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Old 05-03-2011, 07:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
When the government releases pictures and/or video, are you going to say they are photoshopped?
I think they may release the video, but if he was indeed shot in the face (and chest) no need to release that.

We do need a good, decades-long conspiracy theory to join Oswald and Elvis. Might as well be that Obama blew his carefully constructed lie, involving multiple people sworn to secrecy and faking their participation, about killing bin Laden by doing it a year too early before the election
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 05-03-2011, 07:33 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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i expected folks to think he was still alive, but i didn't think i'd see that some think he's been dead...
to what end? why would he have died years ago, but no one said? why wait til now? that doesn't make any sense.
i can't believe they kept this quiet a few days, but we're supposed to believe he's been dead for years and it was kept secret?? yeah, right.
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Old 05-03-2011, 07:34 PM
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as for the video, hbo pay per view would make millions for the country.
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Old 05-03-2011, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
as for the video, hbo pay per view would make millions for the country.
Charge the 44% of households who pay no income taxes. The rest of the country should be listed as exuctive co-producers. And the SEALS who participated need star treatment and pay!
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Old 05-03-2011, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
as for the video, hbo pay per view would make millions for the country.
Nah, there will probably be a $5 dollar copy of it floating around Times Square any day now.
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!"
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:20 PM
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I, for one, am still eagerly anticipating IC changing his mind and bestowing upon us the factual evidence of OBL's death a few yrs ago as opposed to the 'wool ovr the eyes' our ever-decieving government is feeding us. Getting popcorn ready, but something tells me his facts lie somewheres between Bigfoot, Nessy, and the Pentagon being blown up with a missile instead of an airliner..

And here i thought his Uncle Mo shtick was tiresome...
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:16 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by herkhorse View Post
Yes he does, it's your mouth.
I would like to see him try it.
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:48 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Charge the 44% of households who pay no income taxes. The rest of the country should be listed as exuctive co-producers. And the SEALS who participated need star treatment and pay!
I am in agreement with you on this post.
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:50 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Riot View Post
I think they may release the video, but if he was indeed shot in the face (and chest) no need to release that.

We do need a good, decades-long conspiracy theory to join Oswald and Elvis. Might as well be that Obama blew his carefully constructed lie, involving multiple people sworn to secrecy and faking their participation, about killing bin Laden by doing it a year too early before the election
Al-Queda has no problems releasing video of a person being beheaded. No reason why video shouldn't be released of this.
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:54 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
So in the end we got our man but at what cost? Thousands of soldiers, trillions in costs for 2 unfunded wars. The cost of our economy. In the end we got him due to good intellegence and a well trained small strike force... We got him because we didn't let his protectors (Pakistan) in on it.
The question I have is couldn't we simply have focused on that in the first place??? Why wasn't it so blatantly obvious that you don't broadcast your intentions and your plans to the whole world. Hey Afghanistan we are looking for Bin-Laden here and will spend anything to find him here and expect him to stay there if he was. War like poker is deception and no one in his right mind would bet with a weak hand and his cards turned over face up.

Maybe Halliburton et all wouldnt have fared as well. Maybe GWB would have had a harder time getting elected in round 2 but the economy/country would be in a much better place. Just my 2 cents
I have to commend you, this is a very true statement you have made.

I would like to see your response to the following question:

If it was proven that Pakistan knew all the time where Bin Laden was at how does Obama deal with Pakistan? Does this country cut aid to them? This countyry isn't the only country wanting answers from Pakistan.
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Old 05-04-2011, 04:34 AM
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Originally Posted by Indian Charlie View Post
Have you even given this any honest consideration, or are you just dismissing what I say because the implications are ugly?
Their dismissing it, because they know you're a lune, and your an apologist for a great deal of the planet's Islamic thuggery. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you are not happy that the biggest enemy of this Gov't just got owned solely by members of this Gov't. You're not alone, I've heard that

1)"he was dead already,"

2) that "he isn't dead, "

3) "Quadaffi got bombed, and we wanted the focus off that."

4) "It's close to 10 years since 9/11"

When people don't like something, they do these things. It's shifting, distracting, distorting etc. Your effort is a version of #1. We don't have to give you any more evidence than the photos of him being dead. If you want to prove he was in deep freeze for 2 years, do it. It's on you (not us.) Your version is the one that needs a lot more evidence(not the version we've heard so far.) So far, a large part of your "evidence" is simply stating that there is not enough evidence for the version you don't like. This is not evidence supporting your version. This is simply your chosen way of manipulating a situation. You've always done these things.... Won't stop.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 05-04-2011 at 04:49 AM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Indian Charlie View Post
According to you, I was never even in your house, so I guess you are making that stuff up about me killing your dog.

See, this is an example of how you can twist (like a maggot on a ceiling.) Unlike you, I do not think a whole lot about what took place 20 years ago. I did not remember having you in my house. When I was around you, it was not usually around my house. Then, I did remember letting Remba show someone my bitch puppy. I didn't know for sure it was you, but I guess it probably was you. He , for sure, brought someone in to see that pup. Then, she got sick 2 or 3 weeks later. I don't know if you had a part in it, but if I hadn't let you in, then, I'd know it wasn't you. I never said you did it. I said I couldn't believe I let a nut like you into my house. I know you're capable of it. Your jealous of other people getting attention (for any reason.) Anyone looking at you attack people in the paddock can see you have that type of personality. Lot of people are jealous of other people's success, but your jealous about other people getting attention.

Far as the other stuff goes, it's a combination of Remba's lies (to you about me,) and your own twists. You're very good about bringing up stuff that can't be proven right, or wrong. The one point you made was about Muslims. I do not consider Islam to be a religion. It has been stated that it's an all-incompassing political framework. That's pretty much a way of saying religious freedom is non-existant. That ain't o.k. with me. Unfortunately, it's o.k. with you. That is more like a gang situation than a religion. For instance, they have the right to kill a member who wants to leave that gang for a religion of their choice. They do follow this. They don't treat it like some joke. I just had a discussion with one about it last night. They called it "treason." .....So, yes, I do not like these people that belong to this gang. It's not about their race, or their looks. It's about the evil practices their group backs (murder etc.) If I saw other religions backing the same practices, then, I'd hate them, too. I don't like gangs, and Islam (to me) is simply a gang. They use the threat of violence against their own members (very gang-like.) It's pretty easy to grow the numbers in a gang when you threaten death for anyone leaving the gang.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 05-04-2011 at 05:38 AM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:32 AM
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1) You say something nutty about us faking Osama's death.

2) I said I can't believe I ever let a nut like you in my in my house.

3) You use Homophobic distraction etc., and repeat the thin threads of what you think is evidence that Osama had been dead for 2 years.

4) I said I think you're a nut, and to enjoy your Homophobia.

5) You distract with claims of racial bigotry, and Muslim Bigotry (both distractions.) Then repeat your flimsy non evidence about Osama.

6) I write 2 long paragraphs answering your effort 2 distract.

O.K., so this is what it is like to have a back n' forth with a manipulative bitch like yourself. You will distract, distort, throw in new claims(or the same old ones) that don't involve the subject at hand (your contention that Osama was killed 2 years ago.) Meanwhile, your evidence is still some old lady that was pretty clueless about wtf was going on in her country. All this back n' forth without you putting out anything new of significance. You're basically just a manipulative lune.
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
I have to commend you, this is a very true statement you have made.

I would like to see your response to the following question:

If it was proven that Pakistan knew all the time where Bin Laden was at how does Obama deal with Pakistan? Does this country cut aid to them? This countyry isn't the only country wanting answers from Pakistan.
You and Usama have more in comon then you will ever admit. Both of you are consumed by race fueled hatred. Both disrepect women and verbally abuse them (C word in my book is about as abusive as one can get). Both make idle threats that you couldnt possibly execute on. Both are bullies, Usama protected by Paki's and you by your cable modem. Both of you are lower than whale-s*hit but only one of you can say they are neighbors with whale-s*hit,. STFU, you don't deserve me to give you an opinion and quite frankly aren't smart enough to understand any nuances if I gave you one.
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Old 05-04-2011, 06:57 AM
notyep59 notyep59 is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You and Usama have more in comon then you will ever admit. Both of you are consumed by race fueled hatred. Both disrepect women and verbally abuse them (C word in my book is about as abusive as one can get). Both make idle threats that you couldnt possibly execute on. Both are bullies, Usama protected by Paki's and you by your cable modem. Both of you are lower than whale-s*hit but only one of you can say they are neighbors with whale-s*hit,. STFU, you don't deserve me to give you an opinion and quite frankly aren't smart enough to understand any nuances if I gave you one.
good job, jms, but you really messed up by throwing "nuances" out there. you know he doesn't know what it means. maybe his wife will tell him!
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Old 05-04-2011, 07:40 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You and Usama have more in comon then you will ever admit. Both of you are consumed by race fueled hatred. Both disrepect women and verbally abuse them (C word in my book is about as abusive as one can get). Both make idle threats that you couldnt possibly execute on. Both are bullies, Usama protected by Paki's and you by your cable modem. Both of you are lower than whale-s*hit but only one of you can say they are neighbors with whale-s*hit,. STFU, you don't deserve me to give you an opinion and quite frankly aren't smart enough to understand any nuances if I gave you one.
Whatever sherlock. Riot started it with her post accusing me of being a wife beater a few months ago. She posted it without any evidence to support it. As Riot would say "Go F u c k Yourself". Don't get too dirty cleaning out the toilets today. If you want to compare with Bin Laden go right ahead, I won't lose any sleep over it. Just curious you racist b@stard, have you ever heard of the 1ST Amendment? Remember the amendment that gives freedom of speech. Now I know why your're a toilet cleaner. Your dumbass can't remember what the the 1ST amendment is.
Just curious, yoiu said you would put Riot against me in an IQ test. Is there a reason why you won't go against me? Are you afraid since you clean toilets for a living that my IQ would be a lot higher than your IQ. Funny your're too yellow to challenge me in an IQ test.

PS You and Riot started it, I will finish on my terms.

I've had enough of your BS for today. I have a tee time this morning and I'm going to get some breakfast.

Last edited by Nascar1966 : 05-04-2011 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
Whatever sherlock. Riot started it with her post accusing me of being a wife beater a few months ago. She posted it without any evidence to support it. As Riot would say "Go F u c k Yourself". Don't get too dirty cleaning out the toilets today. If you want to compare with Bin Laden go right ahead, I won't lose any sleep over it. Just curious you racist b@stard, have you ever heard of the 1ST Amendment? Remember the amendment that gives freedom of speech. Now I know why your're a toilet cleaner. Your dumbass can't remember what the the 1ST amendment is.
Just curious, yoiu said you would put Riot against me in an IQ test. Is there a reason why you won't go against me? Are you afraid since you clean toilets for a living that my IQ would be a lot higher than your IQ. Funny your're too yellow to challenge me in an IQ test.

PS You and Riot started it, I will finish on my terms.

I've had enough of your BS for today. I have a tee time this morning and I'm going to get some breakfast.
You are too funny.
Game Over
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:56 AM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
You and Usama have more in comon then you will ever admit. Both of you are consumed by race fueled hatred. Both disrepect women and verbally abuse them (C word in my book is about as abusive as one can get). Both make idle threats that you couldnt possibly execute on. Both are bullies, Usama protected by Paki's and you by your cable modem. Both of you are lower than whale-s*hit but only one of you can say they are neighbors with whale-s*hit,. STFU, you don't deserve me to give you an opinion and quite frankly aren't smart enough to understand any nuances if I gave you one.
this is really uncalled for.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 05-04-2011, 10:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
this is really uncalled for.
So you are saying Nascar didn't disrespect Riot and you are good with him calling her the C word and I am out of line for calling him out on it? Just need to be clear on this before I respond to your post becuase that is how I take your post.
Game Over
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Old 05-04-2011, 10:24 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
So you are saying Nascar didn't disrespect Riot and you are good with him calling her the C word and I am out of line for calling him out on it? Just need to be clear on this before I respond to your post becuase that is how I take your post.
Riot told me I had the penis of a 9 year old. Far worse IMO

and though banning her would make this place more sane it wouldn't be nearly as fun. The ignore option is there for a reason I guess.
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