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Old 11-10-2007, 05:25 PM
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Default Strikes in the "Entertainment" Industry

First we had the writers strike in Hollywood, throwing television supposedly upside down. Now, we have a strike on Broadway, during what is considered their busiest season.

My question is, does anyone really care? Television is total crap to watch, and is a strike on Broadway going to matter? Both are total wastes of money IMO, and hopefully these will shake up the industry and bring upon changes for the better.

Of course, I am sure that the government will step in and bail out both industries if the market does not fix their problems...
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Old 11-10-2007, 06:01 PM
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Originally Posted by ALostTexan
First we had the writers strike in Hollywood, throwing television supposedly upside down. Now, we have a strike on Broadway, during what is considered their busiest season.

My question is, does anyone really care? Television is total crap to watch, and is a strike on Broadway going to matter? Both are total wastes of money IMO, and hopefully these will shake up the industry and bring upon changes for the better.

Of course, I am sure that the government will step in and bail out both industries if the market does not fix their problems...
how do you hold the ideas that "no one cares" and "will shake up the industry and bring changes for the better" in the same head?

and then layer on the possibility of a government intervention?

it's not like saying someone is drunk and stupid. it's more like saying they're drunk and sober and stupid and smart and the government will probably intevene anyway.

Last edited by hi_im_god : 11-10-2007 at 06:13 PM.
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Old 11-10-2007, 06:15 PM
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I am saying that people really don't care because of the lack of quality in television anymore. Seriously, I have an idea for a new show. Let's have a show about an average family with 2-4 kids. They live next to either a) their very similar family or b) a very similar family. Now, lets focus the entire show around making the husband look stupid and the wife saving the family from turmoil week after week...

Sound familar? Pretty much every show on TV anymore.

And even worse is the late-night talk shows. Same content on every program. Same ideas of "comedy" on every show.

Hopefully there will be changes in the industry, and for the better for the content.

And, the comment about the government stepping in was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but with them stepping into baseball/mortgage/everything else, instead of letting the market fix itself, I wouldn't be surprised...
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Old 11-10-2007, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by ALostTexan
I am saying that people really don't care because of the lack of quality in television anymore. Seriously, I have an idea for a new show. Let's have a show about an average family with 2-4 kids. They live next to either a) their very similar family or b) a very similar family. Now, lets focus the entire show around making the husband look stupid and the wife saving the family from turmoil week after week...

Sound familar? Pretty much every show on TV anymore.

And even worse is the late-night talk shows. Same content on every program. Same ideas of "comedy" on every show.

Hopefully there will be changes in the industry, and for the better for the content.

And, the comment about the government stepping in was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but with them stepping into baseball/mortgage/everything else, instead of letting the market fix itself, I wouldn't be surprised...
The quality of TV shows is vastly underrated and has been for years...yes, there is a lot of crap on, but also some highly creative shows that frankly exceed the quality of recent motion pictures. It became the "in" thing to put down TV and those who write/direct/produce and act therein...more a case of folk's mind being made up before they even watch the tube. My taste will not be the same as the next guy's but whether you're into CSI, House, 24 or are watching quality. I support the writer's strike while hoping for a quick resolution...yes, I'm selfish but I really want to see the premiers of The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Dollhouse to name two upcoming new offerings. Before you conclude that TV is nothing more than an intellectual wasteland, watch a couple shows in your favorite genre on DVD...eliminate the commercials and the weekly wait and see if what you watch isn't every bit as enjoyable and well done as anything on the "big screen"!
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Old 11-10-2007, 09:14 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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what's this television you speak of?
seriously, the only network show i watch is jeopardy.
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Old 11-10-2007, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
what's this television you speak of?
seriously, the only network show i watch is jeopardy.
Personal choice....I actually only watch a few shows regularly (simply working too many hours)...House, Bones, Blood Ties...that's about it. But I have quite a few shows on DVD that I tend to watch whenever I have some free time...and my point is that there is quality on TV...lots of it amidst the "reality" crap and mindless "comedy".
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Old 11-11-2007, 09:30 AM
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totaly lost on the gubment intervention.
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Old 11-11-2007, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by AeWingnut
totaly lost on the gubment intervention.
me too
it's not a matter of public safety, so why would the gov care?
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Old 11-11-2007, 06:03 PM
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Again, the whole comment was sarcastic, but nonethless, they did get involved in baseball, and the public screaming about cheaters doing roids and hitting the record books was exactly "public safety". When has public safety been a legitimate concern of the government?
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Old 11-11-2007, 07:08 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by ALostTexan
Again, the whole comment was sarcastic, but nonethless, they did get involved in baseball, and the public screaming about cheaters doing roids and hitting the record books was exactly "public safety". When has public safety been a legitimate concern of the government?

i just know it was said to be due to public safety that reagan stepped in on the air traffic controllers strike.

i just am amazed there's a writers guild. what, they had to fight the evil ent industry and their horrible work practices. child labor and all that??
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