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Old 11-01-2016, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Joey do you think only one party is doing this? Just curious
No, Jim, I wouldn't assert that at all. If I had my way there would be no voter fraud at all, and I am sure many agree. There is a vast difference between being disappointed in the outcome of an election, but knowing the will of the people was served, versus having fraud distort the results.

No system is perfect, and political people of either (or any) stripe will always scheme.

I just would not give up and rely on "whew... I guess nobody cheated enough to swing the election..."

We need actual ID, automation, and verifiable equipment. In 2016, with the computers we have, it is inexcusable for dead people, or illegal aliens, or convicted felons, to be able to vote, and for anybody to be able to vote more than once.

This is a crime that we are allowing to continue. It could be 99% wiped out if there was political will to do so.
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Old 11-01-2016, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
No, Jim, I wouldn't assert that at all. If I had my way there would be no voter fraud at all, and I am sure many agree. There is a vast difference between being disappointed in the outcome of an election, but knowing the will of the people was served, versus having fraud distort the results.

No system is perfect, and political people of either (or any) stripe will always scheme.

I just would not give up and rely on "whew... I guess nobody cheated enough to swing the election..."

We need actual ID, automation, and verifiable equipment. In 2016, with the computers we have, it is inexcusable for dead people, or illegal aliens, or convicted felons, to be able to vote, and for anybody to be able to vote more than once.

This is a crime that we are allowing to continue. It could be 99% wiped out if there was political will to do so
Agree 100%
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Old 11-01-2016, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
The democrats have a huge advantage in poll rigging due to the open borders/mass immigration.

To try and show that Republicans are fixing the votes equal to Democrats just proves how totally clueless you are. Brits really should mind their manners concerning our elections.

You're wrong and no amount of copypasta from msm sources will make you right.
No one accused anyone of "fixing" elections. You should know the difference between tampering with elections and attempts to stop people from voting.

As long as I pay taxes in the U.S., I bloody well will have an opinion.
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Old 11-01-2016, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
No system is perfect, and political people of either (or any) stripe will always scheme.
This is precisely my point.
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Old 11-01-2016, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by CheekyBird View Post

As long as I pay taxes in the U.S., I bloody well will have an opinion.
The party that raises taxes more presumably values the taxpayer opinion less. You might want to come over to the G.O.P.
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Old 11-01-2016, 01:44 PM
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They are shredding at world record pace.

Deleting, shredding, smashing, etc.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:16 PM
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Check the breaking news for voter fraud. It's happening, folks.
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:19 PM
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"Earn up to $130 working the polls on election day"
RIP identity politics 1965-2016
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Old 11-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Weird. As of today, POTUS, FLOTUS, and Fauxcahontas (both personal and Senate accts) have all unfollowed @HillaryClinton on Twitter.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:02 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by CheekyBird View Post
/QUOTThat 1 million illegal/undocumented people vote is utter nonsense. It completely defies logic. Why expose yourself to possible deportation by providing personal information or committing a felony?? I can't imagine any sane person risking, in many cases, life and limb to come to America just to toss it all away by illegally voting Particularly when you consider the current crop of candidates!!E]

You are right that most illegal aliens don't vote. The reason you gave is probably correct. They probably don't want to risk getting in trouble. That is probably why around 95% of them do not vote. But approximately the other 5% do vote. Why do they risk it? I would say for two reasons. The first would be the same reason they risk getting in trouble for all the other crimes they commit. There are simply a lot of people out there (of all races) who do things that could get them in a lot of trouble, even though they have very little to gain. We hear of guys worth over $100 million who cheat on their taxes. They have so much to lose. They risk going to jail to save a little bit of money, even tough they don't need the money. Then you have successful guys like OJ who actually murder someone and risk going to jail for life. Most of these people are probably sociopaths. Some studies show that sociopaths make up about 4% of the population. They have poor impulse control and will even commit crimes where they are practically assured of getting caught. They don't really worry about the consequences of their actions. They live for the moment.

The second reason a small percentage (around 5%) of illegal aliens vote is because there are some of them out there that know how lax our laws are. They know they are extremely unlikely to get caught, and even if they do get caught, they know that there will probably be no consequences. Look at what the article said. It said that they caught 300 illegal aliens registered to vote in Virginia, half of whom actually did vote. This info was given to the Justice Department. What did they do? Nothing! From the article:

Von Spakovsky said the Obama administration’s Department of Justice is turning a blind eye to the problem – by design.

The elections expert has personal experience with the federal government’s lax oversight.

He served on a Virginia county elections board that found nearly 300 non-citizens registered to vote in that county alone.

“We took them off the list. About half of them had actually illegally voted,” Von Spakovsky told Wisconsin Watchdog on the Vicki McKenna Show earlier this week. “We sent that information to the Obama administration, to the Justice Department, because it’s a felony what (the non-citizens) were doing under federal law.”

“They had no interest in it.”

The Justice Department, in fact, has targeted states that have attempted to purge ineligible voters from their registration rolls, citing the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. And the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has refused to share its immigration database with election officials.

Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 11-01-2016 at 11:28 PM.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:10 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Not that this matters (he's been so woefully incorrect about Trump it's laughable) but even Nate Sliver just acknowledged Florida leaning red.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:25 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by CheekyBird View Post
This is precisely my point.
With regard to your question as to whether voter fraud could actually sway the election, it could very conceivably sway a close election. How could this happen? Very easily. What if it comes down to 1 or 2 states that are very close. Let's say that Trump ends up winning most of the states that he needs to like Florida, Ohio, etc. That would make it a very close election. Then if Hillary ends up winning a state like Virginia or Pennsylvania by just 2,000 votes or something like that (and there was a lot of fraud in one of those states), that could make the difference in the election.

There are plenty of states where there are well over 100,000 illegal aliens. If you have a state where there are 100,000 illegal aliens, that would mean you could expect around 5,000 of them to vote, if the estimates are right. Illegal aliens typically vote around 80% democrat and 20% republican. So those 5,000 illegal votes would net the democrat 3,000 votes (the democrat would get 4,000 and the republican would get 1,000). What if Hillary wins one of those states such as Pennsylvania, Minnesota or Virginia by only 2,000 votes? That alone could conceivably win her the election.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:30 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Originally Posted by CheekyBird View Post
No one accused anyone of "fixing" elections. You should know the difference between tampering with elections and attempts to stop people from voting.

As long as I pay taxes in the U.S., I bloody well will have an opinion.
Here is what I was telling you about with regard to Gore and Lieberman trying to block the votes of some of our overseas military troops from being counted back in the 2000 election.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:51 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Clinton campaign in full panic mode - putting up last minute 6-figure ad buys in CO, VA, NM, and MI.

The pulled out of CO and VA months ago, and have never never run ads in NM and MI.

Uh Oh.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:52 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
Weird. As of today, POTUS, FLOTUS, and Fauxcahontas (both personal and Senate accts) have all unfollowed @HillaryClinton on Twitter.
All recent tweets have been deleted as well.
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Old 11-01-2016, 03:55 PM
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"HRC “looks kind of hysterical, out there making wild attacks now and going crazy.”
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Old 11-01-2016, 04:33 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Trump surges to the lead in NC

>>>SurveyUSA polled 659 people statewide Friday through Monday who have already cast their ballots or are likely to vote in the election and found Trump with a 51 to 44 percent lead over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percentage points.

In a WRAL News poll released three weeks ago, Clinton led Trump 46 to 44 percent.<<<

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Old 11-01-2016, 04:46 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis View Post
All recent tweets have been deleted as well.
ALL mentions of Hillary Clinton have been scrubbed from Michele Obama's account.
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Old 11-01-2016, 05:35 PM
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Old 11-01-2016, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Rupert Pupkin View Post
Here is what I was telling you about with regard to Gore and Lieberman trying to block the votes of some of our overseas military troops from being counted back in the 2000 election.
My understanding of what occurred is that Gore/Lieberman were not attempting to block legitimate votes from overseas military troops (over 1,400 absentee ballots from overseas were chucked without opening the envelopes), but requesting that the Florida Secretary of State comply with the previously accepted legal standard of rejecting ballots that did not include a postmark. (To assert that Gore/Lieberman attempted to disenfranchise military personnel stationed abroad is to presume that all the UNOPENED ballots were for Bush).

Gore/Lieberman were well within their right to demand that the FL Secretary of State enforce a voting LAW. Alas, it was a public relations bungle.
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