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Old 06-04-2007, 10:18 PM
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Wow, you're right Taken off you tube. But knowing MTV it week be on about 27 times this weekend.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:19 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
Why is it worse that she was there?? It seems to me, if you are going to say something about someone, doing so to their face is better than
but it wasn't really to her face, Paris was not in a position to respond.
I also didn't find it funny. To me it looked like Sarah Silverman took a cheap shot because she knew she could, an easy target that no one would defend right now. Paris is certainly fair game for humor, but I prefer humor based less on public humiliation, less crass.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
Why is it worse that she was there?? It seems to me, if you are going to say something about someone, doing so to their face is better than

I agree in least as far as saying that, to me, it would still be wrong whether she was there or not. The one additional aspect though is the hurtfulness of it...seeing her sitting there with all those people and being subjected to that. Let me try an analogy here (I cringe just thinking about this cause folks always go off on my analogies)...if a bunch of KKK types celebrate the Holocaust amongst themselves at a skinhead rally, that to me is indefensible (but legal under the 1st Ammendment) but if they march into a Jewish neighborhood and force their views on the folks there, they are causing me, that's where the First Ammendment ends....speech, when it causes others pain is not a "right", at least by natural law. I would argue that while the act itself is "wrong", doing it in such a way as to hurt someone (in this case subjecting Ms Hilton to it in public) elevates the degree of "wrongfulness".
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
but it wasn't really to her face, Paris was not in a position to respond.
I also didn't find it funny. To me it looked like Sarah Silverman took a cheap shot because she knew she could, an easy target that no one would defend right now. Paris is certainly fair game for humor, but I prefer humor based less on public humiliation, less crass.

I agree!
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
she is reaping what she sowed.

she is well known for grainy porn's, being kinda dumb and very shallow. that wasn't mother theresa being mocked.

i think the cheering when it is mentioned she's going to jail is a clue how quickly her act has gotten old.

the best part was nothing sarah silverman said but just the befuddled look on paris hilton's face. you'd almost think it's starting to dawn on her how hated she's made herself.

i think your 3 fold law is unfolding right before us.

Your last sentence may indeed be correct, I don't know...all I'm saying is that I believe I'll likewise be held accountable someday!
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:24 PM
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This is the kind of thing that could make Silverman mainstream. I have heard of her, but I am really not familiar with her work. Who knows, the right people might thing she's funny and edgy and next thing you know she's hosting the Oscars. Maybe that's what she was aiming for by taking such a cheap shot at Paris.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:26 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
I guess you are simply unwilling or unable to grasp the simple point I make...IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT PARIS DOES or what kind of a person she may or may not be...she will answer for her actions, she alone is responsible for them. What matters, and it's the only thing that really matters in this world, is what each of us does! We are each responsible only for what we when YOU make fun of someone's misfortune, all the smoke screen about who or what they may be is meaningless...I believe in the Threefold Law, others have different beliefs but most believe in the end, we reap what we sow.

What a crusty botch of nature a person must be that can't laugh at the crushed opportunity and utter ignorance/pomposity of Paris Hilton. She's made herself open to these "jokes." She probably knew it was coming. Who makes a red carpet appearance the night before going to jail? She has opened herself up to these things. It's the very thing that makes her what she is... she isn't exactly known by her niceties in life.

Silverman's joke did nothing but add to her cultural worth. That's just my opinion. I don't condone her behavior or example. But, our culture seems to value it highly.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Do me a favor, don't talk down to me. I see your point, I just disagree with it. As for the other BS you have posted, I'm not going to go there. And I stand by the point that your hollier than thou routine is annoying and frankly completely unbelievable at best. Weekly we are privy to what Somerfrost finds inappropriate. It just gets old man. No need to get all serious with EVERY thread. Let me ask you another thing, if Hilton wasn't offended by it, which neither of us know if she was or wasn't, would it still be inappropriate?

Yes it would still be wrong! If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it still make a sound? Again, you are trying to connect right and wrong to another isn't wrong because Ms Hilton feels one way or another, it's wrong cause it's wrong. I would agree that if it hurt her then that speaks to degree. I speak (in this case post) what I feel to be the truth, whether it annoys you is of no concern to me.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by jman5581
What a crusty botch of nature a person must be that can't laugh at the crushed opportunity and utter ignorance/pomposity of Paris Hilton. She's made herself open to these "jokes." She probably knew it was coming. Who makes a red carpet appearance the night before going to jail? She has opened herself up to these things. It's the very thing that makes her what she is... she isn't exactly known by her niceties in life.

Silverman's joke did nothing but add to her cultural worth. That's just my opinion. I don't condone her behavior or example. But, our culture seems to value it highly.

So, you are saying that if a person "deserves" to be mistreated then that makes it OK? Again, you are making this about Ms Hilton when it's really about Ms Silverman's behavior. (there are a million analogies I could inject here but i know better).
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:35 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by MaTH716
This is the kind of thing that could make Silverman mainstream. I have heard of her, but I am really not familiar with her work. Who knows, the right people might thing she's funny and edgy and next thing you know she's hosting the Oscars. Maybe that's what she was aiming for by taking such a cheap shot at Paris.
i believe you hit the nail on the head here, I think she used the opportunity to get herself talked about.

I kinda like Sarah Silverman but I don't think her act plays well to a wide audience so I don't see her hosting the oscars any time soon.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Again, you are making this about Ms Hilton when it's really about Ms Silverman's behavior.
Actually, no, I didn't just address PH. I also said what Silverman is accomplishing by doing this. She's helping PH out. This didn't do PH any harm. She came there to be a part of it.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
Well that's where we differ. I didn't see it as wrong. I don't have enough time to dissect every little thing that is right or wrong. And you sure do spend a lot of time "judging" what you feel is right or wrong. Seems mighty hypocrtical based on some of your earlier posts on such. I can appreciate your plight, but do yourself and everyone else a favor and take a step off the soapbox every once in awhile. You might just enjoy yourself a bit more.

Your jumping to a lot of conclusions about me never having met me. We are both expressing our opinion here but you call my position a "soapbox". I enjoy my life as much as the next guy my age etc and part of sleeping well at night for me is feeling I've done the best I can in the daily decisions I make...that means having a feel for what I consider right and wrong...pretty instinctual stuff that doesn't take much time!
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by jman5581
Actually, no, I didn't just address PH. I also said what Silverman is accomplishing by doing this. She's helping PH out. This didn't do PH any harm. She came there to be a part of it.
Ms Hilton came there to have those things said about her? First, I doubt that we can know that and second, it would still be wrong!
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Old 06-04-2007, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
I didn't know part of sleeping well was having a feel for if what Sarah Silverman said about Paris Hilton is right or wrong. thanks for clearing it up. I wonder if that's why I have been sleeping bad lately. I figured it was my allergies. Hmmm.

Look, I'm not saying what I believe is right, only that I believe it is! I try and stay true to my beliefs so I can sleep at night; that's not some value judgement, and I'm pretty sure not the cause of your allergies. Anyway, I'm trying to watch Dark Angel on DVD and have a baseball fantasy draft in 7 minutes...good debate!
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