I was at Churchill Downs when Is It True beat Easy Goer in the '88 BC Juvenile. I had a bunch of entries in the free Pick Six contest that the BC used to sponsor in USA Today and other newspapers. It only cost a postage stamp (and perhaps the cost of the newspaper) to enter. Of course I singled Easy Goer on all of my 25 entries. (I never held a grudge, though, Is It True!)
That free Pick Six contest had separate guaranteed pools for 4-, 5-, and 6-winners. Despite Easy Goer's loss, I managed a few 4-winner cards, and got 4 or 5 of these cool checks in the mail a few weeks later for about $2.30 each with the Breeder's Cup logo on them. Those free entries got my wife hooked on the BC Pick Six, so that now, even though we have to actually PAY to play it, she's still pretty interested.
Curlin and Hard Spun finish 1,2 in the 2007 BC Classic, demonstrating how competing in all three Triple Crown races ruins a horse for the rest of the year...see avatar
photo from REUTERS/Lucas Jackson