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Old 08-12-2006, 01:45 PM
Gander Gander is offline
Del Mar
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Default Thanks Bold Ruler & Nostradamus

Whomever you are. I stopped by Steve's BBQ stand a few minutes ago and received your $10. Thanks. Steve also got the money for the hats. I knew you'd stop by
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Old 08-12-2006, 02:02 PM
Pointg5 Pointg5 is offline
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Did you get your Swedish Fish?
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Old 08-13-2006, 08:05 AM
Gander Gander is offline
Del Mar
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No they left $10 for me to buy Swedish fish which was generous. I can get a really nice pound for around $9.
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Old 08-13-2006, 09:06 AM
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We honestly gave him a pound of fish to drop off but he said "how does this guy know you aren't some lunatic who put **** in the fish?" which is sort of true. None of us are lunatics (except maybe one guy, LOL) but I see his point.

I didn't talk to him but he should have left $50 for two hats too. One for Gander and one for DTS. We got something else for finishing our job so we decided we didn't want the hats. You can just tell the guy who sells the hats that.

Bold Ruler is three people, and sometimes Nostradamus too. It took too long to change passwords so we all just posted under 1 name.

Nostradamus was always Nostradamus.

Maybe we will be back next summer.

Good luck to everyone.
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Old 08-13-2006, 09:18 AM
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The guy who sells the hats can give them to gander and downthestretch.
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Old 08-13-2006, 11:36 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by boldruler
We honestly gave him a pound of fish to drop off but he said "how does this guy know you aren't some lunatic who put **** in the fish?" which is sort of true. None of us are lunatics (except maybe one guy, LOL) but I see his point.

I didn't talk to him but he should have left $50 for two hats too. One for Gander and one for DTS. We got something else for finishing our job so we decided we didn't want the hats. You can just tell the guy who sells the hats that.

Bold Ruler is three people, and sometimes Nostradamus too. It took too long to change passwords so we all just posted under 1 name.

Nostradamus was always Nostradamus.

Maybe we will be back next summer.

Good luck to everyone.
If you do come back next summer, show a little more consideration for the people you're chatting with and reveal up front if there are multiple people behind your screename. Why did you reveal that only now?
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Old 08-13-2006, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
If you do come back next summer, show a little more consideration for the people you're chatting with and reveal up front if there are multiple people behind your screename. Why did you reveal that only now?
You know I have to tell you that I lost all respect for this guy or guys. Supposedly they were here yesterday and didn't even stop by to meet some of the boys.
In the course of time I have personally met: Randallscott, Hooves, Ateam, Gales, Dellinger, Billinct, PSH, Paispg, Brock,Bold Brooklynite, etc etc. Many more. Every single one of em was great. It was a pleasure to meet each and every one of them. Boldruler(or the composite group, whatever, thsi has become tiresome) didn't even stop by to meet us. WHy? WHo knows. All I know is that we are expecting the Spyder as well today and look forward to meeting him.
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Old 08-13-2006, 12:42 PM
Posts: n/a

was this like a barter, hats for swedish fish?
I'm not sure what swedish fish is
I assume some type of fish which swims
in close proximity to Sweden
but I could be way off base
now if you had the meatballs...
it's really a hysterical story
a lunatic poisoning European fish
it's, for lack of a better word, lunacy
btw, the mutiple ID thing has been done
don't think you're being original
as Nostradamas would say...
"dat shi..t's been played, layed, and chick-fill-a'd."
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Old 08-13-2006, 01:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by oracle80
You know I have to tell you that I lost all respect for this guy or guys. Supposedly they were here yesterday and didn't even stop by to meet some of the boys.
In the course of time I have personally met: Randallscott, Hooves, Ateam, Gales, Dellinger, Billinct, PSH, Paispg, Brock,Bold Brooklynite, etc etc. Many more. Every single one of em was great. It was a pleasure to meet each and every one of them. Boldruler(or the composite group, whatever, thsi has become tiresome) didn't even stop by to meet us. WHy? WHo knows. All I know is that we are expecting the Spyder as well today and look forward to meeting him.
None of us were there yesterday. Nostradamus is going there today or tomorrow. The guy we worked for went to Saratoga yesterday. He promised he would take us one weekend when our job ended but we took the money instead.
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Old 08-13-2006, 01:46 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by ArlJim78
If you do come back next summer, show a little more consideration for the people you're chatting with and reveal up front if there are multiple people behind your screename. Why did you reveal that only now?
Only one guy was a jerk. Nostradamus revealed it because Mike was being a jerk and posting like 100 posts a day to be a jerk and see if he could change track names.
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Old 08-13-2006, 08:33 PM
BillinCT BillinCT is offline
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Posts: 7

Thanks Mike,
Had a great time. Sorry, had to leave a little early. I will be back before the end of the meet.
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Old 08-14-2006, 08:49 PM
Nostradamus Nostradamus is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 679

Originally Posted by oracle80
You know I have to tell you that I lost all respect for this guy or guys. Supposedly they were here yesterday and didn't even stop by to meet some of the boys.
In the course of time I have personally met: Randallscott, Hooves, Ateam, Gales, Dellinger, Billinct, PSH, Paispg, Brock,Bold Brooklynite, etc etc. Many more. Every single one of em was great. It was a pleasure to meet each and every one of them. Boldruler(or the composite group, whatever, thsi has become tiresome) didn't even stop by to meet us. WHy? WHo knows. All I know is that we are expecting the Spyder as well today and look forward to meeting him.
I was up for one day and did not go to the track. Votta gave the money to the guy who runs this site. He would have no idea who you are so I doubt he would have stopped to say hello to you.

Go to Belmont Park. We go all the time in the mornings.
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