosperous middle class" - But if there are solutions, the path to them will come from addressing the root cause, not some media-charged straw man that incites division.
First of all, with all due respect, I am no libtard, and it's a penny a box, not a nickel. Please stick to the topic and avoid personal tangents. As for it being bullspit....sorry, I will give weight to an economists study over your take on his study, just like I wouldn't take your opinion over Neil degrasse tyson if the subject was astronomy.
As for wages, and wealth...all wages, except to the very top earners have stagnated for decades. Profits are high, and pay to the top execs are far higher than ever before. Its disingenuous for these corporations to say they cannot aford higher pay to employees while exec pay skyrockets.
As for the old days, factory churn is in the red and has been for 15 years. Automation adad's to job losses...we have less employed along with higher then ever production. As an article I saw the other said, higher unemployment is the new normal.
Scientific gains allow us to produce more goods then ever, to take care of more people then ever, while making people increasingly unnecessary.
This country is still the number one manufacturer in the world, but the corresponding jobs aren't there.
Robots, atms, self checkouts, etc....
3 application that for every job opening. Those are facts, not thoughts, feelings, opinions.
GM used to be the biggest employer, now it's walmart. With jobs paying on average less than half what car makers were paid..
As for unskilled...we have more people going to college than ever, it's untrue we have more uneducated and unskilled people.

The root cause? It's wage stagnation, wages from bottom to near the top haven't kept pace as they should. And you can't just hope businesses will do the right thing, else they wouldn't have had to pass child labor laws, 40 hour work weeks, that owners can't lock all the doors and everyone die in a fire...
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Last edited by Danzig : 04-17-2014 at 04:59 PM.
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Old 04-17-2014, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
When WalMart is contributing $50 some billion in tax revenues in addition to almost $90 billion in wages and salaries, per year though how unfairly distributed it may be, we are far from the Great Depression or even a run of the mill depression but go ahead and believe the unskilled, un-under educated fuel the economy. Just as $1 in food stamps changes into $1.30 for the economy.

Then again just take a wad of money and every hour move it to another pocket if it makes you feel good.
Dell why do you continually quote my post and then rant about something completely different then my point?
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Old 04-17-2014, 07:46 PM
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Just left a had a small 'ziosk' at every even waitstaff will be facing obsolescence.

We refused to use it. Never self check either
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Old 04-17-2014, 08:21 PM
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This cant end well.
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Old 04-17-2014, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
Just left a had a small 'ziosk' at every even waitstaff will be facing obsolescence.

We refused to use it. Never self check either
I was at Chilis and used the "machine" I had to laugh at the check out it suggested a 25% tip - I thought wtf no short skirt ?

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Old 04-17-2014, 09:23 PM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
I was at Chilis and used the "machine" I had to laugh at the check out it suggested a 25% tip - I thought wtf no short skirt ?

Maybe I am just a Dinosaur
See, short skirts dont do a thing for me.....
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 04-17-2014, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post

Well, as long as people are willing to accept what has happened, there wont be an end...
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Old 04-18-2014, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
Well, as long as people are willing to accept what has happened, there wont be an end...
You can only push too far. In a country with so many weapons in the hands of the populace there is potential for some real fireworks ahead.
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Old 04-18-2014, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Dell why do you continually quote my post and then rant about something completely different then my point?
Sorry it's probably too abstract for you to understand.

Similar to asking the WalMart Greeter where the printer ink is.

But as long as Danzig says more people are going to college it's all good.

Even though we know over 50% of young African American males in Chicago drop out of high school.
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