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![]() Out of here and nowhere near as educated and eloquent as others obviously but sure okay you're right and the next time anyone tries to stand up to Ahmadinejad, for example, let's just keep our mouths shut and watch.
Obama is the President and leader of the free world. Those people needed to know they were being heard and he was silent. Way to go. Out of here. |
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![]() you can't 'support democracy' and then expect it all to end like it did here. how often have we actually seen that happen? you can't say, we want free elections, and then say 'but make sure you elect the party we like'. lol how would that be an improvement for said country? so, to hell with trying to figure out what would be best for everyone. it's impossible. so, can we start worrying more about what's best for this country??? |
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![]() i'd rather you answer my questions. show me where i'm incorrect in my thinking. if we go and support democracy, and the muslim brotherhood is elected by the majority, would you feel that we succeeded? because pointman says we should support democracy, but then lists the two cases where elections were held, and complains about who was voted in. that's not logical. and, no, obama is NOT the leader of the free world. he's the president of the u.s. we can't say we are supporters of democracy. look at mubarek in the early stages of the egypt uprising. look at bahrain. two examples where our foreign policy doesn't match our supposed ideals. look at our support, for years, for saddam hussein. that didn't square with our 'mission statement' either. i'd say much of our foreign policy is based on the same thing as our domestic. follow the money. |
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so more war? i swear I remember Obama calling the order to bomb Libya (why do I always think of woman parts when typing that country's name? lol) to support the people who wanted to overthrow the government. Syria is hypocritical... why not intervene there when we intervened in Libya?? Syrians are not as important to us maybe? I dont know.. it seems hypocritical on our administrations part. I do know our goverment has thrown its verbal support behind the rebels in Syria, just not fire power support. Personally, I dont want to mess with China or Russia. Doesnt seem like a smart thing to do at all. We dont own the middle east... there are no American States or territories there. Either we are going to support every damn thing with our military and tax money or not. It's a tough situation. Nothing you posted above seem to be better solutions than what has already been done, IMO. Just more money and more lives. Ron Paul! Lets protect our borders with the best of our strengths. I'm tired of being the world police, the world "leader". If you look throughout history, once a country becomes the "world leader" it is ALL downhill from there.
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The lack of support for the Iranian Arab Spring is indefensible IMO. Obama did not have Gaddafi killed, we were just one part of a coalition that provided no-fly zones which led to his killing. Egypt is not a democracy yet, the military is still running that country, it remains to be seen if real democracy will occur there. As for swift action, those responsible must hunted down and be held accountable to send the message that violence against our embassies and diplomats will not be tolerated. |
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Sure, lets fight Iran. That's just what we need. Why not go to war with China and Russia while we're at it. World War 3 is the answer.
![]() I do want you to know that when i said "stay out of it"... I didnt mean anyones opinion here. that we should stay out of the middle east.. thats what i meant.
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But what do we do? Repeat it. Human nature cannot change, I guess.
![]() I'd like to see Libyian leaders and Libyian military hunt down and hold accountable the murderous people from yesterday. Now maybe that could send a message.
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and it is completely impossible to do all this government and military intervention and also lower taxes and have an economic recovery. We are simply draining our resources. I dont know... I'd just rather other countries deal with their own problems and we can deal with our own problems.
![]() some smart guys thoughts:
George Washington: "The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities." Thomas Jefferson, admonished in his inaugural address : "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."
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If we put our head in the sand and do not pay attention to what is happening in the middle east and Iran obtains a nuclear bomb, we are likely to get involved in a war that will be far costlier both monetarily and in human lives than trying to deal with these issues today. We need a strong leader who will set a clear policy, not a weak leader who is willing to sit on the sidelines and shift these problems to the U.N., which is what we have right now. |
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and yes, nato was the predominant force in libya. however, i feel that we have stretched ourselves too thin, into too many directions, and gotten involved outside of our 'sphere of influence' which for decades was north america alone. makes you wonder why we try to so hard to have all these allies, if we're still going to 'go it alone' and fund so much of this on our own. we've made so many errors in foreign policy for so long...it's not something we can fix overnight. but i think the first thing we should do is pull back. the second thing we should do is be consistent. we are ignoring some damned good advice from some who came before. we were cautioned about getting involved in european affairs, those countries have been fighting each other for a couple millenia. we were also told 'don't have constant allies' and that's also a good point. just because someone is an ally, doesn't mean they're always right, or that we should always support them. it keeps you from standing for what's right, which demeans you in the end. the spanish american war was fought because of our interests here. ww 1 was not. ww 2 was a mess, with ww1 being a big catalyst for two. we shouldn't have ever gotten involved in 'nam, which was caused by whom? france. what as ww1 over? europe and her empires. it had nothing to do with us, or our interests. we weren't a superpower until after ww2-but we managed to turn the tide in not one, but two conflagrations even tho we had next to no army leading up to both of those wars. now look at us. and what has been gained, here, by us being everywhere? joseph stalin was our 'ally' in ww2. why? that's absurd. did you see the news yesterday, where the u.s. and u.k. willingly covered up the murder of thousands of poles by the russians, that we blamed the nazis? because we didn't want to 'alienate' our ally. he needed us far more than we needed him. that's when we started all that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' crap, and where are we now? look at all the years after ww2. we had a war started because germany invaded poland. hello! russian then invaded poland. decades of cold war from our erstwhile ally. afganistan, largest recipient of foreign aid from us in the years leading to 9-11. we supported them vs the ussr, and for what? where did that get us? nowhere. saddam hussein, dictator, an 'ally' during their war with iran. mubarak, dictator, an ally in egypt. it makes no sense. and you want us more involved? sorry, i completely disagree with that. we need to go back to how we were in the years before ww1. here, until absolutely, positively needed. and meanwhile, a country that others will want to emulate. but we need to quit thinking we should have a finger in every damned pie that comes down the pike. |
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those who ignore history truly are doomed to repeat it. Quote:
it actually does. it also compares to ww1. and also to previous wars in europe. you see, france had fought germany back in the later 1800's, and lost a lot of land. alsace/lorraine was part of it. germany was made out to be the bad guy in ww1, but it's far, far more involved than that. it was actually the dying austro/hungarian empire in her death throes that caused ww1. and what it all boiled down to was empire building/keeping and power. just like ww2. france almost, almost caused germany to begin fighting again in ww1, because the price they demanded was so high-including the return of alsace/lorraine. germany was ultimately crippled by the treaty, which caused all the economic upheaval, anger, etc...which ultimately lead to hitler, the nazi party and his rise to power. wilson tried to get lighter sanctions, and it didn't happen. and look where that got europe. a great part of the middle east was involved in both world wars, because much of africa and the middle east was controlled by european powers. what we're witnessing now is history in the making, with countries still trying to form identities. and i'm not sure whether we're helping or hindering. the fact that those countries are still essentially almost third world, with untapped resources is why we, and europe, are so involved. it's not for humanitarian reasons. |
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![]() ignore it, repeat it. |
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![]() Mitt Romney is an idiot.
He exists because cults gain power and influence. His success is due to a strong family line with connections to a cult that masterfully made themselves appear as a Rockwell painting. This is one of the worst elections of our republic. I'm sickened by what we've become. |
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http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vid...ypt_libya.html what else are they covering up or shading the truth on ?
We've Gone Delirious |
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