Leftist Lies Go Down In Plames
The two-year leftist circle jerk has ended with an anti-climax ...
... as the smarmy Whispering Joe Wilson and his horse-faced "secret agent" Vanity Fair co-conspirator have been exposed for the grasping, social-climbing liars that they've always been. And the vile Adam Colin Powell and his deputies in treason ... have been exposed as the duplicitous cretins they've always been. What a sad day for the leftists ... dreams of frog marches have turned into nightmares ... as they suddenly realize there'll be no scooter for Fitzmas. Where does this leave all the lying leftists ... like Chuck "The Superschmuck" Schumer, Pinch "Punch Me" Sulzberger, Chris "The Blabbering Bottle Blonde" Matthews, and all the fellow-travelling leftists on their screaming-meemie blogsites ... including those on this site? If they had any sense of shame ... they'd cravenly apologize and crawl back under their rocks ... but being a leftist means being incapable of shame ... so they'll just scoot on to their next fantasies of lies. |
I havn't heard the term circle jerk in AGES! It kind of cracked me up!
Now that we know how he spends his Friday nights...is the Saturday cluster f-ck still on? On Sunday...is the crack still up? |
I must have missed it. What is the news?
They sure won't tell you. Two certified leftist "journalists" ... David Corn and Mike Isikoff ... have written a book which confirms that the "secret agent's" name was revealed to Bob Novak ... by uber Bush-hater and traitor Dick Armitage ... who also concurrently informed his boss ... the equally traitorous weasel Adam Colin Powell ... ... with both of them clamming up for over two years while Cheney, Rove, Libby & Co. were falsely accused of a conspiracy ... and hounded by a vicious, partisan prosecutor ... who ... ... who also knew over two years ago that Armitage was the leaker ... yet who still enriched himself with millions of taxpayer dollars "investigating" a crime which he knew never happened. Think you'll read about this in Punchy Pinch Sulzberger's phony rag ... or hear about this from Bottle Blond Matthews on his seven-viewer hit series ... or see Chucky Very-Schmucky Schumer hold a press conference? Do you think all the lunatic lefty bloggers .. who wanted Rove to be frog-marched and tried for treason for revealing the name ... will now want the same things for Colic Powell and his licker Dicky? Fat chance ... there is no shame in Leftyville. |
I just haven't been paying attention lately, preoccupied. I remember Matthews was red-faced and screaming every night for a year about this. They were all sure that this was the big one that would bring down Rove. There was virtually a resignation watch on him. I guess the revelations in this book aren't going to get the same wall-to -wall coverage now are they? |
reminds me of a story about an author and his book. guy wrote a book based on the premise that not too many colonials actually owned guns, that there never was much of a gun culture. i remember all the gun control people lauding him, celebrating his 'study' that disproved the notion that every guy in america grabbed his squirrel rifle and went to fight the redcoats.
oh...and then they found out he made it all up, and completely ignored all the hard evidence contrary to his theory. of course that part didn't get much press at all! he just kinda disappeared.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
I suggest you take a little look into Tom DeLay's little problem in Texas. The guy that "fights to the end" quit for many good reasons. |
Didn't Armitage work in Dubbya's administration? I wonder where he got the information. Hmmm, my guess is that he didn't read about it at townhall.com. |
... there was no crime ... none whatsoever ... not even by the slimey Powell and his creepy lackey ... so Rove and Libby have done nothing ... nothing criminal. Whispering Joe Wilson and his crappy broodmare fantasized the whole thing ... and all you lefties bought all the lies ... and ... ... as predicted and expected ... have not a drop of shame or embarrassment about it. You're still ranting about Rove, Libby, and DeLay ... and have not a word to say about Armitage or Powell ... who performed the very acts you once avowed were treasonable. Your phoniness and hypocrisy are exquisitely blatant ... but there are no surprises in that either. |
... their lust for power knows no limit ... and they'll do anything to get it. |
Jeezusssss. Nothing illegal. You dont know half of DeLay's problems. Dont have anything to do with the CIA crud. Libby has his hands in everything including the baby food. And Richard Nixon never did anything illegal either. Roiiiggghtttt. God help you. Open your eyes. |
... he still hasn't said a single word about the gross lies and distortions he promulgated night-after-night for two years against completely innocent men. It's on to the next vicious whacko smear job ... without missing a beat. |
... the more your hypocrisy becomes even more evident. I once thought you were simply wrongheaded ... but your reaction to this reveals you as a mindless kool-aid drinker ... who cares not a whit for truth, decency, honor or integrity. As of this moment ... I am through dealing with you ... you're ineducable, unspeakable, and insufferable. |
It gets tiresome dealing with people who read what they want, and cannot understand true complexity involved with political situations. Inflexible, concrete set minds are very tough for me to deal with so ... Good Day or Night. And good luck to you. |
Props for spelling "hypocrisy" correctly. It gets mispelled a lot. So does "mispelled," for that matter. |
And props for BB (whoever he may REALLY be... hint, hint) for bringing up the Armitage/Plame thing, even if he only talked about half the story. This might help clear up the confusion: Tim Grieve from Salon writes:
<<Plamegate, or the truth about Dick A report that Richard Armitage leaked Valerie Plame's identity to Bob Woodward and Robert Novak answers one of the big outstanding questions in Plamegate. But does it suggest, as at least one right-wing blogger argues today, that the entire investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame has been much ado about nothing? Hardly. As we said this morning, what we seem to have here is two separate, albeit related, paths by which Plame's identity was exposed. Richard Armitage appears to have leaked to Woodward and Novak either as a slip-up or as a gambit in intra-administration, protect-your-flank politics. Scooter Libby and Karl Rove leaked, collectively speaking, to Novak and Judy Miller and Tim Russert and Matt Cooper as part of what Patrick Fitzgerald has called a "concerted effort" to "discredit, punish or seek revenge against" a critic of the president's war in Iraq. If two people run the same red light at about the same time, one because he's distracted by his cellphone, the other because he's driving the getaway car after a bank robbery, the coincidence of their actions doesn't make them part of the same crime syndicate, nor does the relative innocence of the one have much at all to do with the guilt of the other. Which is to say, the fact that Armitage leaked Plame's name -- carelessly or for his own political purposes -- doesn't tell us much at all about the existence of any conspiracy among Dick Cheney, Libby and Rove. So when will we know more about that? Fitzgerald isn't under any obligation to issue any final report on his investigation. So unless Libby actually goes to trial -- that is, if a pardon or a plea deal doesn't cut the proceeding short -- we may never learn much more from the office of the special counsel. The civil suit Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson have filed could lead to some compelled testimony by Cheney, Rove and Libby, but that's by no means a sure thing, and the judge assigned to the case is already showing some annoyance with the Wilsons and their legal team. That pretty much leaves journalists and historians, and we don't have high hopes for either right now. Unless something spectacular happens down the road -- and we're talking here of something on the scale of the indictment of the vice president -- we're betting that the mainstream press treats Plamegate as old news from here on out. (So far as we can tell, for example, neither the New York Times nor the Washington Post has said a word about the Michael Isikoff-David Corn Armitage story yet.) Iraq may be the dominant theme of this election cycle, but the way in which the Bush administration took the country to war there is only part of that story, and Plamegate is, in turn, only a substory within that part. We think it's a pretty important part, but reporters and editors could well decide that it isn't one that resonates all that strongly with readers. According to a Gallup poll out today, 40 percent of Americans either don't know who Karl Rove is or don't know enough to have an opinion about him. Yes, it's a chicken-and-egg problem, but is it any wonder that John Mark Karr will get a hell of a lot more airtime than Dick Armitage does this week? As for history? We're not holding our breath. If unreleased White House documents shed any further light on the vice president's role in Plamegate, the Bush administration has already done everything it can to prevent the public from ever getting its hands on them. It's hard to imagine Libby or Rove ever coming clean, at least so long as their futures as free men or their careers in Republican politics are an issue. Cheney? Forget about it. As U.S. News and World Reports is reporting, the vice president is apparently cooperating with an author on an authorized biography. The author? Stephen Hayes, the Weekly Standard writer who, as Think Progress notes, has made a cottage industry out of spreading the administration's false claims about Iraq. The most surprising thing Hayes has learned about his subject so far? That Cheney is a strong advocate for the "'softer side of the Bush doctrine, advocacy of democracy.'" >> Can I just say.... FORTY PERCENT OF AMERICANS DON'T KNOW WHO KARL ROVE IS?????? We are so doomed. The Chinese are so going to take over this country... |
This story is all over ... Cheney, Rove, Libby, Gonzales ... all of them ... were completely honorable and completely vindicated ... ... and all the hate-Bushers ... including ... but not limited to ... Fitzgerald, Wilson, Plame, Powell, Armitage, Schumer, Matthews, and all the loony leftist bloggers .. including Mr. Grieve ... have been completely discredited. The only thing remaining ... will be the vengeance of a small percentage of the voters who pay attention to these things ... against the slimy leftist liars. |
... but the word is spelled "misspelled" ... ans misspelled "mispelled." |
If only you were as smart on politics as you are about spelling... Oooh! Set up! Walked right into it! Ah, c'mere you! Big kisses, you crazy ol' Randite! |
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