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Old 06-11-2008, 10:38 AM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
Hialeah Park
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Originally Posted by Scav
You want an example of a kid just growing into his body. Look at Carlos Zambrano. He was a fat kid that threw heat and then got put on a conditioning program and he is a huge now, but with muscle
That's the opposite case. It is a lot easier for a naturally large person to work out and make their frame more muscular. It is a lot harder for someone who should be 185 to 205 to add that much extra weight to their frame.
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Old 06-11-2008, 10:49 AM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
That's the opposite case. It is a lot easier for a naturally large person to work out and make their frame more muscular. It is a lot harder for someone who should be 185 to 205 to add that much extra weight to their frame.
Should be. From all accounts, his dad was a large guy, wasn't he?

Because of off season workouts and things, these guys turn their bodies around alot quicker then normal people.

I am the first to admit that people use things they probably shouldn't be using, but I highly doubt Griffey was one of them. His name was never brought up in any of these allegations

I was just thinking, it is pretty amazing how fast that McGwire vanished from the game, don't hear a PEEP out of him....
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Old 06-11-2008, 10:56 AM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by Scav
Should be. From all accounts, his dad was a large guy, wasn't he?

Because of off season workouts and things, these guys turn their bodies around alot quicker then normal people.

I am the first to admit that people use things they probably shouldn't be using, but I highly doubt Griffey was one of them. His name was never brought up in any of these allegations

I was just thinking, it is pretty amazing how fast that McGwire vanished from the game, don't hear a PEEP out of him....
His Dad weighed 200.

There are only 115 players that have been linked to steroids out of the thousands that played in the steroid era. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There are TONS of users that have never been linked. Griffey might not be one of them but not being linked certainly doesn't mean he's never used either.
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:00 AM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
His Dad weighed 200.

There are only 115 players that have been linked to steroids out of the thousands that played in the steroid era. That is just the tip of the iceberg. There are TONS of users that have never been linked. Griffey might not be one of them but not being linked certainly doesn't mean he's never used either.
His dad was not 200 in his late 30's, I am thinking more like 270, he was cecil fielder esqe
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
He was 185 as a rookie, 205 in 1992, and is 230 now.
195 as a rookie

I'd bet Wilt Chamberlain gained 100 pounds between the time he was 18 to when he retired.
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