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Old 06-15-2018, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
I think there is a happy medium. A US Open course should obviously be set up very tough. But I don't think they should make the greens so rock hard that they don't hold. And they shouldn't be so fast that if you are 3 feet above the hole and miss the putt that it goes 15 feet by. We've seen that some years.

The greens should obviously be very fast, but not unplayable, like we have seen some years. All they need to do at most of these courses is make the rough very deep, narrow the fairways, and make the greens very fast, but playable. The greens should not be so rock hard that you hit a perfect iron shot and it goes right over the green.

With regards to scoring, you have 140 of the best players in the world. and of those 140 guys, you will have at least a handful who are absolutely on fire, totally in the zone. When you have the best of the best and they are playing their best, I think there should be a few guys under par for the tournament. If 1 or 2 under par is a really good score every day, I think that is fine. I think the winning score for the 4 days should be somewhere around 5 under, give or take a few shots either way.

If not a single guy can break par for the tournament, I think something is wrong. It probably means the course is unfair. I mean when you have the best players in the world, if not a single can break par, the course is obviously too tough IMO. By the same token, this is the US Open. If the winning score is 15 or 20 under, then the course was obviously playing too easy.

I didn't watch much today. I was mainly just following the scores on the internet. But I heard there was a 230 yard par 3, where Tiger, JT and DJ all hit perfect shots and nobody held the green. To me that is ridiculous. A 230 yard par 3 is hard enough, without making the green nearly impossible to hold.
I agree with your post. Wasn’t watching really close today but from what I gathered the wind had a lot to do with the high scores today.
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Old 06-15-2018, 06:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
I think there is a happy medium. A US Open course should obviously be set up very tough. But I don't think they should make the greens so rock hard that they don't hold. And they shouldn't be so fast that if you are 3 feet above the hole and miss the putt that it goes 15 feet by. We've seen that some years.

The greens should obviously be very fast, but not unplayable, like we have seen some years. All they need to do at most of these courses is make the rough very deep, narrow the fairways, and make the greens very fast, but playable. The greens should not be so rock hard that you hit a perfect iron shot and it goes right over the green.

With regards to scoring, you have 140 of the best players in the world. and of those 140 guys, you will have at least a handful who are absolutely on fire, totally in the zone. When you have the best of the best and they are playing their best, I think there should be a few guys under par for the tournament. If 1 or 2 under par is a really good score every day, I think that is fine. I think the winning score for the 4 days should be somewhere around 5 under, give or take a few shots either way.

If not a single guy can break par for the tournament, I think something is wrong. It probably means the course is unfair. I mean when you have the best players in the world, if not a single can break par, the course is obviously too tough IMO. By the same token, this is the US Open. If the winning score is 15 or 20 under, then the course was obviously playing too easy.

I didn't watch much today. I was mainly just following the scores on the internet. But I heard there was a 230 yard par 3, where Tiger, JT and DJ all hit perfect shots and nobody held the green. To me that is ridiculous. A 230 yard par 3 is hard enough, without making the green nearly impossible to hold.
Rosey won the U.S. Open @ Merion with a score of +1. Was something wrong with THAT course (other than the logistics) ?? The answer is a big, fat NO. It’s the U.S. Open ffs. Instead of being the board contrarian, why don’t you actually WATCH most of the tournament first before another long-winded post as to why it’s not fair/too tough.
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Old 06-15-2018, 01:50 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
Rosey won the U.S. Open @ Merion with a score of +1. Was something wrong with THAT course (other than the logistics) ?? The answer is a big, fat NO. It’s the U.S. Open ffs. Instead of being the board contrarian, why don’t you actually WATCH most of the tournament first before another long-winded post as to why it’s not fair/too tough.
I was simply saying that I want to see a really tough, but fair course in the US Open. And in general I think that would translate to a winning score of somewhere around 5 under par total (give or take a couple of shots either way) for the tournament. That is hardly some big contrarian viewpoint.

There are obviously factors that could affect scoring. As JMS said, if the wind kicks up, that can make a huge difference. If it was really windy on a US Open course, then there is a good chance that nobody would break par for the tournament. I wouldn't have a problem with that.

By the way, there have been plenty of players over the years who have complained when the courses are set up unfair. You may think that is just sour grapes when guys complain. But often times their complaints have merit.
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Old 06-15-2018, 04:38 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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I've been watching a little bit today. From what I've seen today, I like the way the USGA set up this course. These are perfect US Open conditions IMO. The course is very tough, but fair. The rough is very deep, as it should be for a US Open.

I actually wish they had deeper rough in non-majors. Many of the courses that they play these days have very little rough. I don't like it when the long hitters are bombing the ball 70 yards off line and getting away with it. There should be some consequence to not driving it straight. I think that week in and week out nowadays on the tour, driving distance is rewarded a lot more than driving accuracy. It obviously depends on the course, but nowadays it seems that far more of the courses they play favor driving distance over accuracy. It may partially be because they think that is what the fans want to see. The fans want to see DJ bomb it out there 340 yards. They don't want him to have to lay up with an iron. Anyway, I would like to see it be at least a 50/50 thing where driving accuracy is at least as important as driving distance, if not more.

Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 06-15-2018 at 05:13 PM.
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Old 06-16-2018, 11:22 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
I've been watching a little bit today. From what I've seen today, I like the way the USGA set up this course. These are perfect US Open conditions IMO. The course is very tough, but fair. The rough is very deep, as it should be for a US Open.
I guess I spoke too soon. That was a joke out there today. I don't know how the USGA can be so incompetent. The players blasted them and rightfully so:

On the Golf Channel, all the commentators were unanimous in their criticism. Brandel Chamblee, Frank Nobilo, David Duval, and Rich Lerner all blasted the USGA and the course set-up.

The USGA admitted that they screwed up. Their excuse was that the wind was worse than they expected. That is a very poor excuse. You can never expect that you are going to know exactly how the wind is going to be. You have to assume that it may be worse than what you are expecting and then set up the course accordingly. You have to allow some wiggle room in case the wind is worse than forecast.
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Old 06-17-2018, 04:37 AM
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Course was fine in the morning and then the wind kicked up. Those are the breaks.
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Old 06-17-2018, 02:20 PM
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Is this a US Open course today or the Zurich Classic?!??

So much for the b!tching & complaining!!
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Old 06-17-2018, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
Is this a US Open course today or the Zurich Classic?!??

So much for the b!tching & complaining!!
Yup a joke overcompensated due to the whining
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Old 06-17-2018, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
I have the 2nd pick in my 25 man snake draft. DJ went first and I am stumped as to who to take. I had it pegged down to two players, Justin Thomas or Brooks Koepka. I was so stuck on it that I had to enlist the help of my daughter. I wrote both names down and told her to pick one of them.


Let’s Phuckin Goooooooooo BK!!
nice job!
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Old 06-17-2018, 08:29 PM
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Originally Posted by herkhorse View Post
nice job!
Thanks Herk!

Me being the idiot that I am, had Daniel Berger all but chosen with the 49th pick and let my brother talk me off of him (and Henley) and onto Kisner. I would’ve swept the entire pool had I stuck with my gut.

Saratogadew knows the deal! I HAD EM & I LET EM OFF THE HOOK!

It does help, however, that out of 478 people in my “one and done” pool that has to be chosen by January 11th, only 20 others took Koepka to win here. The 2.1 million catapults me from 180 up into top 15 for sure. One more win in the next 9 weeks and I’m sitting pretty for the top prize.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

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Old 06-18-2018, 11:31 AM
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Good job Dec and good luck!

I just want to add my two bits worth of discontent with how the USGA handled slippery phil. He should have been tossed from the tournament, no question. I heard all the rules and explanations and I still say bull crap. He did what he did and gained an advantage, no telling how much further it would have rolled plus after he smacked the ball, it almost dropped in the cup...and then what would have happened??? As pissed as he was, it may have taken 3-4 more putts to get out of that mess. What little respect I did have for him was as a player but not anymore. Keep smiling slippery phil, enjoy your millions, how you have any fans left will amaze the crap out of me.
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Old 06-18-2018, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by casp0555 View Post
Good job Dec and good luck!

I just want to add my two bits worth of discontent with how the USGA handled slippery phil. He should have been tossed from the tournament, no question. I heard all the rules and explanations and I still say bull crap. He did what he did and gained an advantage, no telling how much further it would have rolled plus after he smacked the ball, it almost dropped in the cup...and then what would have happened??? As pissed as he was, it may have taken 3-4 more putts to get out of that mess. What little respect I did have for him was as a player but not anymore. Keep smiling slippery phil, enjoy your millions, how you have any fans left will amaze the crap out of me.

I agree..and if that ball went in the hole, no way is a 2 stroke penalty enough... total BS.

Would love to hear GPK's take, but he's never around unless some harness legend dies.
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Old 06-18-2018, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by herkhorse View Post

I agree..and if that ball went in the hole, no way is a 2 stroke penalty enough... total BS.

Would love to hear GPK's take, but he's never around unless some harness legend dies.
I honestly think the penalty would have been harsher had the ball went in on the bonehead mistake stroke AND if it wasn’t his birthday.

Let’s be honest, that type of crap doesn’t even fly on most pitch & putt courses, let alone the grand stage!
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Old 06-19-2018, 11:44 AM
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2006 Winged Foot meltdown...
"Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something" - Plato
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Old 06-19-2018, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by herkhorse View Post

I agree..and if that ball went in the hole, no way is a 2 stroke penalty enough... total BS.

Would love to hear GPK's take, but he's never around unless some harness legend dies.
New phone, who dis?
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