You handle the pony-picking ... and I'll smack down the leftist gnats. As this thread has amply demonstrated ... I can devastate all of them without even working out between posts. |
Schmendrik. Fairly obvious what you are. You reveal so very easily. Actually, laughable. |
If you go back to page 5 of this "thread that never ends" and reread what I said there, that you seem to have ignored, you'll see what has been revealed. Some of the things that have been directed at you come from the fact that you've ducked answering direct questions, used Sowell to speak your thoughts (even though no substantiation of his "facts" have been given, and twisted the responses I've offered to make it sound like I said something that I clearly didn't. Others have voiced their frustrations with your "debating tactics" as well. Your gloating is "gasoline on the fire". From my view, I'll never cause you to think outside your box, though I have gone to your townhall site in an effort to understand. Not much there for me to agree with, but at least I made the effort. At this point, S2S, Pgardn, Somerfrost, and Irishtrekker may wish to continue this diologue. I'm a bit frustrated by your nonsense. DTS |
You called me a liar about my reference to the TownHall.com link regarding "How to Buy A Semi-Automatic Handgun." Well, here it is, listed, of course, under the "most popular articles" section, written by one of your beloved authors. Naturally, at the end of the article, he notes the best use of semi-automatic handguns would be to expel the U.N. from America. http://townhall.com/columnists/MikeS...omatic_handgun Yeah, very intelligent there, BB, very sharp. Uh-huh. You are a liar, and an uninformed one at that. You are just as willing to recklessly sling libelous comments as you are unwilling to open your mind. |
All of the leftist arguments have been about process ... not about results. The fact is that all of us have been safe and secure at our keyboards for the past five years ... not because there aren't savages who would gladly murder us all ... but because our armed forces and police forces and intelligence agencies have been doing a terrific job of killing and capturing the terrorists ... and foiling their plots to attack us ... even right now as we view this post. And who has been overall in charge of this amazingly successful security effort? Who is the one person who would be taking a barrage of hateful invective had there been additional attacks ... but who instead deserves the highest accolades in their absence? I'll give you a few seconds to come up with the answer. Let's play the "Jeopardy" theme song while you tax your brains to come up with the answer ... Dern-da-doo ... dern-dern-dern-da-doo ... dern-dern-dern-dern-da-doo-di-da-da ... dern-dern-dern-dern-dern-dern-dern-dern ... doo-di-da-da ...doo-doo-doo. OK ... let's see what you've come up with. Somerfrost says ... "Al Gore." Ummm ... no ... sorry ... Al Gore really wasn't elected president ... he was the loser ... that's not correct. Downthestretch says ... "Kofi Annan." Gee ... sorry ... Kofi is just a corrupt, bumbling, tyrant-loving bureaucrat who'd actually be happy to see us murdered. Pgardn says ... "Barney Frank." Nope ... also not correct ... Mr. Frank is an outstanding congressman and a very attractive man ... especially when he drools out of the right side of his mouth ... but no that's not correct either. The correct answer is ... "George W. Bush" ... yes, George W. Bush has been the president of the United States for the past five years ... and has the overall responsibility for securing the safety and freedom of American citizens ... and has fulfilled that responsibility with great success ... George W. Bush is the correct answer. |
Thsi just reveals your skilled debating tactics...NOT! |
Forget it a s s wipe. You are exposed. Liar, fraud, bigot, fool. Here, again is your article. http://townhall.com/columnists/MikeS...omatic_handgun You have zero credibility. In fact it's doubtful you've done any reading at all. Most likely just repeating what you see on TV and hear on the radio. You called me a liar. there's the link. You're not just a far-right bigoted zealot. You're uneducated. Sorry. You're exposed and done. Schmendrick. |
What exactly are you referring to? |
... what's your actual answer to the question? |
Here's the link I referenced. You called me a liar and said it never was on Townhall.com. http://townhall.com/columnists/MikeS...omatic_handgun What a fool you are. That's not a surprise. Schmendrik. |
Now do some of u see why BB was banned from other forums?
This is only half of it. |
This one. |
He's exposed for what he is. The worst part? He wasn't even entertaining. Not at all. For that he should be tortured. What a schmendrik. He'll disappear now. |
He has actually made far fewer personal attacks than others. Does he come across as ****y? Yes, but I don't think that is grounds for banishment. wow I guess I used a dirty word, let's substitute overly confident. Last edited by ArlJim78 : 07-08-2006 at 12:35 PM. |
This has been a lively and respectful debate ... absent some silly name-calling and vulgarities ... and several posters who haven't participated in the debate have commented positively on it. So ... what's the question? |
On that one ... you must follow the party line or be banished. |
Bigot, uninformed, willing to lie. That's what I call him. 'Nuff said. Make some $$ today all. |
Sidebar memo to everyone:
SentToStud is on my "ignore" list ... not because of his puerile cursing and name-calling ... but because he is a consummate bore. His posts are excruciatingly painful to read ... and I enjoy being headache-free. So ... any message you see here from him ... I don't. |
Anyway, it's coming up on race time folks. later i'm sure. Good luck! |
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