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Old 10-17-2012, 08:04 AM
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Default Obamacare (A case study)

Phil Billy is a West Virginia transplant who worked as a union Iron worker for about 10 years from his 20’s into his 30’s. For reasons never explained the union kicked him out and from then on he was supported and insured by his wife, while supplementing his income doing odd jobs, always for cash, until six years ago when she died.

Phil Billy drinks in between cigarettes 24/7 but it’s mostly now done in his dilapidated eyesore of a house as he’s been ejected for life from most all of the taverns and restaurants in the county. His idea of exercise is his once a week trip down and up his driveway on garbage day. His idea of a nutritious dinner is two big macs, two large fries and a sundae or his words protein, carbs and dairy.

Phil Billy has no insurance as he can’t afford it due to the pre-existing conditions related to his liver, knees, hip and right shoulder. He also is chronically short of breath perhaps due to a suspected heart attack a year back. He admits all of his ailments are his own fault.

Next year or when Wisconsin sets up its mandatory exchange Phil Billy plans to get his own insurance. What do you suppose a policy for him will cost? How much will Phil Billy be responsible for on an annual income of 15-20K and how much will we pick up? And more importantly is how much will whatever insurance company he ends up with, and ultimately all of us, be on the hook for a double knee and hip replacement, rotator cuff surgery and God forbid by-pass or liver transplant?

How is passing on his costs to split among his friends what more among strangers fair? How many families will go without or in Obama speech, how many dads will be forced to go without pizza night for their girls because of his neglect? More frightening is how many more Phil Billy’s are out there?

Next year when you or a family member needs medical treatment; remember Phil Billy just may be in front of you!
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Old 10-17-2012, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Phil Billy is a West Virginia transplant who worked as a union Iron worker for about 10 years from his 20’s into his 30’s. For reasons never explained the union kicked him out and from then on he was supported and insured by his wife, while supplementing his income doing odd jobs, always for cash, until six years ago when she died.

Phil Billy drinks in between cigarettes 24/7 but it’s mostly now done in his dilapidated eyesore of a house as he’s been ejected for life from most all of the taverns and restaurants in the county. His idea of exercise is his once a week trip down and up his driveway on garbage day. His idea of a nutritious dinner is two big macs, two large fries and a sundae or his words protein, carbs and dairy.

Phil Billy has no insurance as he can’t afford it due to the pre-existing conditions related to his liver, knees, hip and right shoulder. He also is chronically short of breath perhaps due to a suspected heart attack a year back. He admits all of his ailments are his own fault.

Next year or when Wisconsin sets up its mandatory exchange Phil Billy plans to get his own insurance. What do you suppose a policy for him will cost? How much will Phil Billy be responsible for on an annual income of 15-20K and how much will we pick up? And more importantly is how much will whatever insurance company he ends up with, and ultimately all of us, be on the hook for a double knee and hip replacement, rotator cuff surgery and God forbid by-pass or liver transplant?

How is passing on his costs to split among his friends what more among strangers fair? How many families will go without or in Obama speech, how many dads will be forced to go without pizza night for their girls because of his neglect? More frightening is how many more Phil Billy’s are out there?

Next year when you or a family member needs medical treatment; remember Phil Billy just may be in front of you!
How about if Phil Billy goes to the emergency room and by law needs to be treated and also by law can't be released until he is well enough to fend for himself? Hospital needs to recoup those costs on other patients so they raise rates across the board. Health Insurers need to continue paying CEO's hundreds of millions in compensation so they raise your rates.

It sucks Dell either way but at least with "Obamacare" I can sleep at night knowing that if YOUR grandchildren get cancer they won't be turned down for coverage when your sons job is outsourced to China by Bain.
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Old 10-17-2012, 10:05 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
How about if Phil Billy goes to the emergency room and by law needs to be treated and also by law can't be released until he is well enough to fend for himself? Hospital needs to recoup those costs on other patients so they raise rates across the board. Health Insurers need to continue paying CEO's hundreds of millions in compensation so they raise your rates.

It sucks Dell either way but at least with "Obamacare" I can sleep at night knowing that if YOUR grandchildren get cancer they won't be turned down for coverage when your sons job is outsourced to China by Bain.
How many knee and hip replacements do they do out of the E.R.?

BTW Phil Billy doesn't go to the E.R. because he'd be responsible for the bill. He does still have an income and owns a home worth about 100K.
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Old 10-17-2012, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
How many knee and hip replacements do they do out of the E.R.?

BTW Phil Billy doesn't go to the E.R. because he'd be responsible for the bill. He does still have an income and owns a home worth about 100K.
Hoping that all goes well for you and your family going forward healthwise. I no longer despise your position in this. I pity you anyone going through life with so little empathy is a sad shell of a man.
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Old 10-17-2012, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Hoping that all goes well for you and your family going forward healthwise. I no longer despise your position in this. I pity you anyone going through life with so little empathy is a sad shell of a man.
Thanks btw my family and I have insurance. My extended family also include no one on food stamps or welfare unlike the President's. Of course we also help each other out from time to time unlike the President and his family. In fact I'd feel it to be a family obligation to help out if I had an aunt living in public housing. Especially if I had Obama money. So before you cast your empathy stones look at your President. Look at his donations to charity a few years ago (when no one was looking).

I pity anyone so blind they can't see this President wears no clothes!
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Old 10-17-2012, 10:59 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Thanks btw my family and I have insurance. My extended family also include no one on food stamps or welfare unlike the President's. Of course we also help each other out from time to time unlike the President and his family. In fact I'd feel it to be a family obligation to help out if I had an aunt living in public housing. Especially if I had Obama money. So before you cast your empathy stones look at your President. Look at his donations to charity a few years ago (when no one was looking).

I pity anyone so blind they can't see this President wears no clothes!
I'm glad you have insurance and you can be glad that you will be able to keep that insurance through a catastrophic illness.
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