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Old 08-30-2010, 08:13 AM
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Default Beck Rally - 500000 attendence

It was huge:
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Old 08-30-2010, 08:33 AM
Coach Pants
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Million Tard March
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Old 08-30-2010, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Million Tard March
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Old 08-30-2010, 10:42 AM
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500k? I saw estimates of 70-90k yesterday.
The world's foremost expert on virtually everything on the Redskins 2010 season: "Im going to go out on a limb here. I say they make the playoffs."
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Old 08-30-2010, 11:21 AM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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While flipping through channels last night I saw one of the commentators on Fox News interviewing Beck. The commentator floated the idea of a Beck/Palin ticket in 2012.

I don't think I've stopped laughing since.
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Old 08-30-2010, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Million Tard March
I think you have them confused with those people chanting "Change" and "Yes We Can".
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Old 08-30-2010, 01:14 PM
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Let's all admit the country is in its last days---on the histoirc scale.
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Old 08-30-2010, 02:34 PM
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Did everybody get a free shower afterwards ?
"Yeah I'll just bump your post every year as a reminder. The racists won't win a title under Calamari. Tubby got you to the Elite 8 multiple times with FAR less talent.

He's a hack and you guys sold your soul for him. Congrats." coach pants
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Old 08-30-2010, 04:58 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Million Tard March
Did the Al Sharpton event have that many at it? I dont think the tard that is ruining this country was at the Sharpton event. Im sure he was either golfing or on a vacation.
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:21 PM
Coach Pants
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I forgot only the blacks and supporters of blacks can be tards.
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Old 08-30-2010, 05:45 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Its funny how the media bashes Beck yet they have thier nose up O'Dumbass' cheeks. Does the media look down on Beck because he's not like the rest of the media? Sure looked like Beck had a nice crowd at his rally on Saturday. Im sure there was more than the 70000-80000 that one media source said was there. I heard our fearless leader is going to be on television tomorrow so he can brainwash the American public some more. Im not wasting my time tomorrow and getting lied to and mislead by the disgraceful Presindent. I love it when he is golfing or on vacation, I don't think he can ruin this country much more by being on vacation or golfing.
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Old 08-30-2010, 06:12 PM
Coach Pants
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It can get much worse.

Vote for Palin and make it so.
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Old 08-30-2010, 06:36 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Million Tard March
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Old 08-30-2010, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
Its funny how the media bashes Beck yet they have thier nose up O'Dumbass' cheeks. Does the media look down on Beck because he's not like the rest of the media? Sure looked like Beck had a nice crowd at his rally on Saturday. Im sure there was more than the 70000-80000 that one media source said was there. I heard our fearless leader is going to be on television tomorrow so he can brainwash the American public some more. Im not wasting my time tomorrow and getting lied to and mislead by the disgraceful Presindent. I love it when he is golfing or on vacation, I don't think he can ruin this country much more by being on vacation or golfing.
You're right, he's a terrible press indent.
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Old 08-31-2010, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
Its funny how the media bashes Beck yet they have thier nose up O'Dumbass' cheeks. Does the media look down on Beck because he's not like the rest of the media? Sure looked like Beck had a nice crowd at his rally on Saturday. Im sure there was more than the 70000-80000 that one media source said was there. I heard our fearless leader is going to be on television tomorrow so he can brainwash the American public some more. Im not wasting my time tomorrow and getting lied to and mislead by the disgraceful Presindent. I love it when he is golfing or on vacation, I don't think he can ruin this country much more by being on vacation or golfing.
You do understand that Banks and Big Business run this country, right? It doesn't matter who the figurehead is that occuppies the White House, the same bad deals for the general population = good deals for the elite.
Guys like Beck, Hannity, Olbermann, etc. are there to distract you from the truth and keep you fighting amongst each other while the big dogs pillage your village and rape the 'American Dream', so that they can continue the indentured servitude with your children and grandchildren.
"Yeah I'll just bump your post every year as a reminder. The racists won't win a title under Calamari. Tubby got you to the Elite 8 multiple times with FAR less talent.

He's a hack and you guys sold your soul for him. Congrats." coach pants
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Old 08-31-2010, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by otisotisotis View Post
You do understand that Banks and Big Business run this country, right? It doesn't matter who the figurehead is that occuppies the White House, the same bad deals for the general population = good deals for the elite.
Guys like Beck, Hannity, Olbermann, etc. are there to distract you from the truth and keep you fighting amongst each other while the big dogs pillage your village and rape the 'American Dream', so that they can continue the indentured servitude with your children and grandchildren.
Is that a different indentured servitude than the fate Mr. Obama is forcing upon your children and grandchildren -- namely a debt that will be so large that it never can be repaid?

Domestic Banks and Big Business will also be consumed by a debt owed to a foreign power like China, whose Communist goal is the takeover of the world. How convenient! It is unlikely that big business and banks are orchestrating that debt because they would not be so stupid as to be self destructive.

The real culprit here is the liberalism over the last 100 years that has given birth to income taxation, welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and many other bad ideas. The larger taxation fueled the spending, which was then raised to such a level, deliberately, where borrowing was necessary. Combine that with the fact that the social programs listed above have no disincentive to the recipients for being on them, and you have the mechanism of fewer and fewer earners supporting more and more dependents.

Obama and others of his ilk, promising voters "somebody else's money", are the core of the problem. Our only hope is to return the country to a state where the debt is repaid at a steady rate, eventually guaranteeing our sovreignty over the long term. And that requires that the social programs be curbed steadily going forward.
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Old 08-31-2010, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
Is that a different indentured servitude than the fate Mr. Obama is forcing upon your children and grandchildren -- namely a debt that will be so large that it never can be repaid?

Domestic Banks and Big Business will also be consumed by a debt owed to a foreign power like China, whose Communist goal is the takeover of the world. How convenient! It is unlikely that big business and banks are orchestrating that debt because they would not be so stupid as to be self destructive.

The real culprit here is the liberalism over the last 100 years that has given birth to income taxation, welfare, social security, medicare, medicaid and many other bad ideas. The larger taxation fueled the spending, which was then raised to such a level, deliberately, where borrowing was necessary. Combine that with the fact that the social programs listed above have no disincentive to the recipients for being on them, and you have the mechanism of fewer and fewer earners supporting more and more dependents.

Obama and others of his ilk, promising voters "somebody else's money", are the core of the problem. Our only hope is to return the country to a state where the debt is repaid at a steady rate, eventually guaranteeing our sovreignty over the long term. And that requires that the social programs be curbed steadily going forward.
Obama is just another in the perpetual line of misleaders that include the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan.
Banks and Business will never be consumed by debt owed to anyone. They are already in bed with the Red Dragon!
Just think, when good, decent manufacturing jobs where taken away for the middle/lower middle class and sent to the Asain, slave labor camps - who made it happen? Banks and Big Business.
And to sell the American public on the idea, they said the 'U.S. worker demands to much money and we can't keep prices low,' so they moved overseas. And quess what? Prices didn't go lower, they didn't even stay the same, because the big dogs on top were busy raking in even more cashola.

'100 years of liberalism', or 20 years of Reaganomics - it's all the same. Liberals, conservatives, etc.. these are just propagandic labels that have been forced down your throat to keep you devisive to one another, so that you don't see what they do behind your back.
You have been sold a bastardized version of the 'American Dream'. They give you a little crumb of the pie and convince you that you are satiated and content, while they go behind and take all of the cherries for themselves.

Greed is the reason we have this situation today.The powerful only crave one thing- more power!

'Obama and others of his ilk' - This includes all politicians. They are tools, and try only to be career tools for the money grab. They do not care about you, only your vote. And they will not allow this country to return to any semblence of the one you have been sold your entire life, that genie left the bottle a long time ago and took sovreignty, and all the cherries, with it.
"Yeah I'll just bump your post every year as a reminder. The racists won't win a title under Calamari. Tubby got you to the Elite 8 multiple times with FAR less talent.

He's a hack and you guys sold your soul for him. Congrats." coach pants
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Old 08-31-2010, 10:54 AM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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Originally Posted by otisotisotis View Post
Obama is just another in the perpetual line of misleaders that include the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan.
Banks and Business will never be consumed by debt owed to anyone. They are already in bed with the Red Dragon!
Just think, when good, decent manufacturing jobs where taken away for the middle/lower middle class and sent to the Asain, slave labor camps - who made it happen? Banks and Big Business.
And to sell the American public on the idea, they said the 'U.S. worker demands to much money and we can't keep prices low,' so they moved overseas. And quess what? Prices didn't go lower, they didn't even stay the same, because the big dogs on top were busy raking in even more cashola.

'100 years of liberalism', or 20 years of Reaganomics - it's all the same. Liberals, conservatives, etc.. these are just propagandic labels that have been forced down your throat to keep you devisive to one another, so that you don't see what they do behind your back.
You have been sold a bastardized version of the 'American Dream'. They give you a little crumb of the pie and convince you that you are satiated and content, while they go behind and take all of the cherries for themselves.

Greed is the reason we have this situation today.The powerful only crave one thing- more power!

'Obama and others of his ilk' - This includes all politicians. They are tools, and try only to be career tools for the money grab. They do not care about you, only your vote. And they will not allow this country to return to any semblence of the one you have been sold your entire life, that genie left the bottle a long time ago and took sovreignty, and all the cherries, with it.
Excellent post
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Old 08-31-2010, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by otisotisotis View Post
Obama is just another in the perpetual line of misleaders that include the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan.
Banks and Business will never be consumed by debt owed to anyone. They are already in bed with the Red Dragon!
Just think, when good, decent manufacturing jobs where taken away for the middle/lower middle class and sent to the Asain, slave labor camps - who made it happen? Banks and Big Business.
And to sell the American public on the idea, they said the 'U.S. worker demands to much money and we can't keep prices low,' so they moved overseas. And quess what? Prices didn't go lower, they didn't even stay the same, because the big dogs on top were busy raking in even more cashola.

'100 years of liberalism', or 20 years of Reaganomics - it's all the same. Liberals, conservatives, etc.. these are just propagandic labels that have been forced down your throat to keep you devisive to one another, so that you don't see what they do behind your back.
You have been sold a bastardized version of the 'American Dream'. They give you a little crumb of the pie and convince you that you are satiated and content, while they go behind and take all of the cherries for themselves.

Greed is the reason we have this situation today.The powerful only crave one thing- more power!

'Obama and others of his ilk' - This includes all politicians. They are tools, and try only to be career tools for the money grab. They do not care about you, only your vote. And they will not allow this country to return to any semblence of the one you have been sold your entire life, that genie left the bottle a long time ago and took sovreignty, and all the cherries, with it.
Dude you are way to intelligent to be posting here
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Old 08-31-2010, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by otisotisotis View Post
Obama is just another in the perpetual line of misleaders that include the Bushes, Clinton, and Reagan.
Banks and Business will never be consumed by debt owed to anyone. They are already in bed with the Red Dragon!
Just think, when good, decent manufacturing jobs where taken away for the middle/lower middle class and sent to the Asain, slave labor camps - who made it happen? Banks and Big Business.
And to sell the American public on the idea, they said the 'U.S. worker demands to much money and we can't keep prices low,' so they moved overseas. And quess what? Prices didn't go lower, they didn't even stay the same, because the big dogs on top were busy raking in even more cashola.

'100 years of liberalism', or 20 years of Reaganomics - it's all the same. Liberals, conservatives, etc.. these are just propagandic labels that have been forced down your throat to keep you devisive to one another, so that you don't see what they do behind your back.
You have been sold a bastardized verision of the 'American Dream'. They give you a little crumb of the pie and convince you that you are satiated and content, while they go behind and take all of the cherries for themselves.

Greed is the reason we have this situation today.The powerful only crave one thing- more power!

'Obama and others of his ilk' - This includes all politicians. They are tools, and try only to be career tools for the money grab. They do not care about you, only your vote. And they will not allow this country to return to any semblence of the one you have been sold your entire life, that genie left the bottle a long time ago and took sovreignty, and all the cherries, with it.
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