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Old 01-18-2007, 02:19 PM
post2post post2post is offline
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quality Dems to vote for listed below............

end of msg....

but i do think they will win just b/c americans want a change.....and as voters you have that right...
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Old 01-18-2007, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
While you people are falling all over yourselves in defense of Hillary, God(yeah the Big Guy) help us if this country settles for her!
Yeah, cause the recent parade into the White House over the past few decades has been filled with such noble statesmen! What this country needs is more pandering to the rich and the bible-thumpers that evoke the name of the Almighty as some sort of talisman to ward off any point of view other than their own!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 01-18-2007, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
i don't love him. Obviously there are lots of Democratic candidates that I would vote for -- but assuming the possibility that the Dems may somehow nominate some unelectable tool (ie Kerry), then the options open up. Romney is an idiot, so he won't go anywhere, because even he can't decide what he's talking about.

Think about it though -- I've been thinking alot about what will happen if another Republican wins the Presidency next year.....

I'd be pulling like hell for McCain (even with his stupid war rhetoric) and Guiliani before I'd take a Romney or a Gingrich.

It's more a matter of thinking ahead of time about how it COULD be if certain people got elected.

Thinking about how, if Giuliani or McCain were to win, then life would be tolerable. If Gingrich (no chance) or Romney were to win, I'd be looking into the JET program again so that I could try to teach in Japan for a year to not have to live here during another insane presiden't reign.
Omigawd, not you on the McCain I'llsaywhateverwillgetmeelectedExpress, too!

Not that I didn't once like the man- I was as duped by the press as everyone else. But actually look at his voting record, and pay attention to where and to whom he's been speaking, and one's opinion does a 180. Maverick, schmaverick.

My thoughts on Hilary-- I think she's incredibly smart, and works her tail off for New York-- for a carpetbagger, she knows more about this state than many natives. She's really hawkish on defense, and back in 1992 she was pushing for an overhaul to our bloated health care system-- years before the rest of the country caught up. All to the good. BUT- I think the nation is tired of "Bush" and "Clinton" and even if she was the ideal candidate it wouldn't matter because America wants something different from the past 18 years. I don't think she can win.

I like Edwards, and quite frankly, if Gore would run and show some of the side of him that comes out when he's not campaigning, I think he'd win, because I think the environment and energy are going to be a major, major issues in the near future for most Americans. The situation in Nigeria isn't getting any better, and there goes our 5th largest supplier of oil. And our biggest one requires us to suck up to the same people who are funding mosques teaching that America is the big bad. I think if Gore would throw his hat in, and campaign on energy independence and renewable energies, he'd have a strong shot.

Well, and he'd have to go on a diet. There's a real streak of fattism in this country, for all that many of us are overweight.
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Old 01-18-2007, 02:46 PM
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Careful,Somer, all your socialist bs is coming out! Forgive me..I dared to say something negative about the most power mad,scheming shrew of a woman, since ah,well, Nancy Pelosi! Your Princess...I'm sorry Queen, has too much baggage to be a viable candidate, unless the MSM does the typical revisionist rewrite about her and her ilk! Selective memories...must be nice.
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Old 01-18-2007, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Yeah, cause the recent parade into the White House over the past few decades has been filled with such noble statesmen! What this country needs is more pandering to the rich and the bible-thumpers that evoke the name of the Almighty as some sort of talisman to ward off any point of view other than their own!
Typical flamer rhetoric....the rich don't deserve their wealth and anyone who doesn't agree with us is mean-spirited! Do you actually proof before you post??
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Old 01-18-2007, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Typical flamer rhetoric....the rich don't deserve their wealth and anyone who doesn't agree with us is mean-spirited! Do you actually proof before you post??
Timm, why don't you offer some specifics on exactly why you don't like Hilary, instead of just saying "God help us" if she's elected. I can give you specific things about Giuliani and McCain that I don't like, actions that they have taken while elected officials. Offer the same stuff on Hilary, please- which of her positions do you opposed? Otherwise you come across sounding as though you get your talking points from Rush Limbaugh, and he's not known for his journalistic integrity.

I gots news for ya, my friend- politicians are ALL power-mad schemers. It's how they get elected. I find it very sexist of you that you clearly consider that a negative thing in a woman but not a man.
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Old 01-18-2007, 03:18 PM
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Nick Saban for president!

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Old 01-18-2007, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
Doesn't it say something about Hillary's electability when Obama, a relative unknown in terms of a federal-level record to run-on, is outpacing her in the polls?
Not really...the nice thing about being "new" is that you don't have a record to defend. He appeals to the same folks (like me) as Hillary so it sorta figures!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Typical flamer rhetoric....the rich don't deserve their wealth and anyone who doesn't agree with us is mean-spirited! Do you actually proof before you post??
I'm not the one who evoked the Almighty as a talisman!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Timm, why don't you offer some specifics on exactly why you don't like Hilary, instead of just saying "God help us" if she's elected. I can give you specific things about Giuliani and McCain that I don't like, actions that they have taken while elected officials. Offer the same stuff on Hilary, please- which of her positions do you opposed? Otherwise you come across sounding as though you get your talking points from Rush Limbaugh, and he's not known for his journalistic integrity.

I gots news for ya, my friend- politicians are ALL power-mad schemers. It's how they get elected. I find it very sexist of you that you clearly consider that a negative thing in a woman but not a man.
GR: Let's do the last stuff are projecting possibly..that I made a sexist remark about women in general, and Hillary in specific...I am not a sexist. I do not believe all people in politics are powermad,but I think Hillary is,and I think she started at a young age! I'm not lookin for Diogenes,here. Obama is untested completely, McCain is a possible nutjob,and Guilani is soft on everything but defense..his possible saving grace! As far as Hilary goes..she's legend as far as payback goes...I can get a list if you need it. Her healthcare plan was a giant mistake(14% gross national expense) Painted herself as a victim(horntoad for a husband)but went after anyone who dare crossed her and FOB. Grossly unqualified to be experience with making or managing foreign policy. Great attack dog modus operendi for using her and Bubbas' staffs for slandering,and investigational techniques for possible political opponents(J.E.Hoover comes to mind) and don't forget the Clinton's out there...just like the 9/11 conspiracy the way...jet fuel burns at 1525...irons' integrity breaks down at much for "the govt did it" theory! If you'd like to discuss further..feel last thing..Salon is JUST above commondreams as far as veracity goes! Cheers
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:11 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
I'm not the one who evoked the Almighty as a talisman!
The delusion of God being a talisman says it all!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:12 PM
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Cajon: Saban is a far as politicians go!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
GR: Let's do the last stuff are projecting possibly..that I made a sexist remark about women in general, and Hillary in specific...I am not a sexist. I do not believe all people in politics are powermad,but I think Hillary is,and I think she started at a young age! I'm not lookin for Diogenes,here. Obama is untested completely, McCain is a possible nutjob,and Guilani is soft on everything but defense..his possible saving grace! As far as Hilary goes..she's legend as far as payback goes...I can get a list if you need it. Her healthcare plan was a giant mistake(14% gross national expense) Painted herself as a victim(horntoad for a husband)but went after anyone who dare crossed her and FOB. Grossly unqualified to be experience with making or managing foreign policy. Great attack dog modus operendi for using her and Bubbas' staffs for slandering,and investigational techniques for possible political opponents(J.E.Hoover comes to mind) and don't forget the Clinton's out there...just like the 9/11 conspiracy the way...jet fuel burns at 1525...irons' integrity breaks down at much for "the govt did it" theory! If you'd like to discuss further..feel last thing..Salon is JUST above commondreams as far as veracity goes! Cheers
Ah, specifics! Thank you. I have to get to work in about 5 minutes, but I'll start up-

Currently the US pays more, per person, in healthcare than any other industrialized nation, and our lifespan is lower and infant death rate higher than most any other industrialized nation. Health care needs reform. Yes, it would add a big cost to the government (14 percent is the number you quoted, and until I research myself I'll accept that as fair) BUT it would cut 20 percent from the cost of producing steel. The central reason jobs are going overseas is that they are cheaper overthere and the leading cause is healthcare. So, a 14 percent increase in domestic spending, versus a 20 percent decrease in cost of manufacturing. I'll take cutting the cost of manufacturing, myself, if it keeps jobs here.

Please cite me examples of when Hillary painted herself as a victim about her husband's infidelity. From what I read (including her very boring autobiography) she's spoken less about it than anyone else, including her husband. And regarding attacking the GOP-- they went after her husband for a sexual infidelity, and spent your money and mine in the process. What did you expect her to do? Sit back and watch her husband get slaughtered? I gave her props for coming out swinging (metaphorically in the fighting sense, not in the 1970's sense, which would have been VERY interesting) and taking control of what was, really, a stupid, stupid "crisis" instituted by the GOP.

She's been a Senator for six years and serves on the Armed Forces Committee- how does she have no experience with making or managing foreign policy? What was GW's experience with foreign policy prior to the White House? He was a governor, right? In the one of the states that gives little power to the governor (pgardn, correct me if I'm wrong here, please).

Yes, I would appreciate you posting Hillary's payback list, as you put it. Please do!

Okay, later 'gators (Cajun and otherwise)- gotta go work some more.

As for the sexism-- see the smiley- trying to make a point about unsubstantiated accusations, using the fact that you only pointed out women in politics as being powermad. It's easy to do, isn't it?
Gentlemen! We're burning daylight! Riders up! -Bill Murray
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
From what I read, including her very boring autobiography
Oh man, I loved her autobiography. I thought while it was tedious at times because it was very anecdotal, even about things that bored me -- I thought it was well written and a real testament to the woman she is. I thought it was really interesting to read a lot of what she said, and how much restraint she showed when talking about sensitive things.

Plus, it gave me an excuse to camp out overnight to get to shake her hand at a Borders Books

Any excuse for camping out overnight on city streets is a good one for me!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:38 PM
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GR: when you get the time...start with TravelGate! Regarding the was elected members of Congress led by the Soul of Congress Liebermann who condemned Clinton for his foolishness,not Party Heads. Hillary came out swinging?..more like a knife in the back or Death threats on enemys families! Any body around you know who's had 60-70 associates meet untimely deaths! They could make a movie about it....but then they'd have to kill everybody who saw the movie!! Ron Brown ring a bell? And I didn't say women...I said Hillary, but I'll throw in Pelosi for you too!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
The delusion of God being a talisman says it all!
You used it that way, not me! I think you are the one who needs to read what they type!
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Old 01-18-2007, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
You used it that way, not me! I think you are the one who needs to read what they type!
Bush didn't say or refer to God as a talisman....that is your take on things. And you are the one who looks down his nose at the deluded Christians!

Last edited by timmgirvan : 01-18-2007 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 01-18-2007, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
No, he has a record to defend...just not one he made at the federal level. Most folks really have no idea what his polical philosophy is. He is young and speaks well in public. In contrast, you pretty much know what you get with Hillary.

On second thought, maybe that shows how messed up the electorate is...they choose style in an unknown over someone with an established record.
Just a little example of the extent Hillary and her attack dogs will go to save the Presidency for her grasp!
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Old 01-18-2007, 06:59 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
I guess I'm in the minority here cause I like both Clinton and Obama...I think that would be a great ticket in fact! As I've said before, I'd love to see Hillary Vs Condy.
obama--couple years in the senate. what else? what background does he have that would convince me to vote for him?
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Old 01-18-2007, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Omigawd, not you on the McCain I'llsaywhateverwillgetmeelectedExpress, too!

Not that I didn't once like the man- I was as duped by the press as everyone else. But actually look at his voting record, and pay attention to where and to whom he's been speaking, and one's opinion does a 180. Maverick, schmaverick.

My thoughts on Hilary-- I think she's incredibly smart, and works her tail off for New York-- for a carpetbagger, she knows more about this state than many natives. She's really hawkish on defense, and back in 1992 she was pushing for an overhaul to our bloated health care system-- years before the rest of the country caught up. All to the good. BUT- I think the nation is tired of "Bush" and "Clinton" and even if she was the ideal candidate it wouldn't matter because America wants something different from the past 18 years. I don't think she can win.

I like Edwards, and quite frankly, if Gore would run and show some of the side of him that comes out when he's not campaigning, I think he'd win, because I think the environment and energy are going to be a major, major issues in the near future for most Americans. The situation in Nigeria isn't getting any better, and there goes our 5th largest supplier of oil. And our biggest one requires us to suck up to the same people who are funding mosques teaching that America is the big bad. I think if Gore would throw his hat in, and campaign on energy independence and renewable energies, he'd have a strong shot.

Well, and he'd have to go on a diet. There's a real streak of fattism in this country, for all that many of us are overweight.
oh no. not edwards. he seems so fake!
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