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Old 06-08-2009, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
It's not unreal. It's the way it should be. If they want full seats, then they can stop charging $15 for a car to park. You seem to think this is an inexpensive endeavor. Some people have discipline.

They've turned it into going to a football game(once a week situation.)

New York has Wall Street bail out money, and [b]subways make it easy [/B]to go to the games.[/QUOTE]

point 1 - don't agree with , that does not explain the sellouts

point 2 - my bad , i agree with that , just assumed mass transit in LA can get the people to the games , obviously not the case
It can get people to the games, but it's not nearly as easy as using that subway. That will always be a problem out here. It's a major difference. It got so hard to get out of Dodger Stadium that they started making people go in n' out of the same entrance to the stadium. In September 2006, it took me at least an hour to actually leave the parking lot after a game. I don't know wtf was going on, but the next year, they started making ya go in n' out the same parking entrance. It's a hassle to get to n' leave these games. That's true with any sporting event here. It's not like you'd want to do this more than once a week. It's too much of a hassle for that. It's on cable or dish. One's an expensive hassle, and the other isn't. I'll pay the jak to be there for a playoff game this fall. Game 3 against the Cubs was worth the money. That was a great atmosphere that night. Kuroda was a beast. Baby Bears were swinging at butterflies.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:11 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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what did u think of the series Scuds?
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
what did u think of the series Scuds?
I think the Phils are the better team(unfortunately.) You have a really good team.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:25 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think the Phils are the better team(unfortunately.) You have a really good team.

Its nice to see our pitching (starters especially) coming around.

Your pitching did well also. Not too many runs scored this series. If these two teams meet back up in the NLCS it will be a great series!

What are ya'll gonna do with that awsome guy on your team (Pierre?) when Manny comes back?

Also what do u think of our young dominican, Bastardo?
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:27 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think the Phils are the better team(unfortunately.) You have a really good team.
if Lidge don't get better , phils won't repeat
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think the Phils are the better team(unfortunately.) You have a really good team.
The pitching still scares me though. I'm not sure they are going to hold up for the rest of the year without making a move. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our young lefties, (Hamels, Happ, and Bastardo) but we are going to need another right hand in there somewere down the line. I'm glad that they moved Happ from the pen, the kid has a future as a solid starter. One tangible that can't be overlooked is that we have Jaime Moyer showing these kids the ropes, on and off the field. That seems to be an immeasurable advantage. They seemed to show that on the nationally televised games this weekend. Moyer was in the dugout explaining certain pitches and grips it looked like.

Ibanez looks like the STEAL of the offseason, and is playing lights out. Can you imagine how heralded this guy will be if he continues playing at a torrid pace like he is? The guy will have the key to the city dipped in gold if he keeps it up. The whole city loves him already. (but we all know how things can change in that aspect. )
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

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Old 06-08-2009, 01:30 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by gales0678
if Lidge don't get better , phils won't repeat

doesnt really need to "get better". He's one of the top closers out there.

its a mental thing. Agreed that if Lidge is a head case in the world series (which I hope we get there), than it will make things difficult. But if thats the case we'll work with other options. Maybe Madson will get the call?

One things for sure, is one man (Lidge) is not going to win the world series or lose the world series for us. We are a real solid TEAM, and wont live or die by one man.
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Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:33 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
doesnt really need to "get better". He's one of the top closers out there.

its a mental thing. Agreed that if Lidge is a head case in the world series (which I hope we get there), than it will make things difficult. But if thats the case we'll work with other options. Maybe Madson will get the call?

One things for sure, is one man (Lidge) is not going to win the world series or lose the world series for us. We are a real solid TEAM, and wont live or die by one man.
Closing is like 70% mental. When closers lose their mental composure things can fall apart really quickly.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:37 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by declansharbor
The pitching still scares me though. I'm not sure they are going to hold up for the rest of the year without making a move. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE our young lefties, (Hamels, Happ, and Bastardo) but we are going to need another right hand in there somewere down the line. I'm glad that they moved Happ from the pen, the kid has a future as a solid starter. One tangible that can't be overlooked is that we have Jaime Moyer showing these kids the ropes, on and off the field. That seems to be an immeasurable advantage. They seemed to show that on the nationally televised games this weekend. Moyer was in the dugout explaining certain pitches and grips it looked like.

Ibanez looks like the STEAL of the offseason, and is playing lights out. Can you imagine how heralded this guy will be if he continues playing at a torrid pace like he is? The guy will have the key to the city dipped in gold if he keeps it up. The whole city loves him already. (but we all know how things can change in that aspect. )

We could use another righty... but it all depends on what deal we can make.. we finally have tons of talent in the minors and it is just not worth giving up some young guns for a righty.

Blanton seems to be getting his stuff together again, Moyer pitched real good the other night, but ya never know with his age.

We dont need to get a top pitcher in the league, if we can figure out a deal where we dont have to give up much... and can get a solid #3 or #4 guy in the rotation that would be okay.

and RAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL is awesome so far!! He seems to LOVE playing for Philly too... says he's never seen a team like this, even if we're down 7 going into the 9th we dont give up!
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:39 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
Closing is like 70% mental. When closers lose their mental composure things can fall apart really quickly.

agreed but thats also why I'm not writing him off. People go in and out of slumps all the time. Its just weird for Lidge and Philly right now cause he has NEVER been in a slump with us.

He just needs to get it back... he's on the right team to be able to get his head back thats for sure. We have a lot of clubhouse leaders. Good group of men make our city proud!
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Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Its nice to see our pitching (starters especially) coming around.

Your pitching did well also. Not too many runs scored this series. If these two teams meet back up in the NLCS it will be a great series!

What are ya'll gonna do with that awsome guy on your team (Pierre?) when Manny comes back?

Also what do u think of our young dominican, Bastardo?
You know I have had enough of hearing Joe Morgan etc. tell me that Juan Pierre is some kind of great player. If a guy is at 2nd base(with Pierre in Left,) we have no shot at keeping him from scoring on anything hit out of the infield. Look at how close these teams play each other. You can't give the Phillies that edge right there. You can't. Juan is not a difference maker on offense either. He's a punching Judy that has consistently failed in situations with the game on the line(late game choke.) I have had enough of that guy. I hope they trade that choke. With the game on the line, I have seen way too many weak ground balls to 2nd, and too many weak fly balls to center. They see this guy play now n' then. I see him play almost each game. He's a choke.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:58 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
You know I have had enough of hearing Joe Morgan etc. tell me that Juan Pierre is some kind of great player. If a guy is at 2nd base(with Pierre in Left,) we have no shot at keeping him from scoring on anything hit out of the infield. Look at how close these teams play each other. You can't give the Phillies that edge right there. You can't. Juan is not a difference maker on offense either. He's a punching Judy that has consistently failed in situations with the game on the line(late game choke.) I have had enough of that guy. I hope they trade that choke. With the game on the line, I have seen way too many weak ground balls to 2nd, and too many weak fly balls to center. They see this guy play now n' then. I see him play almost each game. He's a choke.

u guys may be able to get some talent out of a trade with him though. He'd be useful somewhere, and had a good series.

Don't ya'll kind of have weak arms in the outfield though?
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Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Its nice to see our pitching (starters especially) coming around.

Your pitching did well also. Not too many runs scored this series. If these two teams meet back up in the NLCS it will be a great series!

What are ya'll gonna do with that awsome guy on your team (Pierre?) when Manny comes back?

Also what do u think of our young dominican, Bastardo?
I think we had our chance to damage him yesterday, and were flat at the plate. It's a much more lazy team than the Phils. He's not going to dominate us. Hot Junk pitchers (that aren't walking people) give us fits. He's more of a fastball pitcher. He's gunna have to get that change-up to work consistently. I saw him throw a couple good ones. Bastardo, Blanton, and Moyer are all good (not great.) Dodgers are going to need a new strategy to win any playoff series against the Phils. They can't just sit there and take pitches against Hamels. It's asinine. How many times are they gunna try that foolishness? Torre is a good manager, but he doesn't use strategy well (offensively.) He's a defensive strategist(only.)
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:17 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think we had our chance to damage him yesterday, and were flat at the plate. It's a much more lazy team than the Phils. He's not going to dominate us. Hot Junk pitchers (that aren't walking people) give us fits. He's more of a fastball pitcher. He's gunna have to get that change-up to work consistently. I saw him throw a couple good ones. Bastardo, Blanton, and Moyer are all good (not great.) Dodgers are going to need a new strategy to win any playoff series against the Phils. They can't just sit there and take pitches against Hamels. It's asinine. How many times are they gunna try that foolishness? Torre is a good manager, but he doesn't use strategy well (offensively.) He's a defensive strategist(only.)

scuds the hit and run was not in joe's playbook here in NY either
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
u guys may be able to get some talent out of a trade with him though. He'd be useful somewhere, and had a good series.

Don't ya'll kind of have weak arms in the outfield though?
Kemp has a great arm. Ethier's just average. Manny's arm is better than stick figure Pierre's. If that's not a female arm, then what is?
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:27 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Kemp has a great arm. Ethier's just average. Manny's arm is better than stick figure Pierre's. If that's not a female arm, then what is?

I'm female and can throw like a man
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Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:33 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
I think we had our chance to damage him yesterday, and were flat at the plate. It's a much more lazy team than the Phils. He's not going to dominate us. Hot Junk pitchers (that aren't walking people) give us fits. He's more of a fastball pitcher. He's gunna have to get that change-up to work consistently. I saw him throw a couple good ones. Bastardo, Blanton, and Moyer are all good (not great.) Dodgers are going to need a new strategy to win any playoff series against the Phils. They can't just sit there and take pitches against Hamels. It's asinine. How many times are they gunna try that foolishness? Torre is a good manager, but he doesn't use strategy well (offensively.) He's a defensive strategist(only.)

i agree that Bastardo could have got hammered yesterday, but he shows a lot of promise and I was pretty impressed... a few times when he threw his breaking ball it looked like good stuff... the breaking ball against Wolf was sick (granted he wasted it on the pitcher). Its nice to see a lefty that has the heat he can bring.

You could tell he is a big league rookie, but I think he has TONS of potential and a very high ceiling to improve on. & ya cant beat having 2 wins in 2 starts!

Was very surprised that Chan HO park didnt blow things up for us... was expecting the Dodgers to score 10 runs when he was pitching, but he was actually effective for once.... maybe all the boo's he was hearing motivated him

Hamels is back to his MVP form it seems.. knock on wood.
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Old 06-09-2009, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
i agree that Bastardo could have got hammered yesterday, but he shows a lot of promise and I was pretty impressed... a few times when he threw his breaking ball it looked like good stuff... the breaking ball against Wolf was sick (granted he wasted it on the pitcher). Its nice to see a lefty that has the heat he can bring.

You could tell he is a big league rookie, but I think he has TONS of potential and a very high ceiling to improve on. & ya cant beat having 2 wins in 2 starts!

Was very surprised that Chan HO park didnt blow things up for us... was expecting the Dodgers to score 10 runs when he was pitching, but he was actually effective for once.... maybe all the boo's he was hearing motivated him

Hamels is back to his MVP form it seems.. knock on wood.
I don't think the Dodgers are a good team to try to judge how your pitchers are doing. I mean you can see how lazy they are. They consistently wait until the last 2 innings to try to score runs. They really only want to do any work then. You have to ask yourself if Lilly, Dempster, Buckner, Herron, Garland, Hamels, Moyer, Blanton, and Bastardo all just pitched great at the same time. I doubt it. It's more likely that the Dodgers have an 8 1/2 game lead, and are just plain lazy in a lot of games right now. That's 9 games that they were lazy in. In 4 of those games they stayed lazy. In 5 of those games, they tried to comeback late to score runs. In 4 of those 5 games they were able to do it. In the last 10 games, there's only been 1 starter to get hit hard by the Dodgers early. So, I'M just saying to use other teams to judge your pitching staff with. This is a weird team to try to do that with(too lazy to be of use in doing that.) You may be right, but get a real test.
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Old 06-09-2009, 10:07 AM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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scuds - my count you are at 18-12 thru 30 games with MR

only 20 games left 7 more wins gets you to a minimum of .500 with hin out

i would say Uncle Joe is manager of the year so far
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Old 06-09-2009, 02:59 PM
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LIDGE is out for a couple weeks.
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