Originally Posted by jcs11204
why not in reality ? if dick dutrow cheats.. then bets heavy, what exactly is it ? sometimes i just dont get it, it seems very simple and maybe dick should be banned for life down to mexico with the hookers, ho's drugs and everything else he's into
I believe his point is how can this be proven as I am sure Dickydo doesn't visit the window on his own.. However if the feds really wanted to I am sure they could sniff it out.
If stuff like this happened in the stock market, you would have a line of lawyers filing class action suits and it would be a deterrant.. This doesn't work at the races as you have too many people that have been damaged to chase down and no paper trail to identify them...
My thoughts on this whole drug thing and of course there are problems with this thought. We need the owners to put pressure on the trainers. Make no doubt about it , owners are not in the dark here they just choose to be. If a trainer tests positive (or multiple positives ?), ALL HORSES UNDER HIS CARE AT THE TIME OF THE CRIME should serve a suspension and not be allowed to run period for x number of days. No transferring to another trainer would be allowed, no moving to another track.... Owners would certainly put pressure on trainers to stay clean... Again there is a lot of things that would need to be worked out here such as what to do about overages on legal medications etc...