Originally Posted by ateamstupid
I tried to play Redemption Song but I suck.
Use the keyboard! Try again, you don't suck
If you push the button, it records. It gives you the little URL that you can post (as above) to play back the recording.
Here's what someone who knows what they are doing can do: (Here comes the Sun by Beatles)
A quick Google search will yield many people that have put together keystroke combinations to play a number of famous songs. PCMag Creative Director Chris Phillips, who also happens to be a musician, has successfully put together the opening to "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles.
After toying around with the Doodle for a while, Chris figured out which keys corresponded to which notes. The Doodle works on all four rows of the keyboard starting at 1, Q, A, and Z. On the A row through the semicolon, you can play an octave plus two notes. With that knowledge, Chris set out to play something memorable. A Beatles song was a logical choice.
Starting on the A-row, the left plays fifths on A and G. The right hand comes in with ; K L ; K ; L K H ; L K J. For a moving bass line during the melody, the left hand plays F A F A G S G S. The right hand then plays H J K L ; K L ; K ; K L ; K L ; K L ; K ; L ; L K. Then there's a switch to G H K L G K L G K L G K L G K L J A J. A chord comes in with A D K ; and then the left hand bass is A G (x4) F A (x3) S H (x2) A G (x2) F D S A G. A D K ; is the final chord.
Click here for the resulting Doodle version of the tune.