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Old 11-13-2012, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
Dailykos is not a reputable site. However, they do get it right sometimes, just like WND. Their math may be right in this case. The bad thing about all of these sites is that they intentionally try to mislead you. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, I always thought the republicans were a lot more honest than the dems. It wasn't often that they intentionally tried to mislead you. Nowadays, the two sides are pretty hard to separate. They are both extremely dishonest. You really can't take anything you read at any of these sites at face value. Even the stuff that sounds like it has to be right often turns out to be very misleading and sometimes turns out to be false.

Waddaya mean? they are as reputable as Fox.....not sayin much huh...
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Old 11-13-2012, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
Dailykos is not a reputable site. However, they do get it right sometimes, just like WND. Their math may be right in this case. The bad thing about all of these sites is that they intentionally try to mislead you. Back in the 1980s and 1990s, I always thought the republicans were a lot more honest than the dems. It wasn't often that they intentionally tried to mislead you. Nowadays, the two sides are pretty hard to separate. They are both extremely dishonest. You really can't take anything you read at any of these sites at face value. Even the stuff that sounds like it has to be right often turns out to be very misleading and sometimes turns out to be false.
but the post came from "hungrycoyote" has to be true.
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Old 11-13-2012, 06:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
'We have always had these dense urban corridors that are extremely Democratic'

a predominately democratic area voted for their candidate. not sure why it's a surprise, or that it means there's something wrong with this country.
You dont think it strange that not a single person wasnt happy with the president or just wanted to be contrary or hell made a mistake that we are so often told those pesky confusing ballots can do? I find it hard to believe that every single person in those districts cast a secret ballot for the same person.

Hell there are still some people in Philly defending Andy Reid.
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Old 11-13-2012, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell View Post
You dont think it strange that not a single person wasnt happy with the president or just wanted to be contrary or hell made a mistake that we are so often told those pesky confusing ballots can do? I find it hard to believe that every single person in those districts cast a secret ballot for the same person.

Hell there are still some people in Philly defending Andy Reid.
it's philly, what else can i say?
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Old 11-14-2012, 09:55 PM
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There is a common thread: a total lack of evidence that any fraud occurred. Let’s start in Cleveland, where bloggers have been writing about more than 100 precincts where Obama won at least 99 percent of the vote and 16 precincts where Mitt Romney won no votes at all. “How in the world did this happen?” asked an anonymous author at YoloHub. “Third world dictators don’t even get 99 percent of the vote.”

But black Democrats do, sometimes, get 99 percent or more of the vote in black precincts. In 2008, Obama actually pitched a shutout in 18 Cuyahoga County precincts. And you would expect him to. In 2008, Obama won 97 percent of the black vote in Ohio. In 2012, it was 96 percent. In Pennsylvania this year, he won 93 percent of the black vote and 80 percent of the Hispanic vote. This was why Obama could clean up in precincts that are almost entirely black or Hispanic.

and note near the end, where it mentions a watchdog group conceding it mistakenly counted each page of a ballot as a vote-which meant turnout was 75%, not 150%.
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