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Old 08-14-2012, 09:00 PM
Thepaindispenser Thepaindispenser is offline
Tropical Park
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Posts: 270
Default Democrats disgraceful Medicare lies

Obama campaign head Jim Messina blurted out a disgusting lie when he said that Ryan's plan,"would end Medicare as we know it." Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Romney would force seniors to "choose between Medicare and means." Of course the truth is that Ryan's plan wouldn't affect anyone over 55 years old and his plan gives people under 55 the option to keep Medicare.

What makes these lies even more vile is that Obamacare had already gutted $741 billion dollars from Medicare to pay for other parts of Obamacare. That is just the beginning, as Obamacare's expenses escalate we know where Obama will go for more money, right into Grandma and Grandpa health benefits. It is Obama who is pushing elderly people in wheelchairs over the cliff.

Distorting someone's plans with filthy lies is bad enough, but trying to fool the American people that Obama's plan won't hurt seniors makes Obama a really bad person.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:45 PM
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if you are going to keep voting for the donkeys and elephants

don't complain.
Support your local Re-run or horse rescue organization.
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Old 08-15-2012, 06:26 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by richard burch View Post
if you are going to keep voting for the donkeys and elephants

don't complain.
it's like choosing between robby albarado and chad johnson for a boyfriend.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 08-15-2012, 07:18 AM
Thepaindispenser Thepaindispenser is offline
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Read more about Obama's lies about Medicare
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:12 AM
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...and more here:

DWS's mind-numbing regurgitation of half-truths and falsehoods illustrates the DNC's increasing desperation. Instead of ideas, their campaign is focused on generating fear within certain demographic groups, and telling dog stories.


Paul Ryan, on the stump: “Without a doubt, President Obama inherited a difficult situation. Here is the problem: he made it worse. We have seen a failure of leadership, a failure of leadership to get the economy growing, to create jobs, to get our spending and debt and deficit under control. What Mitt Romney and I are offering, the Romney/Ryan plan for a stronger middle class, is designed to get people back to work. It is designed to create jobs. If we get this economy growing like we know we can, we can create 12 million jobs in four years. Among those solutions we’re offering, our number one, make sure that we use our own energy because we have our own energy in this country. all of it. you have it all here in Colorado…. Last week when I was filling my truck up, it cost $100, and the only reason it cost $100 is because the pump cut me off at $100 because of the gas tank. Enough. We have our own oil and gas. We have nuclear, we have all of the above, winds, solar, coal, let’s use it. Let’s make our energy independence. Let’s create jobs. Let’s stop sending jobs overseas by buying oil overseas. You have the technology here, the wherewithal here, the oil and gas here.”

Joe Biden, on the stump: “THEY’RE GO'N' PUT Y’ALL BACK IN CHAINS!”

Mitt Romney, on the stump: “He’s for all the sources of energy that come from above the ground, none of the sources below the ground, like oil and coal and gas. I’m for all of the above, whether it comes from above the ground or below the ground. We’re going to take advantage of our energy resources to save your jobs, create more jobs, and, by the way, when we use our plentiful energy resources, our inexpensive carbon-based resources, you’re going to see manufacturing come back to America.”

Barack Obama, on the stump: “Governor Romney even explained his energy policy this way: ‘You can’t drive a car with a windmill on it.’ That’s what he said about wind power. ‘You can’t drive a car with a windmill on it.’ I wonder if he actually tried that. I know he’s tied other things to his car.”
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