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Old 11-19-2015, 03:29 PM
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And they always use women and children when trying to shame impoverished Americans into accepting more poverty and an increased risk of terrorism.

Who cares though, right? Most of the tax base are white devils. We deserve it because we're the only race on the planet who have oppressed other races.

We're not currently being oppressed by bankers. Because most of them technically aren't white. Hmm. Lets continue to play dumb...shall we?

Some of us know.
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Old 11-20-2015, 07:28 AM
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I keep hearing in my head Eddie Murphy/Mister Robinson saying, "I'm so glad the bitch is gone."
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Old 11-20-2015, 07:33 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
I keep hearing in my head Eddie Murphy/Mister Robinson saying, "I'm so glad the bitch is gone."
They were just talking about her on the news. I almost never watch news, but when I saw about Mali online, I turned it on.
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Old 11-20-2015, 08:11 AM
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The CFR and the catholic church are working overtime this week to keep the status quo.

It's disgusting how the one world government is being pushed. Giving up our liberties so poor simpletons who don't believe what we believe can come here on our dime and drive us further into abject poverty and chaos.

And the white men who watch Fox News eat it up while those traitorous women (most of them members of the CFR) try to shame us and use our freedoms as a means of bringing in useless religious nutters who want to take it from us.

Piss on those widows and children. If you're so concerned move them into your mansions to live with your investment banker husbands.
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Old 11-20-2015, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
They were just talking about her on the news. I almost never watch news, but when I saw about Mali online, I turned it on.
The non-Mooslim terrorists are at it again.

Terrorists having nothing to do with Islam screamed “Allahu akbar!” as they attacked the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali. In an ecumenical gesture, the terrorists allowed hostages to leave if they were able to recite from the Quran.
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Old 11-20-2015, 09:06 AM
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a u.n. conference there at the time, were those people the target? or was it just coincidence?
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Old 11-20-2015, 09:30 AM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Originally Posted by Pants II View Post
The CFR and the catholic church are working overtime this week to keep the status quo.

It's disgusting how the one world government is being pushed. Giving up our liberties so poor simpletons who don't believe what we believe can come here on our dime and drive us further into abject poverty and chaos.

And the white men who watch Fox News eat it up while those traitorous women (most of them members of the CFR) try to shame us and use our freedoms as a means of bringing in useless religious nutters who want to take it from us.

Piss on those widows and children. If you're so concerned move them into your mansions to live with your investment banker husbands.
I for one rest much more easily now that they have found cause to retweet HRC's poignant, heart-stirring verse:|twgr^tweet

Everything is going to be alright, Coach. Hillary and the CFR say so.

Just keep self-shaming and accepting responsibility for all the worlds ails because you popped out of a vagina the wrong color and as such, are incapable of displaying "Tolerance" by embracing "Intolerance".
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Old 11-20-2015, 11:24 AM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
I keep hearing in my head Eddie Murphy/Mister Robinson saying, "I'm so glad the bitch is gone."
apparently she is just the type of person that is drawn to such groups.

been doing reading and looking since this morning, on this among other things.
now, back to spiral galaxies.
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Old 11-21-2015, 02:54 PM
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The mali attack yesterday, and now brussels is on lockdownx with eveyone told to avoid public places.
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Old 11-24-2015, 07:35 AM
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turkey shot down a russian jet that they say violated air space. russia says it stayed over syria.
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Old 11-25-2015, 07:08 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Different time different set of refugee's. I'm not a betting man but I am willing to bet the refugee's that your family came in with weren't infiltrated with those wanting to and willing to invoke acts of terror and kill as many of us as possible.
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Old 11-25-2015, 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
I'm not quite sure whether this is intended to support or refute your earlier comment, jms, as, according to the article, the majority of the individuals listed were Bosnian (that crisis having been 20 years ago) which would make them a different time and a different set of refugees. What I took from the article is that radicals have gotten into the nation before, and the government does a pretty good job at catching them here, seeing as how white supremacists have killed more people in terrorist attacks here since 2002 than Islamic terrorists have.

I also knew a Bosnian refugee- he fled here with his family and I knew him when we moved into our previous apartment, as he was the super of the building. He and his wife had some pretty terrifying stories about the war/genocide, including having to flee their home as it was bombed to pieces around them.

God, humans can be terrible to one another.
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Old 11-25-2015, 08:47 AM
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"Most people in Molenbeek are decent people who want the best for their families. But we should not close our eyes to the fact that it is also home to a very deep, and very dangerous, undercurrent of radical Islamism."
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Old 11-25-2015, 01:21 PM
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Old 11-25-2015, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk View Post
I'm not quite sure whether this is intended to support or refute your earlier comment, jms, as, according to the article, the majority of the individuals listed were Bosnian (that crisis having been 20 years ago) which would make them a different time and a different set of refugees. What I took from the article is that radicals have gotten into the nation before, and the government does a pretty good job at catching them here, seeing as how white supremacists have killed more people in terrorist attacks here since 2002 than Islamic terrorists have.

I also knew a Bosnian refugee- he fled here with his family and I knew him when we moved into our previous apartment, as he was the super of the building. He and his wife had some pretty terrifying stories about the war/genocide, including having to flee their home as it was bombed to pieces around them.

God, humans can be terrible to one another.
I guess you read what you want.

So what you are saying is that 20 years later accepting refugees from countries openly hostile to the our country that have proven to be infiltrated is safer than accepting them from Bosnia 20 years back.

So when one of these commits a henious act of terrorism will you come here and say you were wrong or will you blame those tasked with ferreting out the proverbial needle in a haystack.
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Old 11-25-2015, 02:35 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
I guess you read what you want.

So what you are saying is that 20 years later accepting refugees from countries openly hostile to the our country that have proven to be infiltrated is safer than accepting them from Bosnia 20 years back.

So when one of these commits a henious act of terrorism will you come here and say you were wrong or will you blame those tasked with ferreting out the proverbial needle in a haystack.
I wish we would look inward at these henious acts of terrorism with the same venom some have at grouping all immigrants into bomb carrying zeoulots. Oh..look...another college shooting, theater massacre, grade school bloodbath carried out, by,..GASP....Americans...oh...that really sucks..weep, pray, move on....but...STOP the f'n Syrian kids fleeing, track the Muslims, lock the boarders. What a dumb ass country we are
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
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Old 11-25-2015, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
I wish we would look inward at these henious acts of terrorism with the same venom some have at grouping all immigrants into bomb carrying zeoulots. Oh..look...another college shooting, theater massacre, grade school bloodbath carried out, by,..GASP....Americans...oh...that really sucks..weep, pray, move on....but...STOP the f'n Syrian kids fleeing, track the Muslims, lock the boarders. What a dumb ass country we are
So Americans have committed these henious acts so the answer is to invite in refugees who have already proven to be infiltrated. I will agree with your final point though we are a country full of ****ing morons.
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Old 11-25-2015, 02:58 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
So Americans have committed these henious acts so the answer is to invite in refugees who have already proven to be infiltrated. I will agree with your final point though we are a country full of ****ing morons.
Jim, my point is for us to put the same passion and, yes, paranoia into looking inward as we do at looking at easy to label groups with the same, or less threat levels that already exist amongst us.
"but there's just no point in trying to predict when the narcissits finally figure out they aren't living in the most important time ever."
hi im god quote
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Old 11-25-2015, 03:04 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob View Post
Jim, my point is for us to put the same passion and, yes, paranoia into looking inward as we do at looking at easy to label groups with the same, or less threat levels that already exist amongst us.
It truly boggles my mind that the same people who say 'meh' at mass shootings here are almost hysterical when they are confronted with something like the refugee issue.
Refugees that are put thru an incredibly rigorous, detailed and lengthy process.
Unlike a background check for instance.
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Old 11-25-2015, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
It truly boggles my mind that the same people who say 'meh' at mass shootings here are almost hysterical when they are confronted with something like the refugee issue.
Refugees that are put thru an incredibly rigorous, detailed and lengthy process.
Unlike a background check for instance.

"person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster."

How exactly does one put someone from above through a Lengthy Rigorous process? Seems to me the above doesnt fit into a timeframe for a lengthy process. And I am sure this rigorus process will catch those who go through great lengths to recreate their background in order to beat that rigorus process.

And while you are at it quit flogging yourself because what some ****ing anti semetic ******* did 75 years ago. It was unjustified and wrong. But to knowingly let in a group we know has been infiltrated to somehow undo that wrong is insane.

I am all for helping out. Create a safe zone in the middle east and use American forces to keep it that way. As a matter of fact create that safe zone in Saudi Arabia. It is about time they step up and help their fellow Muslims and not use us to do their bidding.
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