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Old 07-30-2012, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by pointman View Post
Your first two posts in this thread were nasty personal insults as replies, not discussing the subject but insulting the poster, then you went downhill from there, blaming everyone you dislike.

The cognitive dissonance you demonstrate on a day to day basis is simply astounding Are you even capable of making a post in politics that doesn't start with, "You are a dimwitted liberal", "I thought you were smarter than that", etc?

You know, talk about the subject? Not who you hate, and why you hate them?
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
I think there are two seperate conversations here..The first is strictly issue based...Some fall in the middle like yourself, others, like Pointman, Dell and myself generally find themselves 100% in one camp or the other. I disagree with you that both parties have good ideas..but that's politics. But there is a reason that there are no popular lefty whackos like Rush, etc..I don't need a blowhard to tell me how to think or to give me talking points or to affirm my sure seems that many republicans do and that the viatrolity coming from the airwaves is mimicked often. Again....being a liberal ain't the death knell...That Dani is my point. I don't hate Republicans, but I can guarantee you there are many, many more Republicans that do hate Liberals.
ROR !! Liberals are just better than everyone else - just ask them
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:58 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
yep, palin is definitely amusing.

but i've always found all of your points above about republicans to be equally true about democrats. i guess that's why myself, and others who don't ascribe to any one party, find the whole debate about who is 'better' to be a hilarious argument.i don't think either side is better. i think both parties have a few good ideas, and many bad ones. both sides think they're always right. both point fingers when the other has an awful moment. each tries to take the moral high ground, when really, neither can occupy it all the time.
i love when debate occurs. what i hate is when people take it to a personal level.

Spot on Zig. Both Dems and Repubs seem to think they are morally and intellectually superior than the other party.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:09 AM
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Pallin was nothing more than a Hail Mary attempt by a team that was down very late in the ball game.
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!"
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by geeker2 View Post
ROR !! Liberals are just better than everyone else - just ask them
If Obama could pass some betting subsidizations of misfortunate horse players I would vote for him. That would definitely benefit me.
"Let the whiners and lazy cry about how impossible "they've" made it to win at this game." - Steve Byk
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:29 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post

Spot on Zig. Both Dems and Repubs seem to think they are morally and intellectually superior than the other party.
it really is funny, but also sad.
vitter screws up, dems are all over it.
weiner screws up, the reps are all over it.

same talking points, same moral arguments. it's pathetic. when people run for their party's nomination, they try to veer as left/right as needed. then they try to move center once the nomination is in hand, since that's where most of us reside. but in order to get to the general election, they have to get the ultras on their side. it's a sham, really. then the zealots get po'd, because they feel rooked.
romney isn't anti-abortion enough. there are ultra libs upset with obama.
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:38 PM
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Originally Posted by MaTH716 View Post
Pallin was nothing more than a Hail Mary attempt by a team that was down very late in the ball game.
Then explain Mitt Romney
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by pointman View Post
I guess when you are dimwitted liberal who can't find a positive about your idol irrelevant
Geesh, just posting a story that's everywhere, even on Fox and you shoot the messenger..If that story is irrelevant, why is Darth bringing it up?...jus sayin..

Originally Posted by pointman View Post
I really thought that you were smarter than this. To have to consistently blame Bush and resort to the overboard agenda of burying Cheney and Palin which have no relevance to today's politics because the ideals you are trying to defend have proved to be a disaster in practice over a Presidential term is lame. Just sayin'

See above ^^

Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i've been saying since...well, when mcain picked palin that it was a mistake. i'm not sure why so many seem to think that because she has looks that she somehow belonged. i'm amazed at how many people around here (arkansas, not this board) that actually like her. my district manager for one. when i started mentioning her interviews, the questions, and how she answered....

she reads every magazine? couldn't name a supreme court ruling other than roe v wade that she disagreed with-i don't think she could name another case at all. who's your favorite founding father? all of them. christ. i didn't know all that, he said. why not? he probably saw her, thought heeey...and that was as far as it went.
i'm just glad she's not relevant anymore(not that i ever thought she was, but she was all over the tv and the internet). the palin sightings grow rarer every day, thank god.

Old news no relevance to today's politics- as per pointyheadman..(not nice, i know can't help myself)

Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
I think he was just poking fun at someone Liberals find to amusing. The bigger point is that the right seems to find the left so "thin-skinned" that the irony, at least to us Liberals, is that the tea baggers and righties sure can dish it out but as soon as you either challenge or even have some fun with right wingers, they just come back with the usual libtard or whatever type comments. You think Riot is really any different than Del, Joey, RBE etc? She may take things to a bit more of an extreme and can be condescending, but jeepers...the Republicans aren't? You just disagree with her opinions so attack, attack , attack...

I, along with many others (right and left) don't post here much anymore. It used to be fun to have conversations about politics, but....and maybe my head is in the sand...I just don't think you can argue politics with a Conservative. At some point their natural instinct is to just lash out. I have my definite opinons but don't claim to be correct 100% of the time. I think righties do and even if they may have their doubts about an issue, the default is being a Liberal is a small step from being a communist, socialist or even the devil. I have never voted for a repubilican and loathe most of their platform, but still enjoy the debate. I wish that could happen more.

What he said..

Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
yep, palin is definitely amusing.

but i've always found all of your points above about republicans to be equally true about democrats. i guess that's why myself, and others who don't ascribe to any one party, find the whole debate about who is 'better' to be a hilarious argument.
i don't think either side is better. i think both parties have a few good ideas, and many bad ones. both sides think they're always right. both point fingers when the other has an awful moment. each tries to take the moral high ground, when really, neither can occupy it all the time.
i love when debate occurs. what i hate is when people take it to a personal level.

You got that right..

Originally Posted by pointman View Post
I guess you don't read here much anymore. Riot and her *lackey Big Run have hijacked this section with their constant attempt to impose their views on others and dismiss even a hint of criticism to their agenda. I am hardly a tea partier or conservative, but probably come across as one as I have fun ridiculing them when I am bored. I have no problem engaging in discussions of issues, but there is no debate with those that are so far on the left, which tends to be the problem with the extreme liberals. So I just play their stupid game for entertainment value and allow them to make fools of themselves.

I know your views and don't have a problem with them since you can engage like a decent human being. ** But really, to still be taking the tact of attacking Cheney and Palin when they have no present relevance is just asking for someone to call you out and I have to think you know that. Like you, I agree that it would be nice to have an intelligent debate. But even though I disagree with much of what is stated by those you have named, you can't seriously put them in the same category of Riot and Big Run's constant defense of everything she throws out there.

*Lackey!..I prefer cheerleader if you don't mind..

**There ya go again, shooting the messenger..typical lawyer ploy, beat a dead horse to death.
fyi, even o'rielly mentioned the irrelevant story.

Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
I think there are two seperate conversations here..The first is strictly issue based...Some fall in the middle like yourself, others, like Pointman, Dell and myself generally find themselves 100% in one camp or the other. I disagree with you that both parties have good ideas..but that's politics. But there is a reason that there are no popular lefty whackos like Rush, etc..I don't need a blowhard to tell me how to think or to give me talking points or to affirm my sure seems that many republicans do and that the viatrolity coming from the airwaves is mimicked often. Again....being a liberal ain't the death knell...That Dani is my point. I don't hate Republicans, but I can guarantee you there are many, many more Republicans that do hate Liberals.

I'll ditto that..

Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
But don't find Coach or others to be on the exact same wavelength as Riot and Bigrun..just with a different message? That where my incredulousness comes from..I have read and do read every thread here. That's why I applaud Riot and Big's fun to see the Right ( not necesssarily you) get a dose of their own medicine. It's all one big PKB fest
That should read 'coach and MANY others..other than that, dead on...

Originally Posted by DaTruth View Post
Seriously? Even I cross party lines and vote for a Democrat over a Republican when I think the Dem is the better candidate.

Been there done that...prior to March-03..

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Your first two posts in this thread were nasty personal insults as replies, not discussing the subject but insulting the poster, then you went downhill from there, blaming everyone you dislike.

The cognitive dissonance you demonstrate on a day to day basis is simply astounding Are you even capable of making a post in politics that doesn't start with, "You are a dimwitted liberal", "I thought you were smarter than that", etc?

You know, talk about the subject? Not who you hate, and why you hate them?
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Old 07-31-2012, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by DaTruth View Post
Seriously? Even I cross party lines and vote for a Democrat over a Republican when I think the Dem is the better candidate.
I will be voting for Ed Perlmutter again despite his party affiliation. He is a good guy and does right by the district IMO.
Coors is a douche.
don't run out of ammo.
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Old 07-31-2012, 04:42 PM
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news flash obamas dna traced back to the first slave....wonder if he or she had a valid birth c..
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead View Post
news flash obamas dna traced back to the first slave....wonder if he or she had a valid birth c..
Doesn't matter, if John Punch planted the seed on U.S. soil, all his get are automatically citizens...
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets.

Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 07-31-2012, 06:44 PM
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figured this thread was as fitting as any for this article. yet another reason i don't like zealots having a say, another reason why i don't think religion has any place in politics:

look, science is science. if you want to believe that everyone/thing was created by a deity, hey, good for you. but don't call it science. i cannot believe, in the 21st century, this is still being debated. it is absurd. and for those who say 'well, evolution is just a theory'...yeah, so is gravity.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 07-31-2012, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by hoovesupsideyourhead View Post
news flash obamas dna traced back - through his white mother's side of the family - to the first indentured servants (not slaves) working in Virginia ....wonder if he or she had a valid birth c..
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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