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Old 06-26-2006, 02:31 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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Default Best in Baseball

This is my Top 10, regardless of records:

1- White Sox
2- Mets
3- Red Sox
4- Tigers
5- Yankees
6- Astros
7- Cardinals
8- A's
9- Blue Jays
10- Dodgers

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Old 06-26-2006, 02:47 PM
gales0678 gales0678 is offline
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1 - white sox
2- mets
3 - red sox
4- yankees
5 - cardnials
6 - tigers
7 blue jays
8 -reds
9 -oakland
10 -Minnesota

houston - not yet - will depend on clemens , pettite
forgot about the dodgers
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Old 06-26-2006, 02:59 PM
alysheba4 alysheba4 is offline
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one thing is clear, the american league is so far and away better its a joke.
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Old 06-26-2006, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by gales0678
1 - white sox
2- mets
3 - red sox
4- yankees
5 - cardnials
6 - tigers
7 blue jays
8 -reds
9 -oakland
10 -Minnesota

houston - not yet - will depend on clemens , pettite
forgot about the dodgers
Don't worry about the Dodgers.Can't pitch Lowe every game (if they make the playoffs.)Bright future though.
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Old 06-27-2006, 08:04 AM
Gander Gander is offline
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Scuds- Your funny son. You were ripping D Lowe so bad last year and earlier this year and now you wish he could start every night. Told you the guy has mucho talent even out there away from his coveted Fenway.
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Old 06-27-2006, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Gander
Scuds- Your funny son. You were ripping D Lowe so bad last year and earlier this year and now you wish he could start every night. Told you the guy has mucho talent even out there away from his coveted Fenway.
Adderall(legal speed,)and new pssy at home, has made for a decent year.It doesn't make up for last year,but he is one of the few pitchers on the team that is earning his checks.Pretty funny to see them beat the ball into the ground.IF YOU KNEW OUR PITCHING STAFF,YOU WOULD SEE THAT HE IS ABOUT ALL WE GOT.SPEND 100 MIL,AND GOT 1 PITCHER.THE others want nothing to do with facing hitters from a top playoff type team.
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Old 06-27-2006, 02:15 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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D Lowe is married, isnt he? Did he get divorced?
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Old 06-27-2006, 02:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Gander
D Lowe is married, isnt he? Did he get divorced?

LOL..Yea,had an affair with a RADIO/T.V. Lady out here.Divorced the old,but don't know for sure if he married the new.
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Old 06-27-2006, 02:25 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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Wow, I did not know that. Thanks for the info. Hope it was worth it.

You know whos cute, that Erin Andrews on ESPN, does all the baseball games. Wow, you see her last night interviewing one of the fans at the Colege game? Whooaa.
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Old 06-27-2006, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Gander
Wow, I did not know that. Thanks for the info. Hope it was worth it.

You know whos cute, that Erin Andrews on ESPN, does all the baseball games. Wow, you see her last night interviewing one of the fans at the Colege game? Whooaa.
Haven't seen her yet.

"Dodgers pitcher Derek Lowe says he finally has a handle on his personal affairs. The Dodgers have agreed by naming him the opening-day starter. Lowe was talking about his publicized marital problems with wife Trinka, a situation that brewed through the season before becoming public in late July amid reports that he was having an affair with Carolyn Hughes, Fox Sports Net's Dodger reporter. Lowe has since filed for divorce and moved in with Hughes, who lost her job."

-- Los Angeles Times
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:14 PM
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Lowe's double-bad day
Derek Lowe started the Dodgers opener today and kinda bombed—he gave up eight runs in five innings. Either before or after the game, he also probably got word that revelations from depositions in his divorce case with Trinka Lowe were to be posted at, the subscription-only site that last year broke the news of the pitcher's affair with Fox Sports' Dodgers reporter Carolyn Hughes. Depositions taken in Florida are public record, according to Fineman, who says that he attempted multiple times to reach all of the parties before posting the reports tonight. These are among the most noteworthy of Fineman's disclosures, summarized by me unless it's within quotes:

♦ Lowe said in his deposition that he suffers from ADD, was provided with Ritalin by a Red Sox doctor and has been given 20 mg daily doses of the stimulant Adderall by the Dodgers' trainer Stan Johnson. The drug was prescribed by team doctor Michael F. Mellman without an exam, says Fineman.

♦ Trinka Lowe alleged in her deposition that the pitcher's agent, Scott Boras, suggested an "intervention" to deal with the player's drinking and told her the Red Sox did not re-sign Lowe after the 2004 season because of his alcohol problem. In his deposition, Derek Lowe acknowledged that the Red Sox thought he had a drinking issue but that he disagreed.

♦ According to Fineman, Trinka Lowe said the alcohol issue got so bad when Boston was in the playoffs in 2004 that bullpen catcher Dana Lavangie phoned her at home in Fort Meyers, Florida "and told me that I needed to come up to Boston because Derek was falling apart....He was depressed. They had taken him out of the starting rotation. He was in the bullpen. They told him pretty much he wasn't going to touch the baseball for any of the playoffs."

♦ Lowe would get drunk last season in the Dodgers clubhouse with clubhouse manager Dave Dickinson, Trinka contends. Dickinson told Fineman "he would drink with Lowe occasionally after games, but not every night. And he also said he did not see Lowe get drunk in the clubhouse."

♦ Lowe was arrested and got probation after a domestic dispute before they were married, according to Trinka.

♦ Lowe gave Hughes a $33,000 Rolex watch.

♦ Lowe said he turned down a $45 million deal with the Florida Marlins to take $36 million from the Dodgers before last season.
Finally, a possibly revealing window into the Dodgers' social structure. In his deposition, Fineman reports, Lowe said that he went out to "team dinners" several times last season, his first in L.A. Asked if all 25 players attended, he said: "No. The American people, white people....We have a lot of Latins, and so I'm saying that the white people, there are probably eight people that went. Jeff Weaver, maybe Brad Penny. People along those lines." I guess Milton Bradley wasn't American enough...
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Old 06-27-2006, 03:52 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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That is hilarious stuff. What a life D Lowe leads! LOL!
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Old 06-27-2006, 04:09 PM
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....sounds like a cry for help.
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Old 06-27-2006, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Gander
That is hilarious stuff. What a life D Lowe leads! LOL!

What is a hilarious is that this drunkin' misfit was solid steel in the 2004 World Series(after his wife was told a few days earlier to come to Boston cuz her drunkin' husband was "falling apart.")

Maybe he sweats so much out on the mound cuz he hasn't had a drink yet (on that day.)

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 06-27-2006 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 06-27-2006, 04:23 PM
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"In his deposition, Derek Lowe acknowledged that the Red Sox thought he had a drinking issue but that he disagreed."

He disagreed? LOL
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Old 06-27-2006, 04:37 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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LOL! Its called denial Scuds.

Kind of like telling your spouse you dont have a gambling problem, its just a hobby like shopping is for women. LOL!
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Old 06-27-2006, 05:50 PM
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Default Dodgers/Rays trade

Dodgers just sent Dionner Navaro and J. Seo and a Player 2 be named later for
Toby Hall, Mark Hendrickson and 1 million bucks.
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Old 06-27-2006, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Gander
LOL! Its called denial Scuds.

Kind of like telling your spouse you dont have a gambling problem, its just a hobby like shopping is for women. LOL!

Well,different people have different ideas about when gambling becomes a problem.To me,if you bet money that you can't afford to lose,then it is a gambling problem.Other people(like yourself)feel guilty about the time they think they "waste" by gambling.As Oracle has told you,you tend to think everybody thinks(or should think)like you about stuff.Does Old man Ramsey bet money he can't afford to lose? No. Does he spend a lot of time handicapping,betting etc. each week? I would think so.Now ,you have compared gambling to drinking alcohol.Well,people who gamble too much,eat too much,smoke too much,and shop too much,have no problem doing their chosen profession without a problem with performance.It doesn't take long for drinking to affect job performance.So,I think the threshold of alcohol intake(the amount you drink to start to have a drinking issue) is pretty low.Well,Gander look at this one guy from Ohio that comes on here and ESPN with a drinking problem.How many times did it take to pss everybody off when he came on here drunk?....Once...I am sure there are people on this site with gambling problems that we all can all agree are gambling problems.Do they bother people on here? I don't think so.What I am telling you is that it doesn't take much drinking before you have a drinking issue.That is because drinking causes behavioural problems(not just health,or financial problems.)If somebody has a drinking issue,even strangers become aware of it pretty quickly.So,it doesn't take much drinking before one has a drinking issue. I have been watching TVG.Watching a few cheap races.I have zero desire to bet them.I don't know why.Now,I have known people that couldn't have that on in front of them without betting it.They are in prison.I think you have a tendency to be too quick to claim that people who bet horses have gambling problems.You were once homeless,and living in a car due to betting horses etc.,but I wouldn't be so quick in assuming people who bet horses will all just keep betting until they have problems that make them stop betting.Many stop betting when they told themselves they were going to stop betting.Not all gamblers lack self-discipline,but they are stained by the ones around them that do lack it.You tend to lack self-discipline(or did lack it at one time,)and one way to feel better about it is to say gamblers have a gambling problem.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 06-27-2006 at 07:22 PM.
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Old 06-27-2006, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by 31lengths
Dodgers just sent Dionner Navaro and J. Seo and a Player 2 be named later for
Toby Hall, Mark Hendrickson and 1 million bucks.
Somebody took Seo? My God,that's like collecting poo.Grady was just on T.V. talking about it.I don't think anybody else could take longer to say so f'n little.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 06-27-2006 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 06-27-2006, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Somebody took Seo? My God,that's like collecting poo.
LOL !!

Concidering that it's the Rays, it's not very surprising.
I won't be back to work until Monday when they start the series against the Red Sox so I won't hear much until then...I myself am very curious as to why they took him. Now we have Seo and Edwin Jackson....LA east = Rays.
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