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Old 02-20-2009, 05:04 PM
The Indomitable DrugS's Avatar
The Indomitable DrugS The Indomitable DrugS is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Despite your claims, the right has been so concerned with the 'stimlus' and now the housing farce that the Obama administration has almost gotten a pass for poor job it has done in vetting its appointments. Your second paragraph absolutely sums up why liberals are sticking their heads in the sand on the issues. The absolute hatred of Bush overcomes all reasonable thinking.
Cannon, you can still dislike Obama's appointments and housing farce and hate Bush. Try it sometime.
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Old 02-20-2009, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Yesterday Rush told his audience that the richest 1% of Americans, "should be treated like royalty," because they pay all of the taxes. Now, Limbaugh says some pretty strange things....but that one really shocked me (and yes, I do listen to him a couple of times a week). Later in the same segment, he repeated his statement with even more emphasis: "THEY SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE ROYALTY!!"

Now, that seems like a really strange strategy to employ when attempting to rally the troops behind conservative economic principles, but I guess when they are completely out of ideas, and all of their old ones have been proven ineffective, direct appeals to embracing aristocracy might be all they have left.
I didn't listen but can venture a guess....the richest spend more, have more R and D for their businesses and hire more people. More venture capital to they deserve better treatment!
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Old 02-20-2009, 07:29 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Yesterday Rush told his audience that the richest 1% of Americans, "should be treated like royalty," because they pay all of the taxes. Now, Limbaugh says some pretty strange things....but that one really shocked me (and yes, I do listen to him a couple of times a week). Later in the same segment, he repeated his statement with even more emphasis: "THEY SHOULD BE TREATED LIKE ROYALTY!!"

Now, that seems like a really strange strategy to employ when attempting to rally the troops behind conservative economic principles, but I guess when they are completely out of ideas, and all of their old ones have been proven ineffective, direct appeals to embracing aristocracy might be all they have left.
poor you!
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Abraham Lincoln
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Old 02-21-2009, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
I didn't listen but can venture a guess....the richest spend more, have more R and D for their businesses and hire more people. More venture capital to they deserve better treatment!
Don't forget they (along with cigarette smokers!) pay most of the taxes too. Except for Administration Appointees, and some Congressmen and Senators.
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Old 02-21-2009, 01:21 PM
witchdoctor witchdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
i wish the internet could investigate plane crashes.

i'm pretty sure we'd all conclude it was the ground's fault.
No, it was the ass fault.
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Old 02-21-2009, 05:49 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
I remember the same type of things being said about Clinton when he first took office.

He did a spectacular job.

with the help of newt
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