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Old 12-01-2011, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god View Post
i know this entire thread is a bad joke but am still surprised that partisans on both sides still think the general election is a slam dunk for them.

i cheer every time i see a post about obama being dead meat. and shudder with every post that a republican nominee has no chance.

romney's being attacked by the dnc now because they know he's a formidable candidate in a bad economy. and it'll still be a bad economy in 2012.

it's easy for an obama supporter to have a few cheap laughs at the clowning in the republican primary now. but if romney is the nominee he won't carry tea party baggage and will have a lot of appeal to independent voters.

it's going to be a close election with a lot going against the incumbent.
I certainly agree with that! If the economy doesn't significantly improve, Obama is in for a tough battle....that's my point, while Romney appeals to independents and more traditional Republicans, he will receive minimal support from the radical right (Tea Party and religious right). It remains to be seen if that would be enough to beat Obama. The right has one candidate left imo and that's Palin...flawed to be sure but these folks will not see past the talking points and blame Obama rhetoric, can someone like her win? If independents and the Democratic base stay home, she could make it damn close. I think it unwise to discount someone just because folks find her amusing...this will be a very unique election given the closed minded nature of both sides. Our history is not without unlikely winners....Reagan was an actor in mostly B movies, Truman was seen by the media as a hot headed hayseed and Obama came from nowhere to capture the nomination and then the presidency. Folks here get their panties in a twist and act like I'm supporting Palin...I repeat, I'm a stone-cold leftist and her point of view is completely foreign to me. Then again, Obama is far to the right of me...honestly I have no candidate to passionately back so I can look at things without the political bias of most.
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Old 12-01-2011, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
I certainly agree with that! If the economy doesn't significantly improve, Obama is in for a tough battle....that's my point, while Romney appeals to independents and more traditional Republicans, he will receive minimal support from the radical right (Tea Party and religious right). It remains to be seen if that would be enough to beat Obama. The right has one candidate left imo and that's Palin...flawed to be sure but these folks will not see past the talking points and blame Obama rhetoric, can someone like her win? If independents and the Democratic base stay home, she could make it damn close. I think it unwise to discount someone just because folks find her amusing...this will be a very unique election given the closed minded nature of both sides. Our history is not without unlikely winners....Reagan was an actor in mostly B movies, Truman was seen by the media as a hot headed hayseed and Obama came from nowhere to capture the nomination and then the presidency. Folks here get their panties in a twist and act like I'm supporting Palin...I repeat, I'm a stone-cold leftist and her point of view is completely foreign to me. Then again, Obama is far to the right of me...honestly I have no candidate to passionately back so I can look at things without the political bias of most.
i want to start by saying i like you. i think we probably have some traits in common. i think i'm one of the few posters here that can say i like both you and coach. and clyde. group hug?

anyway, no one mistakes you as a palin supporter. but based on this thread dell on a 5 day bender is possible.

your theory is that romney will receive minimal support from the the tea party and is vulnerable in a general election. while at the same time democrats and independents will stay home if palin is the candidate.

it requires someone who is drunk or insane to hold both those ideas in their head at the same time.

my theory is that the tea party is far less than 33% of the electorate in the general election. and that no candidate other than palin would motivate the >67% to vote than the hot idiot extremist.

stop it. she's probably busy filming another reality show anyway.
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Old 12-01-2011, 09:19 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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regardless of how the far right will feel about the eventual nominee, they'll vote for that person. they'd rather even have romney than four more years of obama.

as for palin....i'd hate to think this country has stooped to that point. she's a fraud, a lightweight, a pretender.
far better suited to reality tv than to a position of power.
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Old 12-01-2011, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
regardless of how the far right will feel about the eventual nominee, they'll vote for that person. they'd rather even have romney than four more years of obama.

as for palin....i'd hate to think this country has stooped to that point. she's a fraud, a lightweight, a pretender.
far better suited to reality tv than to a position of power.
Eric Erikkson (Red State) and Rush have both aggressively attacked Gingrich, and neither like Romney, either. Who knows what they want any more - Ron Reagan would be denounced as a liberal by this current bunch of crazies.

If the right doesn't like their candidate, they will stay home - that's the fear on the right. The downticket fallout.
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