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Old 08-16-2006, 04:43 PM
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Default Really Stupid Question, Need Some Feedback

I know, I know. Really stupid question from a stupid person.

I am really jonesing for some Horse Racing action, but I need to stick to my guns and stay away for a little. What methods do you employ when faced with this situation?

I want to turn off my computer and put it in a closet, but I can't because I am working on some things which provide me a second source of income. I made it thru today without stopping and making a deposit in my account or hanging out for an hour or two, but it is really getting hard. Right now, at this moment, I am jonesing worse then I think I ever have. I wanna go buy tomorrows DRF and get to work.

It dosen't help that I am working 4am - 12:30pm for the next couple of weeks. Too much time during the day. I can't play golf, I have a physical issue that prevents it. I am financially strapped for the next 2 or 3 weeks due to an unexpected bill. Sorry, this is falling into the too much info category.

I went to Blockbuster and rented a bunch of movies. I went to the grocery store and purchased all kinds of food to cook.

I keep thinking, what is wrong with a little $18, $24 Pick 3 but I know better.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by 2MinsToPost
I know, I know. Really stupid question from a stupid person.

I am really jonesing for some Horse Racing action, but I need to stick to my guns and stay away for a little. What methods do you employ when faced with this situation?

I want to turn off my computer and put it in a closet, but I can't because I am working on some things which provide me a second source of income. I made it thru today without stopping and making a deposit in my account or hanging out for an hour or two, but it is really getting hard. Right now, at this moment, I am jonesing worse then I think I ever have. I wanna go buy tomorrows DRF and get to work.

It dosen't help that I am working 4am - 12:30pm for the next couple of weeks. Too much time during the day. I can't play golf, I have a physical issue that prevents it. I am financially strapped for the next 2 or 3 weeks due to an unexpected bill. Sorry, this is falling into the too much info category.

I went to Blockbuster and rented a bunch of movies. I went to the grocery store and purchased all kinds of food to cook.

I keep thinking, what is wrong with a little $18, $24 Pick 3 but I know better.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
For me I really dont JONES. I play when I have the time. The track is the least of my concerns throughout the day. I have a wonderful wife, great children, homework now to help with etc etc so I have plenty to keep me busy. Plus I hate playing the ponies unless I am at the track. There is just something about being at the track for me. But if I was you I would get some sort of hobby. Maybe do some volunteer work, maybe take some college classes, maybe start a project like building a birdhouse or stuff to occupy your time. And idle mind for an addicted person is a recipe for disaster. You have to come up with something that gives you the rush you need to relax your mind.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:49 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by 2MinsToPost
I know, I know. Really stupid question from a stupid person.

I am really jonesing for some Horse Racing action, but I need to stick to my guns and stay away for a little. What methods do you employ when faced with this situation?

I want to turn off my computer and put it in a closet, but I can't because I am working on some things which provide me a second source of income. I made it thru today without stopping and making a deposit in my account or hanging out for an hour or two, but it is really getting hard. Right now, at this moment, I am jonesing worse then I think I ever have. I wanna go buy tomorrows DRF and get to work.

It dosen't help that I am working 4am - 12:30pm for the next couple of weeks. Too much time during the day. I can't play golf, I have a physical issue that prevents it. I am financially strapped for the next 2 or 3 weeks due to an unexpected bill. Sorry, this is falling into the too much info category.

I went to Blockbuster and rented a bunch of movies. I went to the grocery store and purchased all kinds of food to cook.

I keep thinking, what is wrong with a little $18, $24 Pick 3 but I know better.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
"Financially strapped for the next 2 or 3 weeks due to unexpected bill"

That comment alone should be enough to keep you from doing it Curt. Your 30 some years old Curt....2-3 weeks not betting ain't gonna kill you. Suck it up and be a man...they will still be racing horses again 3 weeks from now...

tough love is a b*tch, but I'm right and you know it...
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:53 PM
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I am enrolled for the Fall Quarter, will have my Bachelors in a year unless something shakes loose.

I got hobbies, shoot I am writing a lengthy piece for a trade publication (Auto Racing) this week which is providing me with a little extra cash. I love to cook, love to try different recipes, etc. I have flowers (I know, a guy who has flowers) that I tend to. I just, well, the last couple of days since I came back from Kentucky I have been wanting to play em.. All I think about when I get home. Gotta stay busy with something else I guess. I need to fly thru this piece and then stay away from the computer I guess.

Originally Posted by eurobounce
For me I really dont JONES. I play when I have the time. The track is the least of my concerns throughout the day. I have a wonderful wife, great children, homework now to help with etc etc so I have plenty to keep me busy. Plus I hate playing the ponies unless I am at the track. There is just something about being at the track for me. But if I was you I would get some sort of hobby. Maybe do some volunteer work, maybe take some college classes, maybe start a project like building a birdhouse or stuff to occupy your time. And idle mind for an addicted person is a recipe for disaster. You have to come up with something that gives you the rush you need to relax your mind.
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Old 08-16-2006, 04:55 PM
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Yup, I need to suck it up. Your right. Seems childish of me in retrospect Kevin, saying these things, asking for help. But you are correct, tough love is needed in this situation.

Originally Posted by GPK
"Financially strapped for the next 2 or 3 weeks due to unexpected bill"

That comment alone should be enough to keep you from doing it Curt. Your 30 some years old Curt....2-3 weeks not betting ain't gonna kill you. Suck it up and be a man...they will still be racing horses again 3 weeks from now...

tough love is a b*tch, but I'm right and you know it...
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:00 PM
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Keep busy doing something else. Do you like to read? War and Peace will keep you occupied, get it at the library and save some cash. Like to build models? Or have another time-consuming interest? How about doing some summer cleaning? Move all the furniture, vaccuum everywhere, even curtains. Wash the walls. Empty every drawer and closet; sort through everything and get rid of stuff you don't need. Go for walks, explore your neighborhood. Getting up and away from the temptation of the computer will be a big help.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:05 PM
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Strange, just typing this up and reading the responses has cured the urge 10 fold. Thanks for taking the time to listen and respond, I appreciate it.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:12 PM
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If there weren't women in the room, I'd probably put this differntly but what about girls? If you got one, spend a little more time. If not, make it a 2-3 week mission to accomplish, if you catch my drift.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:13 PM
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earlier in my life I was convinced there was no such thing as a gambling addiction~now I think first I thought, the people just didn't know how to handicap very well and did not put in the time and effort needed to do their homework to win at the races...but in doing research and seeing horseplayers first hand just acting like complete junkies, I think it's a big pitfall that's easy for any player to fall into...I'd definately advise staying away from anything horse -related even this board, because you have to learn discipline & patience to profit~if you don't care about profit and just like the action, then don't take with you what you can't afford to lose, because I've seen people lose everything, and then some (CC debt)
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:17 PM
GPK GPK is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
If there weren't women in the room, I'd probably put this differntly but what about girls? If you got one, spend a little more time. If not, make it a 2-3 week mission to accomplish, if you catch my drift.

Yeah....go get laid.
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:33 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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It's not really the same but you can learn a lot without losing any money.
Just cap the races you're interested in. Write down the bets you would have made. If you picked winners, good. They'll run again in about three weeks.
If they didn't, look at all the money you saved.
Paper bets are good.
In between the time you have money to gamble with and now...there are good books on handicapping to read.
I don't think anyone has read them all...and they might quench the thirst.

Then, there's always fishing. And at the end of the time you take to do it, you might even have a nice batch to cook and share with the lady that's going to show you the "good time".
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Old 08-16-2006, 05:53 PM
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Default no money no bets

Women don't seem to be attracted to guys without large sums of cash.

I'm sure there must be something you could pawn.

I think you are just one hit away. You just have to try harder. I don't know how you can make bets without money. When my online account is runing low I stick to 10 cent supers & $2 win bets. Work it up to a good amount and chuck it all on something over 20-1.

After you lose it all - go fishing.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:10 PM
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Me - "Say, I sure think you look nice today. Would you be interested in my taking you out for dinner?"

Attractive Lady - "Sure, I have had my eye on you for a while now. You are such a gentleman. Has anyone ever told you you look like Dale Jr?"

Me - "Why thank you. Yeah, I get it all the time. Of course as you know I am bald as a rock, thank God for hats."

Attractive Lady - "Oh stop it. Be at my place at 7 tonight."

Me - "Sounds great."

Later on that evening, 6:55pm. I am at the doorstep, strutin the goods sportin the Dockers, Callaway Golf Shirt, matching socks and shined brown shoes. No cologne. No Aqua Velvet She answers the door LOOKIN GOOD.....

Attractive Lady - "Come on in, you look nice."

Me - Trying to hide a stiffy. "Hey you do as well no doubt."

Attractive Lady - "So, where are we going to dinner?"

Me - "I have a coupon for a couple places."

Attractive Lady - "Huh?"

Me - "Rally's has a special on their Chili Dogs. Their is always the 99cent menu at Wendy's. I don't care for White Castle, do you?"

As she shows me the door

I will be writing a Novel soon -


Originally Posted by SentToStud
If there weren't women in the room, I'd probably put this differntly but what about girls? If you got one, spend a little more time. If not, make it a 2-3 week mission to accomplish, if you catch my drift.

Last edited by 2MinsToPost : 08-16-2006 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:10 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by AeWingnut
Women don't seem to be attracted to guys without large sums of cash.

I'm sure there must be something you could pawn.

I think you are just one hit away. You just have to try harder. I don't know how you can make bets without money. When my online account is runing low I stick to 10 cent supers & $2 win bets. Work it up to a good amount and chuck it all on something over 20-1.

After you lose it all - go fishing.
Now that there is a good theory.
Large sums of cash, large ----.
Heck! Even large fish!
Large whatever....
Guess that's what sells Hummers.

Now, here's another theory. Don't try harder.
Yup! You heard me right.
Did you ever notice that when you try real hard and you've done everything possible, it just isn't there?
Trying harder just sets yourself up for big disappointments.

I've just taken a new job as a non-motivational speaker. I'm scheduled to appear at bus stops and train stations, even on the paddock walking path at Saratoga...seems to me that "motivational speakers" have run their course and it's time for us "non-motivational" speakers to take over.
The title of my presentation, "Just Give Up".
My follow up is, "It Just Ain't Worth It".
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:13 PM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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This may not be practical, but if the urge gets bad, take out your ethernet cord or wireless modem or whatever and put it somewhere really, really inconvenient. Put it in a bowl, fill it with water and freeze the sucker; lock it in the trunk of your car; etc. I haven't used the trick for gambling, but it works wonders when I have other, non-internet work needing to be completed (speaking of...time to go get that bowl of ice freezing...) If it takes a little bit extra to get it, you'll probably wind up doing something else instead.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:21 PM
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Two choices:

1. Gambers Annoumous
2. Write a play about started out good and you might have a knack for it. Make it a play about you and horse racing and live the dream you need to keep away from.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:26 PM
Pointg5 Pointg5 is offline
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Madden comes out next week, that's a huge time waster...
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:31 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by irishtrekker
This may not be practical, but if the urge gets bad, take out your ethernet cord or wireless modem or whatever and put it somewhere really, really inconvenient. Put it in a bowl, fill it with water and freeze the sucker; lock it in the trunk of your car; etc. I haven't used the trick for gambling, but it works wonders when I have other, non-internet work needing to be completed (speaking of...time to go get that bowl of ice freezing...) If it takes a little bit extra to get it, you'll probably wind up doing something else instead.
That there is pretty good advice. Make things difficult.
You and I think alike. Hey! Why take an easy way when it can be designed to be harder?
I've never considered putting things in ice. Now that is really "thinking outside the box".
Make things inconvenient, a new topic for my non-motivational book.
I think that in that chapter, I'll include "amaze your friends with the hidden toilet paper trick", "things you learn from locking your keys in your car", and
"investing with bank optons from Nigeria".

Some people just try too hard. Giving up is the way to go.
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:49 PM
irishtrekker irishtrekker is offline
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Ah yes, I've learned many things about locking keys in the car. Number one being: don't call the damn AAA guy until you're 100% sure you locked them in the trunk, even if you think you looked really hard everywhere else...because odds are, they're just in the mailbox.

Would that I had an excuse for this.

I usually froze my credit card -- not because I ever exceeded the limit, but because it made me have to unfreeze it before I could buy anything online (froze it with the numbers face-down). Worked very well as a starving student, and it got me out of the habit of using the thing more than I should.

Now that everyone knows how weird I am, I think I'll go to bed over here. Two more days and the celebration/WTF do I do now panic begins. (Trust me, I did have a plan. It just spontaneously combusted.)
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Old 08-16-2006, 06:56 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by irishtrekker
Ah yes, I've learned many things about locking keys in the car. Number one being: don't call the damn AAA guy until you're 100% sure you locked them in the trunk, even if you think you looked really hard everywhere else...because odds are, they're just in the mailbox.

Would that I had an excuse for this.

I usually froze my credit card -- not because I ever exceeded the limit, but because it made me have to unfreeze it before I could buy anything online (froze it with the numbers face-down). Worked very well as a starving student, and it got me out of the habit of using the thing more than I should.

Now that everyone knows how weird I am, I think I'll go to bed over here. Two more days and the celebration/WTF do I do now panic begins. (Trust me, I did have a plan. It just spontaneously combusted.)
As you can see, I'm just having fun with you.
Things will work out for need to panic.
If things become too difficult to deal with, do like I do...
Eat a whole head of cabbage fried in veg oil with onions.
You'll spend the next two days sitting down, unable to think of anything, and you certainly won't have to try hard.
Just make sure that your friends haven't hidden the toilet paper.
Talk about combustion!
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