Originally Posted by Riot
You made the charge, and I quote, "It's not but it's pretty close to (insert name) union supporting Obama and then being thrown billions back under the guise of creating jobs."
So put up: Dell, what unions received money under the "guise", and what was the "guise" that didn't produce jobs? How much money did "the unions" receive?
When Obama was unloading the hundreds of billions, part of it was earmarked for local and State governments to be used to pay teachers, firemen, policemen etc. With that money the teachers,firemen, policemen etc. pay dues to their union. The union then in turn donates time and money back to Obama making everyone happy except of course the chumps paying for it.
The same with the money thrown at new road construction where the girl holding the SLOW sign is making $30/hr, kicks back to her union in dues and a check is sent to Re-Elect Obama or something similar.