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Old 09-03-2008, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Where are you going with this weak bull s h i t? The passive agressive approach never works on here.

You are better off not commenting like you originally said because you never really said anything anyway.
thank you for your inciteful comments.
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Old 09-03-2008, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by pick4
thank you for your inciteful comments.
I thought you werent going to post on here again? LOL
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Old 09-04-2008, 12:15 AM
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Excellent speech by Gov Palin this evening. Very impressive for someone who has been thrust into the national spot light in relative short order. She did a great job firing up her party. Looks like the VP debate(s) will be better/more entertaining then the Prez debates.

One thing for sure though; if they think the media has been tough on her prior to tonite.....? Those dogs be salivating now.
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Old 09-04-2008, 12:48 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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after the VP debate Bidens head will be hanging like a trophy on Sarahs wall, right between a moose and a caribou.
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Old 09-04-2008, 06:48 AM
The Indomitable DrugS's Avatar
The Indomitable DrugS The Indomitable DrugS is offline
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Originally Posted by Heels1989
She did a great job firing up her party.
A corrupt fraud like Lynne Spears Palin didn't need to go into a long 'Sar-casta-bitch with a smile' routine and take cracks at Obama, Biden, Reid, and the supposed liberal press to fire up her party. Not to mention the "Washington elite" that includes the stalwart on the top of her ticket.

I heard nothing at all on policy - and I guess her great governing accomplishment is that she sold an airplane on E-bay (to get attention) and fired her private chef.

She left her city in debt as a mayor, she's already under investigation for abuse of power after only 20 months as a Gov, and her daughter...

Let's see -- knocked up, and posing all over the internet with booze and making out with other chicks... before the age of 18.

But with such a stellar resume in her own home, it's hard to imagine her being anything but a raging success when given a lot more responsibility.

She still is the same creep with the grand idea of paying hunters $150 for each left foreleg they cut off of wolves and bring back.

She still is the same creep with the grand idea of suing the federal government to take polar bears off of the endangered species list.

"She's either grossly misinformed or intentionally misleading, and both are unbecoming," said Kassie Siegel of the Center for Biological Diversity. ... "Even the Bush administration can't deny the reality of global warming," she said. "The governor is aligning herself and the state of Alaska with the most discredited, fringe, extreme viewpoints by denying this."
But hey, this is the same lady who thinks a female ought not have the right to abort even in the case of rape and incest.

Everyone knows that people like Lindsey Graham, Tom Ridge, Joe Liberman, and Joe Biden are John McCain's real vice presidents - they are all going to have a much big factor on policy than Palin.

McCain is a 72-year-old cancer survivor - Lynne Spears Palin as a VP nom is going to be a great asset as far as fund raising and firing up the Christian nutjobs who don't trust him - but we are one old man's death away from having a psycho pander pick for a president.

Nothing like a corrupt earmark queen who calls herself a reformer.
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Old 09-04-2008, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
after the VP debate Bidens head will be hanging like a trophy on Sarahs wall, right between a moose and a caribou.
It will surely be an epic battle of lame sarcasm.

Palin trying to pretend as though she has better credentials than Obama was amusing.

I was almost expecting her to carry her comparisons back to college days. Surely she could have pretended as though her broadcasting degree from Idaho was more impressive than Obama being President of the Harvard Law Review.
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Old 09-04-2008, 07:15 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Earlier I was critical of Romney and Huckabee...they stunk! Rudy, as always, gave a good speech....but Palin knocked it out of the park, very very good! We'll see how she holds up when answering reporters and against Biden in the debate but tonight...a new Republican star was born. Sure, the speech was written for her, but her delivery was spot on...she sure appears sincere and wow...a fighter for sure! Even brought up Harry Truman...
devil's advocate time. obama has his written for him as well, and his delivery (from what i hear, i've never listened to him) is superb. people say he's a good speaker, but when he hasn't got his lines prepared to read, he's quite the stammerer, with many 'uhs' thrown in-so i disagree that's he a good speaker, more like a good reader. i don't know if she'll turn out to be the same way.
i watched as much of this convention as the dems, zero. they don't appeal to me at all.

as for huck, i'm not surprised he stank. can't stand that guy.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 09-04-2008, 07:27 AM
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Huck gave by far and away the best speech of the night.

He didn't get any loud long roars because he didn't do much trashing. It was a great populist speech without a lot of cheap shots. He tossed the bible beaters some red meat - but he didn't go overboard.
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Old 09-04-2008, 07:29 AM
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These conventions are basically large pep rallies for their respective parties. The coverage I watched from both conventions, I didn't hear much policy talk, certainly less last night. The Repubs had an advantage with the convention scheduled second. They were on attack mode last night and they were swinging bigs sticks which I fully expected. I give the Gov props because I thought she was very effective. A bit over the top at times with her bashing, but effective nonetheless.

Trust me, we are going to learn a whole lot more about Gov Palin in the weeks to come and I expect public will get to see who she truly is and what she's all about.

It's too bad Tim Russert is not here enjoy all this.
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:28 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by pgardn
I think the point is that old, fat, greedy, rich, xenophobic white people do not need government handouts.

Nahhh, that was not the point.

We will now attempt to put this in a happy twisted mode:

The Democratic party is very inclusive, everyone is welcome.
The Republican party believes self-reliance leads to a sense of
accomplishment and as a side effect might even make one
financially capable
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
devil's advocate time. obama has his written for him as well, and his delivery (from what i hear, i've never listened to him) is superb.
Devil's Advocate, yeah sure.

Obama wrote his convention speech, by the way.

Though I agree that he does say 'uh' a lot when not giving a speech.
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:34 AM
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First off, DrugS, I need to see the pics of 17 yo daughter kissing other girls.

Before anyone signs on their support for Palin, realize that she thinks her constituents should pray for a $30 billion pipeline because it's God's will, states the Iraq war is God's will, etc

Unfortunately, I have experience with this type of Evangelical with a child born out of wedlock over 20 years ago. I was still in college, she had graduated. She was praying for a Volvo station wagon to replace her old Chevy Nova. God answered her prayers with a Volvo station wagon(in reality, her parents were wealthy and went out and bought her one)
Our major undoing was when our boy was about 6 years old and was visiting me in the summer up north here. He wanted to go skinny dipping in my parents pool. I allowed him to, no one else was there and I watched from the deck. Well, the next day his mother called. After the phone conversation, he told me it was a "bad" thing he had done and that "Gold told me it was a bad thing". My visitation was stopped due to this incident

I don't like these hypocrites, at all
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Heels1989

These conventions are basically large pep rallies for their respective parties. The coverage I watched from both conventions, I didn't hear much policy talk, certainly less last night.
I realize that.

Obama certainly talked about policy quite a bit in his speech. He didn't exactly go in depth into 12 point plans and all - but he touched on a lot.

All Palin was good for was a whole lot of sarcasm with a smile about nothing that matters to 99% of people.

Other than drilling for oil and building pipelines - you got NOTHING. Basically, here is Palin's entire speech without all the sarcasm.

Pollsters and Pundits are bad,
John McCain's good,

I say prayers everynight for soliders, my son is going to Iraq next week,
John McCain was a good solider.

I have a special needs child,
familys with special needs childs are good.

My whole family is good and I like them,
small towns grow good and patriotic people.

PTA and city council members are good and so are hockey moms,
Focus groups and voter profiles are for the out of touch

Small town mayors good and responcible,
community organizer's have "no actual responsibilities"

Politicans with different messages in Scranton and San Fran bad,
John McCain good.

political establishment, washington elite, and media all REAL BAD!
I'm going to Washington for the people not them.

The special interest and good ole boys bad,
shaking them up for the people good.

Private Jet and personal chef are over the top.
Driving to work is great - but my own cooking isnt

vetoes and CEO's good,
Wasteful spending bad.

I am doing very good with my state,
Oil company lobbyists are doing bad.

Drilling for oil is good,
Not drilling for oil is bad

Obama gives good speeches and writes nice books,
but he hasn't wrote any major legislation.

Obama is wrong on all things foregin policy,
I have nothing to add though.

Candidates who promate change bad,
John McCain is change.

Obama and Biden didn't fight in a war,
John McCain did.

Gifted speakers inspire for a short time,
John McCain insires for a lifetime.
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Old 09-04-2008, 10:01 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
It will surely be an epic battle of lame sarcasm.

Palin trying to pretend as though she has better credentials than Obama was amusing.

I was almost expecting her to carry her comparisons back to college days. Surely she could have pretended as though her broadcasting degree from Idaho was more impressive than Obama being President of the Harvard Law Review.
you seem to be real impressed by that "President of Harvard Law Review" thing. for me when assessing presidential qualifications, that ranks just barely above chairman of the Russian Communist Party. he seldom leads with that. in fact his executive experience argument from a couple days back was that he has run his presidential campaign, which isn't even true.
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Old 09-04-2008, 10:07 AM
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OK enough of all of this partisan sh*t!

MFK for you DEM's

Richard Simmons

MFK for you REP's

Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin
Hillary Clinton
We've Gone Delirious
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Old 09-04-2008, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
you seem to be real impressed by that "President of Harvard Law Review" thing.

In comparison to a brodcasting degree from the University of Idaho?

Alumni of the Harvard Law Review include five supreme court justices, four secreatary of states, as well as the current leader of the department of homeland security.

Prior to Lynn Spears Palin - I believe the most famous alumni to ever come out of the University of Idaho was that cloned mule that won his debut in a mule race at the Stockton fair.

Originally Posted by ArlJim78
his executive experience argument from a couple days back was that he has run his presidential campaign, which isn't even true.
John McCain has no executive experience either. I don't think it will be a problem for either one of those two in the least. Obviously.
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Old 09-04-2008, 11:27 AM
Coach Pants
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George Bush is a Yale Alumni. Whoopity fuc|<in doo on that talking point.
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Old 09-04-2008, 11:30 AM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
A corrupt fraud like Lynne Spears Palin didn't need to go into a long 'Sar-casta-bitch with a smile' routine and take cracks at Obama, Biden, Reid, and the supposed liberal press to fire up her party. Not to mention the "Washington elite" that includes the stalwart on the top of her ticket.

I heard nothing at all on policy - and I guess her great governing accomplishment is that she sold an airplane on E-bay (to get attention) and fired her private chef.

She left her city in debt as a mayor, she's already under investigation for abuse of power after only 20 months as a Gov, and her daughter...

Let's see -- knocked up, and posing all over the internet with booze and making out with other chicks... before the age of 18.

But with such a stellar resume in her own home, it's hard to imagine her being anything but a raging success when given a lot more responsibility.

She still is the same creep with the grand idea of paying hunters $150 for each left foreleg they cut off of wolves and bring back.

She still is the same creep with the grand idea of suing the federal government to take polar bears off of the endangered species list.

But hey, this is the same lady who thinks a female ought not have the right to abort even in the case of rape and incest.

Everyone knows that people like Lindsey Graham, Tom Ridge, Joe Liberman, and Joe Biden are John McCain's real vice presidents - they are all going to have a much big factor on policy than Palin.

McCain is a 72-year-old cancer survivor - Lynne Spears Palin as a VP nom is going to be a great asset as far as fund raising and firing up the Christian nutjobs who don't trust him - but we are one old man's death away from having a psycho pander pick for a president.

Nothing like a corrupt earmark queen who calls herself a reformer.

Come on Doug, honestly. Please don't tell me you believe that the majority of the press isn't liberal.
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Old 09-04-2008, 11:36 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants
George Bush is a Yale Alumni. Whoopity fuc|<in doo on that talking point.

at least John McCain has led american troops....

I was suprised to hear that Obama hasnt even introduced a Bill into the senate.. even the state senate. WTF has he done? Nothing. Rudy was right, only in America can someone with Obama's record (or lack there of) can be one of the two candidates running for president.
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Old 09-04-2008, 11:39 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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I think its funny that Palin has more executive experience than the other 3 guys in the election.
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