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Old 10-09-2008, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Please don't be ignorant ... it is this kind of thinking that CAUSES this. The market is on sale right now ... NOW is the time to buy if you have the funds to do so.
Yup, I did. You can get a lot with a little right now and make a ton later cause anybody with any sense knows that sooner or later this will turn around.

I have been responsible with my money and credit over the past few years, shame on me. Shame on those who bought homes they would never afford as well as credit lines, etc etc and the banks that made it happen.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:40 PM
Coach Pants
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Invest in hookers.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:42 PM
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And booze.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
Invest in hookers.
You get a lot of bang for a dollar, or two depending on the part of town
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:44 PM
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Originally Posted by MaTH716
Why do you think it is time to buy?
Because you're getting great prices on great companies ...

Not that I can compare this to the Great Depression at this point, but most of those that bought during those times came out on top after it was all said and done. Do you not agree? I understand that there are those that absolutely HAVE to sell right now and can't afford to invest, but if you can, you should. People that are bailing on the market because of what they are hearing by the media are not fully informed and they are actually assisting in causing this mess. One has to have faith that we WILL pull out of this ... obviously this is a speculative way of thinking, but aren't most of us on here gamblers by nature???
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
You are also assuming its low.
It seems low to me. But like the others
posted the bottom is still visible.
Well ... I guess it's a matter of opinion really. Unfortunately, I don't have a crystal ball, but I'm taking an educated guess in that the market is reaching its bottom. When you invest at high prices, you're essentially betting the chalk. I'll take my chances with the longshots here as it is my nature to do so.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Because you're getting great prices on great companies ...

Not that I can compare this to the Great Depression at this point, but most of those that bought during those times came out on top after it was all said and done. Do you not agree? I understand that there are those that absolutely HAVE to sell right now and can't afford to invest, but if you can, you should. People that are bailing on the market because of what they are hearing by the media are not fully informed and they are actually assisting in causing this mess. One has to have faith that we WILL pull out of this ... obviously this is a speculative way of thinking, but aren't most of us on here gamblers by nature???
This is not gambling for entertainment.
I have never gambled on horses fully expecting to make money.

Still trying to figure out where to go with funds.
Credit is so hard, interest rates from banks are very
high to individuals and small business because they expect to
lose some of the loans. But there are some bond sectors yielding
16%. Even if 10% of those loans are not paid... one might still
pull some signficant bucks.

I just dont want too many folks who did not start this mess
to get hurt. Everyone on here is going to pay for this in someway,
but some people are really getting hurt. And I dont think its done.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:56 PM
Coach Pants
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I wouldn't buy right now. Only people with stacks to lose should buy.

For those who watched CSPAN during the bailout bill...

how could you have any confidence in the economy with those ass clowns wasting billions in bs earmarks to a bill that is just the tip of the iceberg to what will be TRILLIONS wasted on forthcoming bailouts.

Invest in a gun. Go to a firing range. If you have a kid...make them join the cub/girl scouts and attend all of the meetings so you and your children can become survivalists.

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Old 10-09-2008, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
This is not gambling for entertainment.
I have never gambled on horses fully expecting to make money.

Still trying to figure out where to go with funds.
Credit is so hard, interest rates from banks are very
high to individuals and small business because they expect to
lose some of the loans. But there are some bond sectors yielding
16%. Even if 10% of those loans are not paid... one might still
pull some signficant bucks.

I just dont want too many folks who did not start this mess
to get hurt. Everyone on here is going to pay for this in someway,
but some people are really getting hurt. And I dont think its done.
Once again, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. If you really want to pull out of investing and put all of your money in a money market (like a lot of the American population right now); put your money in a tax exempt (municipal) money market. They are paying higher interest rates at this point and time. But ask yourself this ... do you think that this is the end? Do you really think that taking your money and sticking it under your pillow is the answer? I don't. Innocent people are going to get hurt, but unfortunately, life isn't fair. You make the best out of what you are given.
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Once again, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. If you really want to pull out of investing and put all of your money in a money market (like a lot of the American population right now); put your money in a tax exempt (municipal) money market. They are paying higher interest rates at this point and time. But ask yourself this ... do you think that this is the end? Do you really think that taking your money and sticking it under your pillow is the answer? I don't. Innocent people are going to get hurt, but unfortunately, life isn't fair. You make the best out of what you are given.
I would drool on any money under my pillow
rendering it slimy currency not fit for exchange.

I understand where you are coming from.
Tomorrow will be very interesting.

Does anyone have W. Buffet's cell #....
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Because you're getting great prices on great companies ...

Not that I can compare this to the Great Depression at this point, but most of those that bought during those times came out on top after it was all said and done. Do you not agree? I understand that there are those that absolutely HAVE to sell right now and can't afford to invest, but if you can, you should. People that are bailing on the market because of what they are hearing by the media are not fully informed and they are actually assisting in causing this mess. One has to have faith that we WILL pull out of this ... obviously this is a speculative way of thinking, but aren't most of us on here gamblers by nature???
I disagree, people are bailing because they need the money now. They are having trouble paying bills. Maybe they lost their jobs. Think about all the people that worked for companies like Lehman and Bear Stearns, that were there for 40 years and thought that they were on easy st. with all the stock that they accumulated. Not only can't they retire, they have to get jobs. They have nothing.
Granted maybe companies like GM and Ford were great at one time, but really who are buying cars now. How are they going to survive without some sort of government bailout?
The whole system seems to be crumbling. People are getting layed off all over the place. No one can afford to buy houses, cars, go on vacations, go out to dinner. People are having trouble paying their bills. I know, I have a good job. But I have a mortgage, car payments and 2 little boys. It's not easy. Who has the extra cash to put into the market of all things? Especially when it is falling like a rock. Eventually it will turn around, but why try to pick the bottom. Like I said, would you try to catch a falling knife? Even if the market was to rally for a couple of days there will still be plenty of bargins out there. But in this enviorment cash is king.
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!"
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by MaTH716
I disagree, people are bailing because they need the money now. They are having trouble paying bills. Maybe they lost their jobs. Think about all the people that worked for companies like Lehman and Bear Stearns, that were there for 40 years and thought that they were on easy st. with all the stock that they accumulated. Not only can't they retire, they have to get jobs. They have nothing.
Granted maybe companies like GM and Ford were great at one time, but really who are buying cars now. How are they going to survive without some sort of government bailout?
The whole system seems to be crumbling. People are getting layed off all over the place. No one can afford to buy houses, cars, go on vacations, go out to dinner. People are having trouble paying their bills. I know, I have a good job. But I have a mortgage, car payments and 2 little boys. It's not easy. Who has the extra cash to put into the market of all things? Especially when it is falling like a rock. Eventually it will turn around, but why try to pick the bottom. Like I said, would you try to catch a falling knife? Even if the market was to rally for a couple of days there will still be plenty of bargins out there. But in this enviorment cash is king.
I work in the business and am well aware of WHY people are bailing. The majority of people are bailing because of what they are hearing on the television. For those that have no choice, that's different. You would be surprised at the amount of people that DO have a choice, though. I am a single Mom with a car payment and bills to pay just like anyone else, but if you are young and looking at the future (as you should be), you should consider how you plan on paying for those things once you are retired. Taking chances at a young age when you can afford to is a good way of helping to insure that you will be able to support your lifestyle once you are no longer working. What are you going to do, work for the rest of your life? Do you think that Social Security is going to be around forever to take care of you? I think not.
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
I work in the business and am well aware of WHY people are bailing. The majority of people are bailing because of what they are hearing on the television. For those that have no choice, that's different. You would be surprised at the amount of people that DO have a choice, though. I am a single Mom with a car payment and bills to pay just like anyone else, but if you are young and looking at the future (as you should be), you should consider how you plan on paying for those things once you are retired. Taking chances at a young age when you can afford to is a good way of helping to insure that you will be able to support your lifestyle once you are no longer working. What are you going to do, work for the rest of your life? Do you think that Social Security is going to be around forever to take care of you? I think not.
I agree, it is easy to take chances when you do not have children and a lot of overhead. But that boat has sailed at least for me (and many people I know). The only thing I worry about now is my family. If I have to dig ditches for them I will. I do understand what you are saying about the future, but I worry more about the present. I think that is something I got from the whole 9/11 expirence. I knew a couple of people that lost their lives that day. And the same thing, we were always talking about the future. Whether it was about buisness or families it was always the future. Basically what I am saying is what good is the future, if something in the present trips you up?
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!"
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Taking chances at a young age when you can afford to is a good way of helping to insure that you will be able to support your lifestyle once you are no longer working. What are you going to do, work for the rest of your life? Do you think that Social Security is going to be around forever to take care of you? I think not.
And when I am no longer able,
would you please shoot me?
My wife refuses.
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Old 10-09-2008, 09:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MaTH716
I agree, it is easy to take chances when you do not have children and a lot of overhead. But that boat has sailed at least for me (and many people I know). The only thing I worry about now is my family. If I have to dig ditches for them I will. I do understand what you are saying about the future, but I worry more about the present. I think that is something I got from the whole 9/11 expirence. I knew a couple of people that lost their lives that day. And the same thing, we were always talking about the future. Whether it was about buisness or families it was always the future. Basically what I am saying is what good is the future, if something in the present trips you up?
Once again ... your opinion. I worry more about my son's future than I do about myself and the present. To insure his future, I have to take risks right now. Unfortunately, that is how life works. Anyway, I wish you the best in your endeavours and whatever path you decide to take for your family. I do have faith that we will pull out of this and all will be OK again ... without faith, what are we anyway?

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Old 10-09-2008, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
And when I am no longer able,
would you please shoot me?
My wife refuses.
Please pick your poison ... I have two choices:

Browning 9MM


Smith & Wesson .38

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Old 10-09-2008, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Please pick your poison ... I have two choices:

Browning 9MM


Smith & Wesson .38


I was thinking of just locking me in a fridge
or something. I would comply.
You wanna go puncturing me
with metal projectiles...
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn

I was thinking of just locking me in a fridge
or something. I would comply.
You wanna go puncturing me
with metal projectiles...
You asked.
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Old 10-09-2008, 11:17 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Please don't be ignorant ... it is this kind of thinking that CAUSES this. The market is on sale right now ... NOW is the time to buy if you have the funds to do so.
it's not time to buy if the market hasn't finished falling yet. of course it depends on what individual stocks you're looking at. i sure as hell wouldn't buy into any automotive companies right now for example.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 10-09-2008, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
I wouldn't buy right now. Only people with stacks to lose should buy.

For those who watched CSPAN during the bailout bill...

how could you have any confidence in the economy with those ass clowns wasting billions in bs earmarks to a bill that is just the tip of the iceberg to what will be TRILLIONS wasted on forthcoming bailouts.

Invest in a gun. Go to a firing range. If you have a kid...make them join the cub/girl scouts and attend all of the meetings so you and your children can become survivalists.

good question.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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