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Old 02-09-2009, 05:05 PM
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Default Police Shooting

just went down right around the corner from the crib here in Fox Chase. A suspected bank robber was gunned down by Philly cops and FBI agents. Its a shame he was killed, but its one less scumbag off the streets. Boiyahh got shot...
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:32 PM
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the title of the thread made me think it was a cop that got shot

the bank robber got shot by how many cops?
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:42 PM
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Originally Posted by AeWingnut
the title of the thread made me think it was a cop that got shot

the bank robber got shot by how many cops?
Not too sure, but there were at least 12 markers on the ground next to shells. That tells me it was multiple cops.

Not in the neighborhood that I live in, but the city in general, is rampant with cops being shot. The hoodrats in this city don't discriminate. Even if your a cop, you are subject to being shot. I guess that's why the cops weren't playing games in this instance. The crook probably went to his waistband or something to that effect and got swiss cheesed.

EDIT:: He refused to put down his weapon when asked, and motioned to point it at authorities. More than a dozen bullets were fired.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

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Last edited by declansharbor : 02-09-2009 at 06:06 PM.
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Old 02-09-2009, 06:02 PM
2 Dollar Bill 2 Dollar Bill is offline
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I seen the heading in Esoteric Central..and figured it was a new Police Music Video shoot......Nevah Mind..
Ole' Timer says to another leaving Keystone Race Track (Philly )
...""Its a good thing I broke even today, I really
needed the money """!!!!
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:52 AM
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Follow up for those that care.

The last sentence is a disgrace. True, but a disgrace.
"A person who saw no important difference between the fire outside a Neandrathal's cave and a working thermo-nuclear reactor might tell you that junk bonds and derivatives BOTH serve to energize capital"

- Nathan Israel
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